One person and one history rushed back to the arena, which was just the right time to step on the spot.

After hurriedly entering the aperture, God P's eyes looking at Li Pu were still a little unpleasant.

In short, it is a very strange feeling, [Tai Chi Tree] seems to be my own, but it doesn't seem to be my own.

But if it's jealousy, it's not.

It can only be said that human beings are more deadly than human beings, and sometimes God is more powerful than human beings.

"This round, what cards do you want to play?"

Li Pu's question interrupted God P's thoughts.

"Speaking of this, boo!"

P God suddenly came to the spirit, as early as after the successful implementation of the second round of tactics, it had some ideas.

"Show you my alternate cards for this round, boo."

With that said, it revealed the deck to Li Pu.

This time, there are more cards than the number of cards revealed in the previous round.

In addition to that new batch of fusion cards, there are also some of the strong cards it has historically had.

After all, it is the last round of the big fight, and the strategy of hiding identity does not have to be carried out to the end.

In the mid to late game, pulling out your strongest deck will actually increase your win rate.

As for Li Pu, the same is true.

He not only planned to use all the means, but also thought about the relevant tactics.

In order to obtain the 2W5 divine power, he must do his best in this game.

"How about these two?"

So he stretched out his hand and pointed to the two non-fused old cards in the P-God deck.

They are [Xuanfeng Snow Girl] and [Arcane Insect King].

"You boy, boo."

When P God saw it, he immediately showed the expression of "Squinting Eyes".

"I thought about it with this god, boo."

It felt that Li Pu and himself were indeed quite in tune at the poker table - they were both equally despicable.

Next, Li Pu discussed with God P.

The third round of the chaos was all about hard power.

So they plan to have a more regular formation than their first two rounds.

The first is the four front row cards, which is very important.

The front row of cards can play a role in protecting the back row to a large extent.

Because there is actually a concept of range in the cube card, if there is an enemy unveiling and blocking in the attack direction, some cards that can only be attacked by melee means cannot pass the enemy's unveiling.

Often, the attack power of melee cards is slightly higher than that of long-range cards.

This is also why front row cards are important from a defensive perspective.

So in the end, they picked two of P's new fusion cards, one of which took up two slots.

Coupled with Li Pu's [Scorpion Palace], they formed the first line of defense.

The front row cards are usually the first to be revealed. In order not to be exposed prematurely, we can only choose new fusion cards that are unfamiliar to everyone.

Li Pu's [Scorpion Tail Palace] has not yet appeared on the empty island.

And it's fleshy and non-threatening, so it's suitable to be revealed in the early stage, and it is not so easy to attract hatred.

As for the second row, most of them are used to place function cards in regular layouts.

In this line, there are Li Pu's [Self-Exploding Human Insect] and [Transparent Cards], as well as [Arcane Insect King] and [Taiji Tree] of God P.

The last row of regular cards is often referred to as the bottom row.

Most of them have long-range attack methods, and they are very powerful attacking abilities.

In addition, this line is also the last line of defense to protect the trump card, and sometimes cards with strong survival defense ability are also placed.

In this line, Li Pu and P God also produced two pieces at the same time.

God P placed [Xuanfeng Snow Girl] and a high-scoring protection card, but Li Pu could only place [吭吭咣咣马] and another 0-point card in order to prevent the score from exceeding the standard.

So far, the 12 regular decks have a total of 132 points.

With only 1 point difference, the upper limit of the score of Super Smash Bros. 133 has been reached.

In the end, the ace row that was not included in the score was filled with all four vacancies by Li Pu.

The trump cards are [Thirteen Unity] and [Li Ren].

And [The Strongest Snail] and [Grass Man] can only be placed in the trump card row because of their special attributes.

Valley bite

All of his rare BOSS cards were used.

This set is quite luxurious.

Including the trump card column, there are 13 rare BOSS cards in total, accounting for 81.25%.

There are 6 from Li Pu, 7 from P God, half of each side.

Of the 16 cards in the entire lineup, Li Pu had 9 cards and P God had 7 cards.

It's not that Li Pu's cards are better than God P, but as the main player in the team, he will be more comfortable using his own cards.

In addition, many new fusion cards of P God were exposed in the second round, and the third round is not suitable for reuse.

After all, they didn't want to be discovered as the murderer who threatened everyone in the first round.

"Hahahaha, this time it's not to smash you bunch of waste gods."

After placing the cards, God P seemed very excited.

Strong, it can only say that the current lineup is really too strong.

Soon, the remaining 15 teams were also placed.

【jingle! 】

With a crisp sound, the game officially started.

"It's started, it's started, boo!"

"This third round will definitely be exciting!"

"That's right, especially since there are two public enemies this time, boo."

Whether it is a **** or a human being in the audience, their identities are the same at this time, and they are all cube card fans.

However, under the anticipation of the audience, the poker table was surprisingly quiet.

Unlike the second round, everyone's selection and unveiling in the first round was very slow.

The reason is actually very simple.

Because every team is struggling, worrying about what cards to play in the first round.

If it was the past, they would definitely have a wave to seize the opportunity.

In particular, today's third round has unprecedented access to two public enemies.

The existence of God P and God of Thousand Kings makes people very taboo.

It's better for everyone to play strong cards as soon as they come up, and then find out those two guys and kill them first.

But the mysterious self-destruction in the first and second rounds scared everyone.

In case the owner of the mysterious self-exploding card also got into the third round...

Then they started with strong cards, didn't they have it in their hands?

Everyone hesitated, but Li Pu was waiting for everyone to hesitate.

If you can't get on the [Self-Exploding Human Bug], of course, you have to preview it first.

The final result made Li Pu a little regretful.

With the exception of a few underpowered teams that wanted to give it a try, most teams conservatively revealed a relatively unimportant card.

Most people still want to watch the next round before they come up with new ideas.

In this regard, Li Pu can only choose to reveal the [Scorpion Tail Palace] as a Ow! 】

【Roar! 】


【Grumbling gurgling…】

【Om! 】

For a time, with the projection of various momentum on the poker table.

After the momentum lasted for nearly ten seconds, the mysterious explosion still did not occur.

In this regard, the team could not help but let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that the owner of that explosive card didn't make it to the third round.


next round.

Let's let go of the dry hands and feet.



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