Wei Mu pestered Azrael and asked him to get him a self-defense device from the Dark Angel's secret arsenal.

He knew that these secret demons had a lot of black technology at home.

It was a rare visit to Dark Angel's hometown, and the other party was being unreasonable. If I didn't go in and make a fortune, I would be really sorry for myself.

Azrael actually refused Wei Mu's request at first, but in the end he couldn't resist him anymore, so he took him to the Dark Angel's weapons depot in person, and stipulated that he could only take three pieces of individual equipment.

Think of it as an investment.

The Wei Mu in the "wild state" can cause so much trouble to Chaos. It is already a profitable situation for the empire. Now that he is freed, it is nothing to subsidize him.

Looking at the dazzling array of all kinds of killing weapons on the shelves, Wei Mu had no idea where to start, whether they were cutting, shooting, knocking or smashing - just reading the descriptions of the weapons was too laborious.

So he directly asked: "Do you have a divine light stick here? I want something inside!"

Azrael was full of surprise: "What is that?"

Wei Mu put on a posture that was unique to Diga's appearance, and gestured: "It is a prop that can turn into a giant of light. With that thing, even a novice can fight against the Emperor Titan. However, the disadvantage is that it can only be used every day. Three strong minutes.”

Do you know what an Emperor-class Titan is? What individual equipment can be used against that thing? Return to the Giant of Light, why don't you transform into a magical girl?

Azrael immediately shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

So Wei Mu asked again: "In that case, I have to settle for the next best thing. Do you guys have a knight's belt here?"

Azriel looked puzzled: "The Astartes have a set of power armor. Why do you just want a belt? And that thing is not something you, a mortal, can use."

Wei Mu put on another set of Kamen Rider moves and said: "It's not the thing you wear, it's the kind that you can turn into a Kamen Rider by inserting a card on it. It's not only powerful but also very convenient. It's better than yours." The ceramic power armor that makes it difficult to go to the toilet is much easier to use."

Gan! You guys still know that this ceramic armor is inconvenient? Is there really such a good thing as you mentioned, but labor and management themselves can’t use it?

How to go to the toilet while wearing power armor has always been a very troublesome problem for Space Marines. There is still no effective solution - as a living creature, you can't help but poop, right?

Azrael shook his head again: "No."

Wei Mu then asked: "You should have the Lion King Sword and the Emperor's Shield here, right?"

Do you know what you are talking about?

The Lion King's Sword is for the original body, you can't even touch the hilt even if you stand on tiptoe.

Moreover, that thing fell into the hands of the fallen angel Cypher as early as when Caliban was bombed. We can't find it back even if we want to, so we can only disclose to the public that the sacred object is missing.

As for the Emperor's Shield, it was something I had never even heard of. Even if it really exists, how dare you, a weakling who can't even fight, to use the equipment of the Lord of Mankind?


"Then have you ever..."

"Shut up, don't ask, pick three things by yourself, and leave as soon as you finish picking!"

Azrael scolded, not planning to talk to Wei Mu anymore.

"Tch, you can choose by yourself. What kind of service attitude do you have?"

Wei Mu muttered dissatisfiedly, and then started wandering around in the weapons arsenal.

Even so, he really didn't know much about weapons and equipment, and Azriel didn't give him a testing ground to try out his firepower or anything like that.

Just when he thought he was going to break the pot and just grab a few things to finish the job, Jawa, the little man in robes who disappeared to nowhere before, suddenly came out and brought him three pieces of equipment.

One is a Force glove that can exert force from a distance, the other is a portable position shield for defense, and the other is a multi-dimensional space Rubik's Cube for storing items.

Although it's not a heaven-defying artifact - with Wei Mu's physique, he wouldn't be able to use it even if there were artifacts, but they are just right for him.

Especially the multi-dimensional space Rubik's Cube, which is just like the storage ring in fantasy novels. It is not very convenient to use to store things.

The little man in the robe has made great achievements.

Wei Mu excitedly high-fived Jawa.

When Azrael saw this scene, his face was full of resentment, as if the cabbage he had grown at home had been eaten by a pig.

"Are you satisfied? If you are satisfied, get out of here and don't let it get in the way of others."


"Are you done with this kid? Are you involved in blackmail?"

Azriel's eyes widened, looking like he was planning to eat someone.

Give him face and return the favor.

"Don't get excited. It should be okay if I bring you some food and drink, right? There are also vehicles. You can't run in the network tunnel on two legs when you go to the Black Library, right?"

Wei Mu quickly explained.

Azrael thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case.

"Well, I will agree to your request again. You will leave as soon as you get the supplies, and you are not allowed to cause trouble again."

"Look at you, you are still the leader of the founding legion, and you are the eldest son of the emperor. Even if I open my mouth to eat, how much resources can I eat? It's just three melons and two dates, and you still have to buckle and sosou, like A man?"

"You kid, don't give me a high hat. I won't be able to shut your mouth even if I get an advantage."

Azrael wrote the supply approval slip and slapped it into Wei Mu's arms aggressively. This slap almost sent Wei Mu away.

"My bones are too weak, I need to find opportunities to practice more!"

After saying that, Azrael left Wei Mu and turned around to leave.

It had been so many years, and Azriel, who had experienced all kinds of storms, thought that his spirit had long been transcendent and nothing could affect him anymore.

For Space Marines with long lives and endless wars to fight, humanity is a burden.

They must become callous or ruthless, or their souls will be riddled with holes in countless emotional traumas.

Therefore, the older the Space Marine, the more serious the loss of humanity becomes.

As a result, this kid was able to make Azrael's mood fluctuate again and again. Although he was very angry, Azrael unexpectedly felt that his numb heart seemed to be throbbing again.

Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing?

Azriel didn't know.

But one thing said, that slap slapped Wei Mu, and he felt quite good.

Wei Mu's crazy energy inevitably reminded Azrael of his own childhood.

He was only twelve years old at that time, and he had just heard that the Dark Angels were coming to their side to select new recruits.

All the boys in the tribe were called together to prepare for the ordeal - except him.

Because he is the only son of the tribal leader.

His father will eventually grow old and someone will need to take over from him to manage the tribe, so Azrael is strictly prohibited from participating in the selection.

But Azrael defied his father, and did so violently - he cracked his father's kneecaps and fled.

It was the middle of winter, and the tribe needed to migrate. There were no extra resources for those who were holding back, so the injury Azriel left for his father was likely to be fatal.

But the young Azrael did not hesitate, leaving his father's shouts far behind him.

As for Wei Mu, he fell to his knees on the ground after being slapped by Azrael, looking half-dead.

He lifted up his clothes and found a red slap mark on his chest.

This old boy didn't even let him make a few jokes, he was really ruthless.

The little men in robes surrounded him, checking his condition with concern.

Although my new boss is indeed very good at talking, his body and bones are too weak, so I must find an opportunity to give him a good practice.

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