I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 52 Noise Canceling Headphonesyyds

After sending away the senior who had completely regarded the student council room as a love consultation room, Ishigami closed the door.

He has a doubt

"Ours is obviously a serious student union room, but now it has become a gathering place for romantic leaders."

But when he saw the other three people in the student council room, he sighed.

Well, maybe the "love brain" here is very pure from the beginning, and this can attract strange people.

He glared at a certain pink man who was still playing with his cell phone and not working. But what he got in exchange was a smile that was still soft without any consciousness, which immediately made people feel like they were punching cotton.

Pack your own things yourself!

Fujiwara-senpai was doing crazy work as a love detective just now. Now she was tired and lost interest, so she just stuffed him with all the love detective equipment.

What an irresponsible senior. She also said that it is the assistant's duty to provide services to the detective. But when did she and Fujiwara-senpai become a detective and an assistant? Why didn't he know?

Although he complained, he still packed these things. Otherwise, according to the confused character of the senior sister, she would stuff one here and there, and I might have to buy a new one next time.

As for President Shirogane, he has recovered from the disappointment of "working in vain" and is discussing today's work with Senior Sister Shinomiya.

Ishigami took out his computer and wanted to sit on the ground against the wall and start coding, but Fujiwara-senpai walked over directly and took his arm to go to the sofa where she had just been sitting.

Unable to resist her willfulness, he had no choice but to sit next to Fujiwara-senpai.

Chika Fujiwara nodded with satisfaction, took out a piece from her snack, and put it directly to Ishigami's mouth.

"Here you go, Ishigami-kun."

"Are you going to feed me?"

Ishigami’s typing hand paused

Now he only needs to lower his head slightly to eat the snacks in Fujiwara-senpai's hand.

As if dissatisfied with his hesitation, Chika Fujiwara shook her green fingers, as if urging.

Faced with this urging, Ishigami lowered his head slightly, bit the snack in her hand, and ate it.

He raised his eyebrows, satisfied.

Seeing that the people next to her were obediently eating, Chika Fujiwara smiled even more and took out more snacks from her schoolbag.

"These, these, and these, let's eat together~"

By the time Ishigami finished what he was doing, the coffee table was already covered with snack bags, and more than half of them had ended up in his stomach.

Fujiwara-senpai’s feeding frequency is to feed him twice and eat once by herself.

He had wanted to say it since just now, but he never said it.

Fujiwara-senpai, something is wrong with you.

He couldn't stand this kind of loving look, like a mother looking at her child. He suspected that Senior Fujiwara had raised him as a son.

As for herself, she didn't know what kind of mood she was in when she went to feed him. Anyway, she was very happy.

If the happiness of eating snacks alone is 1, then the happiness of two people eating together is double.


But her happy mood did not last long.

The lights in the student union room flickered, followed by a huge thunder in the sky.

This means that the typhoon finally made landfall, and the heavy rain outside suddenly turned into a heavy rain. The lights were flashing just now, probably because lightning struck the lightning rod on the roof of the building directly.

Chika Fujiwara, who has been afraid of loud noises since she was a child, started to burst into tears, howled, and covered her stomach with her hands.


"The belly button is going to be snatched away!"

Ishigami didn't react at first. There is a legend in Neon that when there is thunder, the God of Thunder will take away the child's belly button, so he must cover it.

He looked at the panicked senior sister angrily and thought to himself

"You are already a mature adult, Fujiwara-senpai, why do you still believe these lies to children?"

Fujiwara Chika's exclamation frightened the other two people.

President Bai Yin looked at the sky where Razer was raging outside and said calmly.

"Thunder is so scary."

After hearing these words, Fujiwara-senpai stood up directly, but she still covered her stomach with her hands, and she retorted aggrievedly.

"Because it suddenly clicked, and then suddenly it clicked again, didn't it?"

“I’m really afraid of loud things.”

Chairman Bai Yin made suggestions

"Then just cover your ears."

As a result, Fujiwara-senpai directly escalated from feeling aggrieved to angry, and she had to say it loudly

"Cover your ears, why don't you cover your belly button?"

"And this simple truth can be figured out by just using your brain, right?"

After venting, Fujiwara-senpai, who had lost the ability to think, sat back on the sofa tremblingly.

"Because I want to hide my navel, Ishigami-kun, please help me cover my ears."


Ishigami smiled helplessly, Fujiwara-senpai is really a child.

He stretched out his hands to cover her ears to block the thunder outside, and at the same time gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingertips.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid"

"Senior, I'm here."

"No one can take away your belly button, not even the God of Thunder."

Senior Fujiwara felt her head being wrapped by his big hands. Only then did she realize what she had just said without thinking, and her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

Oops, Chika, you are such a big idiot. You are a girl after all and should be more reserved. You should obviously go to Kaguya-san, right?

Well, but since it’s already like this, there’s nothing we can do about it, so it seems pretty good.

Also, unlike Kaguya-san’s cold hands, Ishigami-kun’s hands are very warm.

Thinking of this, she whispered

"Thank you, Ishigami-kun"

Ishigami knew that Fujiwara-senpai was already embarrassed, because he could feel the warmth from her ears coming from his hands.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, pretending he didn't notice, leaving her some dignity as a senior.

Turning around to look at the two people on the other side

President Shirogane just said that the trams have been stopped due to the typhoon, but he still has to work.

Senior Sister Shinomiya's eyes lit up. If nothing else, she would be causing trouble again.

"Fujiwara-senpai, how will you go back later?"

Chika Fujiwara replied

"I just called a taxi. It should be here soon."

Ishigami nodded.

"Then let me see you off first."


Fujiwara-senpai, who had calmed down just now, suddenly couldn't calm down again, and her CPU even overheated.

Because sending her away means that you have to keep walking on the road with Ishigami-kun like this.

She was already very embarrassed just to imagine it, let alone practice it.

He held his stomach and walked in front, while Ishigami-kun covered his ears. The two of them had to walk on the road one behind the other.

Isn't this the same thing?

This. This.. is too exciting for her.

Ishigami looked at Fujiwara-senpai, who was blushing again, and knew that this senior was starting to have random thoughts again.

He put the headset around his neck on the head of the somewhat bewildered girl.

"Senior, give me your cell phone."

Ishigami paired his headphones with Fujiwara-senpai's mobile phone, clicked on her favorite song list in the APP, slightly increased the volume, and turned on the noise reduction mode.

"Look, it'll be okay this way."


Fujiwara-senpai listened to her favorite song, and the noise reduction of the headphones effectively isolated the thunder outside. My nervous heart suddenly relaxed,

She looked at the boy next to her who was smiling at her, and thought silently

The violent storm outside didn't seem to be scary.

Who knows how it feels on a thundering day, after one thunder has passed, you have to wait for the next one to die? Noise-canceling headphones are really yyds

There is another typhoon in Shanghai. Something unexpected happened yesterday. The chapter I worked so hard to code is gone. I have to rewrite it. I’m sorry.

Thanks to Ouyang Yanfeng for 2 monthly tickets

Thank you Wen Zijun for your monthly vote

Thank you Ling Shuangyue for your monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 20200708203432378 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to the little book boy passing by for the tip

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