I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 14 Enjoy the blessing, Warmaster

"The second step is the process of marching. We will send relevant painting staff to accompany the greenskins on their tour, and try to prevent them from accidentally hurting the empire."

Wei Mu continued.

"Accompanying? How to accompany? And why is the painting staff responsible for accompanying?"

Azrael was confused and couldn't understand the logic at all.

"After I wrote "The Book of Greenskins" for the kids to watch, I found that the kids liked this abstract illustration very much, so I borrowed a group of people from Governor Carl of Nord Star. Specially designed to draw frontline battle reports for the greenskins staying at the rear."

To put it simply, it is to create a "Green Skin Daily".

This is a new thing for the greenskins.

According to this kid's previous theory, the greenskins only care about combat matters. Showing them battle reports seems to be an effective way to control them.

"In addition, I also found that the greenskins like to do all kinds of graffiti. They think that painting the equipment red can increase the speed of the equipment, and painting it yellow can increase the firepower. This should be designed by the ancient saints back then. The ability to distinguish signs is just like how we here put skull labels on dangerous things and draw a red diagonal bar on prohibited things.”

"Later I asked the orc boys, why don't you paint yourselves with these paints, so that you can become fast and fierce? The boys replied, Xiami, you are stupid, of course because the paint is on After being applied on the body, the color will fade in a few days. Only wild boys would do this stupidly. This is normal, after all, the skin of orcs also needs to undergo metabolism. Then I asked again, isn't there something like tattoos that are afraid of fading? Then This opens a door to a new world for the boys.”

"Get... a tattoo?"

Azrael had a bad feeling. This kid must have done something terrible again.

"Yes, the green skin's learning ability is actually very poor. The skills they master are all based on the genome designed for them by the ancient saints. Technology like tattooing, which the green skin cannot master even if it takes a lifetime, can be used. Jam their necks."

"From the perspective of us humans, tattoos are completely dispensable, but it is different for green skins. Because of the existence of the power of thinking, green skins with tattoos are simply inferior to green skins without tattoos. dimension blow."

"Think about it, two gangsters are fighting on the street. You are covered in fine skin and tender meat, clean, but they are Zuo Qinglong, You Baihu, and there is a Guan Gong with open eyes on his chest. Do you think this fight can still be done? Do you want to fight? In terms of momentum alone, he is more than half weaker than others."

"We encourage the boys to tattoo their previous battles on their bodies. These tattoos are equivalent to their resumes and directly demonstrate their awesomeness. Anyway, after the orcs have fought in big battles, their bodies will also grow bigger. Basically Don’t worry about where the tattoo won’t be.”

"Now the Governor of Nord Star has sent a lot of tattoo artists to the green skin tribe on Wasteland. However, because there are so many green skins who want tattoos, the green skins treat these tattoo artists as treasures. In addition, With "The Holy Book of Greenskins" as a guide, the greenskins over there are completely in our hands."

"Also by the way, given the current situation, if you learn a tattoo technique, you will most likely be able to save your life if you fall into the hands of the greenskins."

Sure enough, after listening to Wei Mu's explanation, Azriel felt like the world was spinning and his world was shattered.

Who would have thought that the green natural disaster that even hundreds of millions of soldiers could not eliminate would be controlled by this guy with a group of draftsmen and tattoo artists in the end.

No wonder the Star God deceiver was able to deceive the Necrontyr out of his pants back then. Deception is indeed a profound knowledge.

In this way, after a series of guidance from Wei Mu, the Dark Angels gradually became able to understand the contents of the so-called "Green Sacred Book".

The main content of this book, to put it bluntly, is to guide the greenskins to fight other forces while avoiding conflicts with the empire as much as possible.

After completing the great achievements in the book, you can become the so-called green-skinned destiny savior! Entering the Eye of Terror, defeating the Chaos Warmaster and the Four Gods of Subspace behind him, he finally succeeded in preventing the doomsday, and returned to Brother Gomao with supreme achievements.

What makes the Dark Angels speechless is that the death of the Chaos Warmaster "predicted" in the "Green Sacred Book" was actually drowned in a pool of green-skinned poop after being defeated by the green-skinned savior. In a giant cesspool.

How wicked does it take for someone to do this?

Abaddon was also sitting at home, and the pot came from the sky, which was a bloody misfortune for eight lifetimes.

He obviously didn't do anything, but at the instigation of this kid, he was targeted by green-skinned natural disasters all over the galaxy, and they all wanted to stuff him into a manure pit and drown him.

What a fucking blessing, Lord Warmaster.

"That's not right... the final enemy you drew in this book is not Abaddon at all, let alone his two exclusive weapons, the magic sword Draconion and the Claw of Horus, even the symbol There are no sexy braids, is there something wrong?"

Seeing this, Azrael suddenly became nervous.

This is no small matter.

If the wrong person is fooled and the green-skinned natural disaster breaks out, who the hell will be able to withstand it?

"Are you stupid? Abaddon is only the second war commander of Chaos. After defeating him, there may be a third war commander of chaos and a fourth war commander of chaos... What will we do then?" Wei Mu scolded. , "So if we want to do it, we have to do it in one step. I deliberately blurred the image of the final enemy in the holy book, and instead highlighted the eight-pointed star symbol on the enemy. Do you know what that thing is?"

Azrael shook his head: "I don't know."

Wei Mu explained: "That thing is called the Supreme Chaos Mark. It is an artifact specially used to reconcile the power of the four gods. Only those who wear the Supreme Chaos Mark can withstand the power of the four Chaos Evil Gods at the same time, and can they be called true The eternal divine choice.”

Do you really think that Abaddon is so powerful that some Space Marines cannot even withstand the power of one evil god, but he can withstand four, and four mutually exclusive, powers at the same time?

All thanks to the Mark of Chaos.

So this kid is not only seeking benefits for Abaddon, but all subsequent Chaos Warmasters will receive this treatment.

If you want to be the leader of the Chaos side, you must have the Mark of Chaos, and you are destined to be remembered by the greenskins across the galaxy, and they will still be remembered in a way that they want to drown them in a cesspool.

Isn't this such a blessing?

Everyone present admired Wei Mu so much that they felt that their lives had been wasted all these years.

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