If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 579 Crisis Surrounded

"Is this the consequence of smoking in the car, or are they smoking cigarettes from outside vendors?"

Feng Xue watched the smoke giant slowly dissipate, even the chill on his body was ignored for a moment, but then, the feeling that his body had begun to become stiff began to stimulate his spirit, allowing him to force his attention back on himself.

Quickly opening the back door of Car No. 6, Feng Xue twisted around and got in. It wasn't until the door was closed again that the spreading stiffness began to slowly subside.

"This low temperature is definitely not just a drop in temperature, it definitely has a special buff!" After checking Kamen Rider Xuanjun's internal circulation system and confirming that there was no problem with the temperature, Feng Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Using his internal energy to quickly restore his body to its best condition, his gaze also swept back and forth in the carriage. Compared to the soft sleeper, the hard sleeper carriage did not have an independent room, and the beds were only separated by walls.

To be honest, this kind of bed structure made Feng Xue feel very bad, not only because of its narrowness, but mainly because the two beds separated by a wall reminded him unconsciously of the prison in Jayston. 's cell.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on with Jaston. With his luck, maybe it has become a ghost story?"

When Feng Xue thought of this, she suddenly thought of Jaston who was thrown into the game world for experiments. She wondered whether she should go back and have a look later. But thinking about it carefully, Jaston had actually been there for less than a year. In such a short time, It's obviously not an easy thing to turn an ordinary person into a monster, let alone Jeston, who is a little lame in his brain.

Shaking his head to throw that great wisdom out of his mind, Feng Xue glanced at each passenger while continuing to move forward. Compared to the soft sleeper in the four-person room, there were all kinds of weird smells mixed here.

Turning on the air purification function of Kamen Rider, Feng Xue continued to move forward while scanning the air readings in his field of vision.

The reason why Feng Xue does not need to breathe but still needs to communicate with air is not because Feng Xue has any bad habits. It is simply because the smell, humidity, pressure and other parameters of the air are themselves part of a person's perception.

You may not feel it at ordinary times, but when necessary, it is often an important part of that spur of the moment moment.

With a flick of his finger, the forgiveness bell hanging on his waist made a shocking sound that seemed to come from the abyss. The sound waves rippled, and deep or shallow marks rose up in Feng Xue's field of vision.

"There are so many independent individuals?" Feng Xue's gaze extended towards the end of the car, only to find that at least one-third of the people in the car had absolution marks of varying shades on their heads.

Although there may be no sin at all, considering that two-thirds of the people in the car have never lied, or that every lie has been punished, Feng Xue would rather believe that they are all hypocrites. .

But if you think about it this way, the remaining one-third of individuals with the mark of forgiveness are worthy of consideration.

Is it a real person from the outside world?

An individual weird story similar to Lin Jiaxin’s?

Without any means of verification, he did not intend to think too much about this. He just walked quietly through the carriage, and from time to time looked at the person with the pardon mark above his head.

The carriage section soon ended, and Feng Xue saw the smoker again at the link between the carriages.

At this time, he deeply suspected that these smokers were actually trigger traps. There would be no problem if you left them alone, but once you got close, the smoke monsters on them would activate.

Otherwise it’s hard to understand why I bumped into a guy smoking twice in a row.

He activated it again and jumped over the link, and the sound of chewing and tearing flesh and blood appeared again.

In his heart, he was cursing that this strange story was too rough, but his eyes couldn't help but look at the ice that had started to spread towards the link.

"The snow is getting heavier and heavier!"

The uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious. Although he felt that after a seven-day drive, he would not lose his ultimate move on the second day, Feng Xue still felt that the word "danger" had risen above his head.

Sure enough, just as he was escaping from the cold again, a figure appeared in front of him——

It was a flight attendant pushing a cart and wearing a pure red uniform.

She approached slowly with light steps. The disgusting smell on the cart made people want to avoid it.

An alarm bell suddenly rang in Feng Xue's heart. At this moment, he even had the same feeling of death as he had when he faced those delivery girls before.

He wanted to avoid interacting with the green-skirted flight attendant like he did before, but at this moment, the flight attendant clearly looked like he was targeting him and walked up step by step.

The cold buff at the train connection had not dissipated yet. Feng Xue only felt a stiffness all over his body. He could not even reach out and grab his cloak.

As if aware of Feng Xue's attempt to escape, the flight attendant was even more impatient. In an instant, he came to a position less than three meters away from him. While approaching the cart with unknown contents, he showed a gentle and business-like expression. Smiling:

"Sir, how can I help you?"


Just when the two sides were about to come into contact, Feng Xue's figure suddenly disappeared. The flight attendant's original smile froze slightly, and then as if nothing happened, he resumed his stiff posture and pushed the cart to the link between the carriages. , took out the large black garbage bags and piled them at the door.

The cold wind slowly seeped in, and the garbage bag gradually became covered with frost. Then, after about a minute, it was completely broken into ice slag and blended into the ice that seeped in from the windshield interface, making the connection between the carriages more stable.

"Phew, it's so dangerous! Um, why is it a little crowded?"

After completing the teleportation, Feng Xue felt the narrow space. Before she could react, a harsh scream sounded in her ears.

Immediately realizing that she had teleported directly "behind" a person lying on the bed, Feng Xue immediately tugged on her cloak and entered an elusive state, getting out of this embarrassing dilemma.

At the same time, a flight attendant in blue uniform hurried over, looked at the screaming passenger and said:

"Passenger, what happened?"

"Just now, uh, no, maybe I had a nightmare, I'm sorry." The passenger was about to say something, but suddenly found that there was a simple bed board under him, his expression couldn't help but become a little stiff, and he could only give a perfunctory excuse.

Feng Xue, who had just returned to reality from the shadows, secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said happily:

"The teleportation of the Oath-keeping Appearance does not require any forward movement, otherwise you may have to hand over the tomb..."

Regarding why Lin Jiaxin has no pants...

Someone didn't get it.

First, the gangsters opened fire and the color of Lin Jiaxin's skirt changed.

Then, the gangster called the flight attendant to clean up, and the flight attendant confiscated all the "dirty things". It was mentioned specifically at the beginning of Chapter 576, which was also the reason why Lin Jiaxin backed down.

So, do you understand?

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