If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 258 Please Cherish This 'Normal' World

I don't know if the government in this world is like this, or if this priest rushed to send away the "plague gods" Feng Xue and Lao Li. In short, only half an hour later, the two guides were delivered to them.

This so-called Lu Yin is actually a palm-sized piece of bamboo, on which some simple information such as face shape and height are engraved in a font similar to official script. The "Grandmaster Realm" still has other meanings, and on the back of the bamboo slice, there is a delicate imprint that looks like it was scalded with a high-temperature soldering iron, which probably plays the dual role of an official seal and anti-counterfeiting.

"What should we do next?" Feng Xue played with the Lu Yin in her hand, and looked at Lao Li with a playful expression.

Lao Li didn't care about it, he gently stroked the engraved words with his thumb, paused for a moment before saying:

"Go to the market and have a look."

At this point, he seemed worried that Feng Xue would not be able to react, and added another sentence——

"There are so many ingredients in the inn, it is impossible for this small county to be self-sufficient."

"I see." Feng Xue nodded suddenly. Although Lao Li often made mistakes after coming to this world, this way of solving problems is still worth learning.


"Brother, you are well-informed! Unlike me, I have lived on the mountain for more than forty years, let alone seeing the world, and I have never even touched a woman. It's hard to go down the mountain, and I don't even know the way... "

Sitting in the temporary camp, Feng Xue looked at Lao Li who was chatting with the owner of the caravan, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart for this guy's social talent, just with a few words enshrined by Xiaoer and the exorcist before, it was completed. Character creation, not only to get into the caravan by hitchhiking and providing security services, but even chatting with everyone in the caravan within two hours.

It is human nature to like to be flattered, and Lao Li himself has a little ability to hypnotize and suggest, which soon made the boss feel as if he had been intoxicated, and started the old man's bragging session——

"That's right, I also ran through the Yanzhou trade road back then. You don't know that the demon cult monsters over there are so cruel. Usually, seven or eight caravans gather together and hire the entire escort agency to escort them. To ensure safety, that is to say, I am old and have earned enough money, so I came back to take care of the elderly, and I want the peace of Sizhou!"

"Is Yanzhou still in such a mess now?" Lao Li actually didn't know what Yanzhou was at all, but this did not prevent him from saying this. Sure enough, the owner of the caravan immediately expressed some vicissitudes of emotion when he heard the words:

"In fact, Yanzhou is pretty good. At least the government can still make decisions. Unlike Qingzhou, since Tianya Pavilion was destroyed ten years ago, it has basically become the world of the Demon Sect. Even the Demon Sect can only send people Keep the border, that is, there is a hundred thousand mountains between Sizhou and Qingzhou, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the caravan owner seemed to realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he immediately said haha, and stopped talking about this aspect. Lao Li didn't ask any further questions, but just shook his head and said:

"Stability is a good thing, but the master asked us to go down the mountain to eliminate demons and guard the way. Who knows that we haven't even encountered a single thief these days. It's just a waste of effort! Brother, you are well-informed and know where the Jianghu people are. Is there more? To be honest, my brother, I am also greedy for life and afraid of death. I just want to show my face in front of my fellow martial artists. As for the ghostly places like Qingzhou, I don’t want to go.”

"You stopped me from asking this question, but if you insist, it must be Yangzhou! After all, that is the headquarters of the Acacia Sect. Other people from the rivers and lakes can live in seclusion in the mountains, and the Acacia Sect also lives in seclusion in brothels!"

The owner of the caravan obviously started pretending to understand, but Lao Li still maintained a flattering look and continued to say all kinds of clichés, while Feng Xue returned to the tent and planted his hometown tree in front of him. He put a bowl of water in the soil, and waited until the uneasy feeling faded away before he dared to enter the state of practice.

A night without words is dawn.

The law and order in Sizhou is so good that it makes people feel abnormal. I haven't even seen a bandit or bandit. Everything on the road looks extremely calm.

Feng Xue and Lao Li maintained this rhythm of traveling with a group. It took two full months and changed seven caravans before they could barely figure out the situation in this world.

This country is called "Chu", and there are 19 states in total. The closer to Zhongzhou, the more peaceful it is. Like Sizhou, which is close to Zhongzhou, the security is surprisingly good, and the closer to the border, the more peaceful it is. confusion.

Now, the land of three states has been occupied by demon cult monsters, and most of the rest are in a state of war. Because including Zhongzhou, the most core of Kyushu is relatively peaceful. attitude, I am afraid that the situation here is not much better.

However, most of these caravans are vague about what the so-called monsters are, and they are basically things like "eating children to practice kung fu", "full of pus", "incomparably ugly", "crazy bloodthirsty"... and so on. As for the description, Feng Xue felt that the credibility of this kind of description, which was obviously full of demonization and was almost like coaxing a child, was very doubtful.

But in general, he at least knows that this world—or this country to be precise—is different from the conventional world of martial arts, where famous and upright masters are not allowed to set foot in the rivers and lakes, and the devil sect is more like a rebellion religion, and the main members of the rivers and lakes in ordinary martial arts novels - Jianghu FITs seem to be extremely scarce in this world. On the contrary, the official demon division seems to have a large reserve of masters, and even every small town can match them. The level of four or five masters.

After obtaining these basic information, Lao Li and Feng Xue returned to the Tower of Babylon from Qingyuan County, and tried to buy information from the bartender, but the bartender had the world that satisfied these characteristics, and the catalog alone had more than two thousand pages.

"It's all right, let's make a decision, where to go next? Play on your own or continue to go together?" Feng Xue and Lao Li walked out of the door again, and the two people who had gone through a simple disguise stood on the plain street of Qingyuan County, Stand opposite.

Lao Li thought for a while, but did not give a direct answer, but said in a persuasive tone:

"There should be so much basic information. It is not something that can be decided through discussion. Why don't we write down the place we want to go and open it at the same time. If it is the same, then continue to cooperate. If it is not the same, we will continue to cooperate." Each play their own way."

Feng Xue thought about it, and felt that this was indeed the case. In the final analysis, strange talk is not something suitable for cooperation. The reason why she followed Lao Li was just to learn from the experience of the old predecessors.

Now, it is indeed time to choose.


After the words fell, the two wrote a word in their palms, and then, at the same time, spread it out to each other——



"Why Zhongzhou?"

"Why Yanzhou?"

My least favorite thing is to discuss data with people, because once you talk about it, you can see a lot of unnatural remarks.

For example, I said that the protagonist’s normal speed is only 100 kilometers per hour, and someone told me that Bolt’s instantaneous speed can reach more than 40km/h... You also know that is the instantaneous speed? You let him run for a minute to see!

There is also the force, when I talk about this thing, I am like the smart bird in the paradox... But this time I encountered even more outrageous...

You are counting "receiving force", as the name suggests, it refers to "endurable force", not "needed force", it is endurance, not explosive force, understand?

Take your example of an airplane. The force you calculate is the force that the airplane bears when it breaks the sound barrier. Corresponding to this force, consider the strength of the material, not the thrust of the engine, understand?

When a person breaks the sound barrier, the fist has to bear several tons of force, not that you can punch a fist that breaks the sound barrier with a few tons of force, understand?

Or to put it another way, install a fist-sized ram on the front of the dump truck, and hit it with full power. The fist will have more than ten tons of force, right? But did it break the sound barrier?

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