If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 223 What is a National Team Shot (Tactical Backward)

As the magnifying glass scanned the paper, lines of fields began to appear in front of the eyes of the middle-aged man, and a strangely drawn-out tone came out of his mouth——


This sound immediately reminded Feng Xue of the "copper straw hat for fire extinguishing" in an ancient cross talk, but this one didn't come with a document, but picked up a pen and started writing quickly.

Feng Xue didn't try to get close to him, because he noticed that from the moment this gentleman took out the magnifying glass, all the staff members with obvious military temperament around them tensed up, and they would immediately enter a fighting state at the slightest sign of trouble. His posture made him understand how important the middle-aged man in front of him, or the magnifying glass in his hand, was.

In fact, it is not much different from what Feng Xue thought. Although the No. 22 treasure is only a treasure, in a sense, it is one of the most important magical items in the whole Yan Kingdom's strange talk strategy.

As an identification item, its effect is actually relatively general, but its biggest advantage is that it can see or even magnify "disadvantages".

Magical items are easy to use, but the negative effects they have are the real headaches, especially the negative effects of some items will not take effect immediately, but will have subtle effects until people realize it , I'm afraid it's hard to return.

For example, there was a magical item called "Cheats for Getting Rich" at the Shanghai Sub-bureau, which can attract wealth and wealth as long as you carry it with you. The longer the wearing time of the object, the wearer will gradually lose its humanity.

There are many, many side effects like this, so that every phantom object obtained by the Guitan Strategy Bureau will be sent to the General Administration first, and the relevant containment, storage, and use mechanisms will be formulated after the No. 22 treasure appraisal.

It can be said that the departure of Collection No. 22 from Beijing is a very risky matter in itself, but the Bureau of Guai Tan Countermeasures also understands that it is impossible to propose that [instructor] go to the headquarters.

After registering the general information of the "paper", the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, carefully put away the magnifying glass close to his body, and then signaled the custodian to put the paper in the safe.

"Mr. Feng, the handover has been completed, and the function is basically the same as you described. This is the receipt." The middle-aged man solemnly took out a receipt that looked like a pawn ticket. After Feng Xue confirmed that this thing is not a phantom or a phantom derivative , nodded and took it, and then said:

"When did that start?"

"It's tentatively scheduled for tomorrow morning. This is the contact information of the Countermeasures Bureau. If you have any supplementary details, you can contact me directly." The middle-aged man handed out a business card without a letterhead. Feng Xue took it with a smile, and looked at it. Put it in your pocket without looking.

Several cars left in a hurry, as if they had appeared without a sound. Until then, Liu Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the row of cars with lingering fear, and said cautiously and curiously:

"Master, what did they take away? The legendary strategy to destroy the country with one word?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. When you leave your teacher, you will know what you should know." Feng Xue rolled her eyes, picked up the quilt and wrapped herself up, saying "I want to sleep, Don't bother me" gesture.

Liu Qi could only express his "superior demeanor" about this, and then retreated under the pier, using his internal strength to dispel the chill, while imagining how the master planned to appear in front of others.


"How do you say he intends to 'show off his holiness'?" Not only Liu Qi, but also the Headquarters of the Monster Countermeasures Bureau who knew about this, the two branches of Xijing and Rongcheng, and the Luzhou Office are all thinking about this issue.

"Do you still need to think about it? The riverside is an important traffic road, and it can't cause casualties. He even asked us for an ambulance. Of course, it's the old-fashioned light work to cross the river! Maybe it's better to hold a car with one hand. The kind." Liu Yingqiang, as a martial arts lover, naturally gave an answer. Throughout the ages, martial arts novels always like to use this as a pretense [beep——].

In the final analysis, to prove that a person has high martial arts skills, besides actually asking him to fight, or to play a set of special effects with a wave of his hands, lightness kung fu is the most expressive thing.

What is holding a white elephant in one hand and crossing the river with a reed, what is carrying a thousand weights and stepping on the snow without a trace, what is holding a tripod with iron palms to float on the water...

Regardless of classical legends or modern comics or novels, letting a person carry a heavy object on the water is a visual effect that can express strength very intuitively.

Regarding Liu Yingqiang's statement, everyone felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but as time went by, a series of staff members still became nervous.


"Arrest arrest arrest..."

In the early morning, Feng Xue picked up Liu Qi who had been thinking about it all night and didn't sleep well, and started practicing martial arts by the river as usual. As the sky gradually brightened, the pedestrians on the roadside gradually increased, just like usual, Many people were attracted by Feng Xue's unruly temperament, taking pictures and posting to Moments in one go, but at this moment, someone noticed a little incongruity——

The national highway, which is relatively smooth on weekdays, is congested at this time, and there is still some time before the real rush hour.

"It's on, it's on, it's on..."

"Arrest arrest arrest arrest..."

The whistles of police cars and fire engines came simultaneously, and at the same time, several interview vehicles could be vaguely seen, but at this time the bridge was already quite congested, and the police, firefighters, and even the reporters had to walk forward.

"I'm Li Li, a reporter. I'm on the bridge of National Highway xxx. Just ten minutes ago, there was a car accident here. A muck truck overturned, causing the road to be blocked. At present, the police and firefighters We have already arrived at the scene. Fortunately, there seems to be no casualties, but due to the traffic congestion, we may not be able to clear it in a short time..."

The journalists stood on the crowded sidewalk. At this time, besides the communal animals rushing to work, there were also many onlookers who joined in the fun.

With the popularity of smart phones, more and more people take pictures of everything they see on the road, so that when reporters open their mouths to interview, strange things that are interviewed in reverse also happen from time to time.

However, because no one was killed, there is actually nothing to photograph at the scene of the car accident. After sweeping the overturned muck truck and the scattered gravel, the onlookers with their mobile phones planned to disperse , and the reporter, taking advantage of the time when the crowd was slowly dispersing, signaled the photographer Fu to start turning the camera to take pictures of the surrounding environment.

It was also at this moment that an extremely photogenic figure entered the camera.

Although he looked like a tramp, he exuded a peculiar aura all over his body, so that the moment any camera shot on him, he could no longer move away.

At this moment, beside the homeless man, an ambulance that kept making the sound of "Walking, walking, walking..." was parked at the end of the blocked road.

The homeless man didn't know what he said to the driver, and then, with the expression of "he's teasing me", he walked to the bank of the river with that funny large killer whale pillow.

What is he going to do?

Many people who noticed this scene couldn't help being a little curious, and then, the scene that broke the three views was staged...

ps1: There have been rumors about going to Colombia again. Is it really easy to get along with capitalists? A country with a history that doesn’t have a lot of homework, and a cultural heritage that is not as good as that of Dongguo, what can you do if you go there? Nee Hunter?

Also, Libra is an assassin organization! Don't you know why the eagle's nest is gone? Why doesn't the Mohist Ren Xia know about it? When I said that the scales will disappear as technology improves, I don’t mean that people with good technology will not suffer injustice, but that the combat effectiveness of Libra will not keep up with the times and will be wiped out if the technology is good, understand?

For officials, Wu is harmless, but Libra is harmful, understand?

A country with more than one billion people doesn't want the basic disk, so they go out to eat chaff and swallow vegetables, isn't it cheap?

ps2: About cheating, I have said many times, it is not a unique awesome thing, Infinity City has strange stories about manufacturing, they can make phantoms with their hands, but they tend to make a certain kind, and the protagonist is It's just random.

Compared with the output of creating ghost stories, the protagonist's is more unstable, and the advantage is that it can explode occasionally.

(To put it simply, I will throw 20-sided dice twice for each Dajian, one time determines the number of draws, and one time determines the upper limit of phantom objects. As for the attributes, it depends on the random elements. )

It’s not that the protagonist didn’t use cheats, but it’s impossible for me to write all the refining process. I was sprayed with water when I wrote the refining of key items. If I wrote it all, this book would basically be a phantom panel.

In order to ensure the reading experience, I can only take out a phantom when the protagonist uses it, and then write out its detailed effects. Others are at most just mentioned, unless there is a big hit.

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