If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 560 Don't let the big shot know

【grass! really? 】

【grass! really? 】

【grass! really? 】


A series of homogeneous barrages drowned all other normal barrages, and the surge in numbers was enough to show the mood of the audience at this moment.

Alfred also froze, then immediately turned around and said:

"How do you sell this meat?"

"200 Ming coins per gram." The young lady pointed to the sign above the trading window, which clearly marked the price of the meat, as well as the discounts given for bulk purchases such as one catty, two catties, and five catties.

"How much do you need to eat to achieve the effect of rebirth from a broken limb?" Alfred pointed to the person who grabbed the mechanical arm and walked out. After hearing this, the young lady took out a form from somewhere, and pointed at the text on it while saying :

"Theoretically, the flesh-replenishing effect of optic flesh is 1:12, that is, every kilogram of optic flesh can recover 12 kilograms of human flesh, but different parts of bone, muscle, fat, internal organs, nerves, etc. need different energy for recovery. , plus if you have a certain disease on your body, the disease will be treated first, and the actual operation will be slightly less, but there must be a ratio of 1:9. If you only have one head left, then you need seven It takes kilograms of visual flesh to recover."

[Exaggerated, exaggerated! 】

[Isn't this thing going through the digestive system? How to eat with only one head left? 】

【If I replace the entire digestive system with a bionic organ, what should you do? 】

[Maybe someone can directly penetrate the brain-blood barrier? 】

[Don't make trouble, that thing is not glucose! 】


Seeing that the barrage resumed from the rereading state, Alfred also asked:

"It must be eaten as meat, right? If there is no stomach, how will it work?"

Hearing Alfred's question, the young lady replied very calmly:

"Actually not. In extreme cases, optic meat can be used as a dressing for external use. It can permeate through wounds or mucous membranes and reconstruct limbs. It's just that it is delicious in itself, and it can be taken orally faster. It does not affect the effect, so everyone generally eats it directly.”

"That is to say, this thing can cure all diseases?" Alfred's expression trembled slightly, and the young lady also nodded, but added:

"To be precise, the flesh can cure all injuries caused by exogenous factors, but it can't do anything about the lesions at the genetic level and mental diseases."

[Where does the genetic disease come from these days, there is no real child who can't afford the money for genetic modification, right? 】

[That’s right, genetic diseases were completely eradicated twenty years ago. As for purely endogenous mental illnesses, they are rare in themselves, okay? 】

[It seems that only cancer can't be cured, but cancer can be cut directly, can't you just eat this after cutting it? 】


The young lady's introduction did not slow down the atmosphere, but led to a rapid increase in the discussion in the live broadcast room. Alfred thought for a moment, then turned and left the Tai Sui Palace.

"Qubing actually treats diseases, but with this level of healing ability, I seem to understand why it is in an illegal area."

[Mengxin doesn't understand, why? 】

【Why? Because you are afraid of being seen by big companies? If those big companies know about it, they will pass the technology over in minutes! 】

[That's over, the anchor's live broadcast iron has been exposed, should I buy some and save it now? Even if you can't afford Shirou, the previous Dali Wan sounds good. 】

[Let's go together, I don't want this rotten prosthetic body for a long time! 】

The barrage became chaotic for a while, but Alfred secretly entered some ideas to guide the direction of the barrage, and walked towards the second store at the same time.

"Qubing Taisui Palace has already been there, I am a little curious about the situation of asking fate and finding the murderer, is it fortune-telling and buying the murderer?"

After all, he stepped into the Yi Suan Hall, but the picture was completely different from what the audience imagined.

The layout here is not the counter type of Tai Sui Palace next door, but similar to a library (referring to cyber library), in the center of the empty hall there are crystal balls floating in the air, without any human participation at all. .

The guests walked up to the crystal ball and put their hands on it, with happy or sad expressions, but they couldn't even see a specific guide.

Alfred thought for a moment, walked to a crystal ball, put his hand on it, and in an instant, a string of text was displayed on his personal terminal and the screens of all viewers——

"You have 127 years of remaining life, would you like to buy more?"

[Fuck, is it okay to buy a lifespan? 】

【real or fake? 】

[Maybe it's true? 】

[Isn't there a gambler who could gamble his life before? Maybe here is a ghost that can transfer life to others? 】

[It seems that there is really such a possibility when you say that. 】

[Is the meat-seeing ghost a meat-producing ghost? 】

[Only I noticed that the anchor can still live for more than a hundred years? 】


The audience's thinking was so divergent that before Alfred had time to guide, everyone had a reasonable explanation, so they said directly:

"What about the purchase price?"

"The lifespan of a unit is 60,000 Ming coins per year, and the minimum selling price is one month."

[Three hundred thousand a year? If those rich people know, aren't they crazy? 】

[Don't forget that the currency here is independent, credit points can be exchanged for 200 at a time, and there is a limit to the total amount of exchange per month. 】

[Then send 10,000 people in to exchange, the bosses have agreed, one person for a month or something. 】

[Speaking of which, why do you think that the boss will spend money to buy it instead of directly taking it into your own hands? 】

[Don't die? ! 】


"It looks like it's an unaffordable commodity. Heh, it's the first time I've found myself so poor!" Alfred made a self-mockery that seemed to be covering up something, and walked towards the Go to the next storefront.

The moment he entered the store, both Alfred and the audience in the live broadcast room fell into a sluggish moment.

If Tai Sui Palace is an old-fashioned small shop and Yi Suan Tang is a self-service library, then this Taibai Mansion does not feel like a store at all, because all the furnishings in this huge store are only a low table .

There are three boxes of different colors on the low table, one white, one red and one black, but I don't know what they do, but the all-round sense of oppression can affect the audience even through the screen.

And all the pressure came from a loose-leaf booklet in front of the three boxes.

Alfred frowned, looked around, and found that there was no one else, he couldn't help but muttered:

"There's not even a single person. Could it be that the clerk went to the bathroom?"

Even though he said so, he still walked to the low table, picked up the loose-leaf booklet, and opened it casually, only to find that each page was a form with words such as "name" and "age" written on it. , "address", "characteristics" and other words, there is also a small paper bag that says 'sample', glued to the page, and a place to paste photos.

At the same time, a solemn voice sounded:

"White seeks people, red punishes, and black kills."

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