It was still a dark teleportation, but it seemed to be longer than usual. When Feng Xue woke up again, she unexpectedly found that her hand sank. When she looked down, she didn't know when there was an extra schoolbag.

There was a burst of noise behind her. Feng Xue turned her head and saw an open iron door not far away. On the top of the door were written "XX Higher Experimental Middle School".

"Is it mind blocking again?" Feng Xue looked at the vague "xx" and muttered in her brows, but compared to this, what he cared more about was the men and women who came out of the school gate.

They were dressed in classic blue and white sportswear, and each of them was carrying or carrying a large bag of books. They gathered in twos and threes, chatting and leaving.

Feng Xue stood alone in the middle of the road, suddenly feeling out of place.

"This style of painting feels a bit wrong! I don't know, I thought I had traveled back to my school days!" Feng Xue muttered softly, and stretched out her hand to swipe. Fortunately, the game panel came out——

Game Name: New Semester

Game Type: Survival

Mandatory task: Survive 135 days

Optional Task: Complete a semester of course work

Game information: In the golden autumn season, for some reason, you transferred to the full boarding XX Higher Experimental Middle School. According to the plan, you will spend an ordinary first semester of the second year of high school here.


"That's it?" Feng Xue looked at the game information, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, then she looked at the mirror by the side of the road, and couldn't help throwing out a bag of salt——

"It's a good thing I can pinch my face, otherwise, if another player in forty or fifty comes to school, he will be killed at the beginning of the game."

Although this is what he said, Feng Xue felt that if the game was really as he imagined, let alone forty or fifty, even those in their seventies and eighties would be able to sit in the class and attend classes.

"In short, let's investigate first."

Feng Xue looked at the shops on both sides of the road, and frowned slightly. Compared with the previous game where there were no living people except the players, there seemed to be too many "living people" here.

Although the school looks a bit old, it can be seen that there are traces of cleaning, and the shops on the roadside are also operated by shops. Compared with the haunted school, this place is more like an old city that is out of touch with the times.

Carrying her schoolbag and wandering along the street, Feng Xue quickly arrived at the air wall. After walking around the invisible wall, Feng Xue confirmed the scope of activities of this mission——

The center of the activity scene is the so-called Higher Experimental Middle School. Although it is called this name, it is actually not that big. There is only a playground covered with plastic turf, a three-story teaching building and a dormitory building. It is conservatively estimated that it can No more than five hundred students will be accommodated.

And outside this school, there is actually only one street where you can move. There are less than ten shops on both sides of the road, all of which are bungalows. They are basically stationery stores, milk tea shops and small restaurants. There is also one that mainly sells various tutorial books. There are no small bookstores, Internet cafes, bookstores, etc., let alone hotels.

"Tsk tsk, according to the conventional routine, the school should be full of all kinds of ghosts. The boarding system means that once you enter, you can never get out again. The only way for players to survive should be not to go to school. The few shops in the periphery According to the students, as the game progresses, the ghosts in the game will become more and more sophisticated, so now I am afraid that even the few shops outside are not safe... No, they should have been in the past... It’s not safe, after all, the shop owner is probably not a human being.”

Feng Xue thought about the basic routine of the game, but she didn't feel worried. She randomly found a corner and opened her schoolbag to check.

There are a lot of things in the bag, which is in line with what a high school student needs to go to school.

But besides the books and homework, Feng Xue accidentally saw two sets of school uniforms, which saved him the trouble of pinching the school uniforms according to his classmates.

Taking out Santa's furoshiki and spreading it out, pouring all the contents of the bag in, Feng Xue began to check one by one. First of all, it is certain that all items are not fakes or phantoms.

The book should be freshly printed, with a smell of ink that has just been unpacked, and the workbooks are also those kind of old big books, and the quality is a bit worrying.

Feng Xue picked up a copy of "Mathematics 3" and glanced at it, but suddenly frowned. It wasn't because of the poisonous textbook or something, but mainly because of the stamp printed on it, which said——

"Approved by the Ministry of Education in 1999"

"Is there a problem with the timeline?" Feng Xue reached out and took out her mobile phone from her pocket. Although there was still no signal, the automatic synchronization date clearly showed 11:33, August 31, 2001.

"I thought it was to prevent students from becoming addicted, but it turned out to be simply because there are no Internet cafes and bookstores in this era?"

Feng Xue tidied up his things, but he couldn't find what he wanted most.

Although the sense of existence of that thing is almost non-existent for high school students, it is an indispensable thing for ghosts, especially campus ghosts.

Yes, that is the student code, or school rules.

Although this school is far from the level of the ghost story of the rules, and you can't even see the fire of the ghost story at a glance, but considering the situation of the big-headed ghost before, it should be certain that the ghosts here need to meet the rules to kill people.

But now that there is no rule book, it is a bit difficult to predict the rules.

"I really don't want to brute force it!"

Feng Xue sighed, and decided to follow the normal student rules first.

It's not that he deliberately suppressed himself, but mainly because in his heart, this game has become his property, no one can open the door with an ax at home, right?

"First of all, as a student, stationery must always be ready. Well, for ordinary players, this should be the first hurdle. After all, the timeline is 2001. Giving them new money may trigger the rules as counterfeit money. "

However, this is not a problem for Feng Xue's [money printing machine]. He quickly finished the stationery, even in order to avoid "must use 2B pencil to fill in the answer sheet", "must use blue and black ink to write the test paper", " You must use a red pen to correct homework" and other rules, he bought a set of all the varieties he could find.

In the same way, although he may not be able to write, in order to avoid the problem of being unable to go out to buy in the whole boarding system, he also purchased all the reference books and exercise books that can be used in the second year of high school, as a person who came out of the era of introversion. Juan Wang, he is very familiar with all kinds of rules that the school can think of.

After stuffing all kinds of big and small bags into his pocket, Feng Xue was a little surprised that he hadn't hit a ghost yet, but after thinking about it, all he had left was to sigh——

He didn't run into a ghost, not because ghosts didn't kill people on the first day, but because all his actions were in line with what a new semester student should do. Then, on the other hand, will those players who don't do this be punished? attack?

"Good guy, isn't this a bit exhausting?"

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