I will not die!

Chapter 103

"get married? When did this happen! Guangyuan's shock was palpable.

Mu Qing smiled and said,"When you went on stage to receive the award, it happened to be the end of her wedding.""

A few days ago, in the tower dominated by the Suga family. Suga Yun was idly looking at Venus in the courtyard, but suddenly, he saw someone on the eaves of the courtyard stretching his arms and swinging from side to side, like walking on a tightrope. Walking in stride

"How did you get in?"Jian Yun asked Mu Qing

"Walked in."Mu Qing said casually

"Are you here to see my joke?"Jian Yun asked Mu Qing

"How could it be? I just came to meet my favorite dancer."As he spoke, Mu Qing suddenly showed an unsteady center of gravity, and then changed his position as he fell, standing firmly on the ground with his arms spread out, like a gymnast.

"What is a dancer?"

"They are people who specialize in dancing."Mu Qing even stood on tiptoes and turned around in front of Jian Yun to salute.

Jian Yun chuckled,"Then I should be the bride."

"Married woman? Oh, that seems like a good title."

Jian Yun didn't want to continue talking to Mu Qing and planned to go back to the room.

"Do you want me to help you call Guangyuan over and ask him to be your bridesmaid?"

"I don't know what kind of bridesmaid is, but I hope you can stop it"

"Are you ordering me...or begging me?"Mu Qing turned sideways and looked up at Suga Yun.

"So, you are here to humiliate me?"

"How could it be~? I just saw my beloved dancer being given away by someone else... I felt a little bit reluctant to let go."Mu Qing frowned and pretended to be compassionate.

"How about it, do you want to run?"Mu Qing asked

"My body has been restrained and cursed. Whether I want it or not doesn’t depend on me, but on others."

"Of course it's up to you, as long as you 'want', I can take you running."

Jian Yun laughed:"You take me? What's in it for you? And this is a marriage between two major families. Who do you think you are, able to fight against two major families at the same time?"

This time it was Mu Qing who laughed loudly:"Don't talk about the two big families, even the entire human race is nothing more than a swarm of insects in my eyes."

"All human beings, literally... all human beings……"Suga Yun hurriedly stepped aside and made a fighting posture,"Who are you!"

"You already guessed it, didn't you?"

"What is your purpose of approaching Guangyuan!

Mu Qing smiled evilly:"Shouldn't you care about yourself now? I'm living a good life now, so you don't need to worry about it.""

"No, this is impossible. God has never entered the tower before.……"

"Isn’t it already there?"Mu Qing spread her hands and said

"Aren't you afraid that I'll tell others?"

"If you don’t believe it yourself, do you think anyone else will? Mu Qing slowed down her tone,"Besides, what do you think I should be afraid of?" Isn't it you who should be afraid?"After saying that, Mu Qing disappeared with a smile. Jian Yun looked around, but found no trace of her. When he asked other people, they said they didn't find any suspicious characters, as if she had never been here.

However, although people disappeared, but her smile lingered in Suga Yun's mind. She knew that she would come again.

Sure enough, Mu Qing appeared again the next day, and she brought Guangyuan to participate in the competition. The news also told her that Guangyuan had defeated a half-child from other families.

Suga Yun naturally didn't believe it. For several months, Guangyuan couldn't even beat her. How could he suddenly defeat a half-child whose real strength was at the yellow level? But when he thought about it, There is a god beside him, and it doesn't seem so hard to believe.

In the next few days, Mu Qing kept telling Suga Yun the news about Guang Yuan, but Suga Yun just listened quietly and never mentioned his own affairs..

It was not until the eve of the wedding that Suga Yun finally spoke for the first time,"Although I still can't believe that you are really a god, thank you these days.""

"no need thank me?"

"Keep talking to me. Mu

Qing laughed dumbly:"Then dance for me. I like your dance.""

"Why do you like dancing so much?"

"I just like it, but there are many things I like, but most of them are not available in this world."

Jian Yun's body began to swing,"What is the world outside the Fighting God Realm like?"

"It might be better than this, it might be worse. not sure"

"Are all people in the outside world as strong as you?"

"I can’t say for sure, but there’s definitely no one as beautiful as me."

"Are there people like me in the outside world?"

"Are you like this?"

"A person who could not have given birth to me even if she had been pregnant from the mother's womb became my mother, and a person who was old enough to be my father was about to become my husband."

"There should be, the world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders"

"Do you know the blood sword in my family?"


"He was killed by a god, by his favorite god"

"I know this too"

"So, I hate God"

"Can understand"

"But I hate these people more than God."

At the end of the dance, a strong wind blew up in the entire courtyard. However, this wind could not be caused by the sealed Jian Yun, and the possible person was applauding... On the wedding day, Jian Yun was dressed up. Yun stared at the colorful ribbons on his hands in a daze for a long time.

After a while, his"husband" opened the door. He was a short and bloated man, because most of the food in this world is unpalatable, and hunting dogs Gods often fight, so there are very few such people.

In addition to being different from ordinary people in stature, this person also has many peculiarities in other aspects, such as incomplete and ulcerated teeth, dark sores on his fingers, and many other things on his face. Damn.

This man is a direct member of the Hong family. However, because of his low talent and lazy attitude, the people in the family dislike him very much. However, due to his status, they cannot just throw him away, so they simply hide him. Get up and never let him come out to meet people. This also led to him becoming what he is today. The reason why they chose to let him marry Suga Yun was simply because the four major families usually had constant friction, so they wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate Suga family, and obtain a dominant position in the marriage between the two.

"You are beautiful."This man, whose name Jian Yun didn't even know, said with a smile while holding a pile of bones stained with meat.


"Want some?"

"Who would eat such disgusting stuff? The man threw away the bone and said,"I know you hate me, but this is a decision between the two families, not me. Can you understand?""

"I know everything"

"Then you should also be able to understand that I did all this just because I had no choice but to do it."The man smiled and tried to get closer to Jian Yun.

But when he was less than one meter away from Jian Yun, Jian Yun suddenly pulled out the golden rose and stabbed the opponent with a spear, but the opponent noticed it very quickly and dodged it instantly.

"The old guys at home have tried to kill me by accident before, but none of them succeeded, hehe."

Jian Yun stabbed him a few more times, but was dodged all the time.

"Not to mention that you are sealed now, even in ordinary times, you may not be able to defeat me. I have lived for so many years, not just sleeping."The man suddenly grabbed the handle of Suga Yun's gun, and then used such force that her palm cracked and grabbed the spear,"They always think that I don't have the talent to be a god hunter. In fact, I'm just afraid of death. Obviously I don't have anything. Why should I risk my life and go out and work hard when I can get everything by doing it?"

The man saw the blood flowing from Jian Yun's arm and mocked:"Look at you, you are working so hard to become stronger, but in the end, you became stronger, is it useful?"

Jian Yun held the ribbon tightly,"Of course it works. Even if becoming stronger cannot change my destiny, it at least changes the process. This alone is enough."

"Whatever you think, I'm just here to do my job. If you want to hate, just hate those old people, or hate that bloody sword seeking death. It was them who made you change from a god hunter to a woman.~"

"What I am is not decided by you."Jian Yun said this calmly, and then put away the ribbon.

The man approached Jian Yun step by step and said contemptuously:"Aren't you going to resist?"

"No, I plan to fight until death. The man smiled with a smile on his face,"

Then I have to thank you very much. I like it."……"

The man's voice stopped suddenly. He looked down, only to find that he was looking at the floor instead of his belly.

You seem to be in a state of floating?

He wanted to turn his body, but he couldn't. He wanted to move his fingers, but he couldn't. He wanted to speak, but he still couldn't. All he could do was watch his eyes slowly turn red, while the woman in front of him He looked at himself with a slightly horrified expression.

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