I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 55 The Tiger in the Far East (Part 2)

Only five minutes into the battle, everyone was already so surprised that they were speechless, and questions kept popping up in their minds.

"Is that really human?"

"This is beyond the normal range."

"It's like a monster movie!"

They stood outside the arena, and the live broadcast of the 4K camera and the constant loud noises from inside shocked their hearts all the time.

The Minotaur warrior is 2.30 meters tall, and the Wakatsuki warrior is 1.93 meters tall. There was a certain height difference between them, but the Tigers exploded with the amazing suppressive power of the veterans, and they were evenly matched with each other.

The two people on the large screen looked like evil ghosts, and they collided and beat each other with eyes wide open. The roar of their fists was like the sound of a pile driver hitting the ground.


Everything seemed so fragile under the intense storm of attacks. Dust was flying, and the earth was torn apart.

The tauren warrior resisted several more punches from the tiger and took a few steps back.

"It's so embarrassing"

Ishigami patted his arm, which was already numb. His clothes were in tatters due to the high frequency of attacks from the opponent.

Only by confronting the Wakatsuki samurai can you understand why he is called "Tiger".

"If you are hit directly, you will be suppressed in one breath."

This is the evaluation given by most combatants who survived the battle with Wakatsuki samurai.

The origin of the name "Tiger" of the Wakatsuki samurai is based on the rapid and breathless attacks.

As long as it is rubbed, it will be seriously injured!

So Imai Cosmos, he can't believe his eyes now.

He has basically watched hundreds of Wakatsuki warrior battles, and no one has ever been able to withstand the uncle's swift attacks and counterattack as well as the "Tauren Warrior".

Ishigami simply tore off his tattered clothes, exposing his muscular upper body and letting it shine in the light.

Samurai Wakatsuki was not in good condition either. He was breathing heavily, his whole body was red and swollen, and some places were already black. But those resolute eyes were always staring at his opponent, the tauren warrior.

Ishigami looked at his opponent who was staring at him and chuckled.

"This uncle is really not built for nothing."

"It turns out everything written in the information is true."

He had seen the information about Samurai Wakatsuki. At first glance, he thought, what the hell, this is too outrageous.

It’s written in the first sentence, and it’s highlighted in red letters.

"Muscle fiber density far exceeding 52 times that of ordinary people"

It can be said that this uncle was born with divine power and came to this world with the blessing of God.

Wakatsuki Samurai's weight at birth was four times heavier than that of an ordinary baby. The normal birth weight of a baby is 3,000 grams, but his weight reached a terrifying 12,150 grams.

This abnormality was discovered after a doctor's evaluation. The muscle fiber density of the Wakatsuki samurai was 52 times that of ordinary people.

His strength far exceeds that of humans. He is commonly known as "Superman Physique". There are only a few examples in the world. His attack power can easily crush reinforced concrete. More importantly, even as you age, muscle fibers will not degenerate, and muscle strength will continue to increase with age.

At the age of 7, he had the strange strength to easily break special titanium alloys, and now this uncle is 40 years old, which is when he is in his prime and in the best condition.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying this man's power would be now.

"But this is the fun part!"

Ishigami's eyes widened, his eyes were bloodshot and began to flash with a scarlet light.

Just bend down and curl up slightly

An aura about him that was far more ferocious and cruel than the tiger aura of Samurai Wakatsuki suddenly swept across all directions.

He stood up slowly, and the veins on his rough muscles, like centipedes, had popped out and were moving wantonly, ferocious and terrifying, making people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

This is the second phase of his development, referred to as "Tier 2".

At this moment, Ishigami, who looked far more like a ghost than the terrifying Asura in the myth, stared at a pair of blood-red eyes and slowly breathed hot air from his mouth.

He grinned and spread his hands

"Uncle, the warm-up exercise is over."

"Let's start the second round"

There was a chilling atmosphere in the arena, and the air seemed to freeze.

When Samurai Wakatsuki faced this murderous intention, he even had the slightest idea of ​​retiring. The newcomers nowadays are so scary.

"Oh, I like to think wildly when I get older."

He shook his head, getting rid of this ridiculous thought.

The Wakatsuki warrior looked solemn and made a defensive gesture.


The next second, a huge force that even he couldn't match came and his whole body was forced to move.

This is an attack in which the tauren warrior tramples on the ground, bends his body to shoot out bullets, and directly waves his hammer-like fist.

"Bear Killing Fist"

This is the inspiration Ishigami got from Achun.

This heavy blow directly caused the Wakatsuki warrior in front of him to fly backwards for several meters with his hands to resist.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and knelt down on one knee. After enduring the previous attack, his hands had already developed large blood stasis and were swollen.

"This can't continue like this. I have to find the right moment to unleash that move."

Ishigami felt the power rising continuously in his body. Looking at the Wakatsuki samurai who was helpless, he smiled.

"What's wrong, uncle?"

"Stand up!"

"If you don't come over, I will pass."


Before he finished speaking, Ishigami disappeared directly from the spot.

This time it was not a simple attack with fists and kicks. He directly grabbed the shocked Wakatsuki samurai from the roaring stone. The two hands directly hugged his waist like iron pliers, imprisoning the tiger's body.

The huge body on the stone was like a cannon, rushing towards the wall made of titanium alloy.

white light flash

Only a dull and thick sound of "dong" was heard

The high-strength titanium alloy walls directly let out an overwhelmed wail.

There was even silence outside the arena, except for the sound of the screen turning into snowflakes and rustling due to the powerful shock wave.

Today’s second update

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