If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 594 Ten Years of Nightmare

Tianlin City always seems a bit noisy at night, even at midnight, the streets are still brightly lit.

But all this excitement does not belong to the workers, who have already gone to sleep.

The cage-like apartment is like a charging station, replenishing the necessary but not sufficient physical strength for the parts that have been working for a day.

But just when I didn't want to put in the effort to turn over, a voice suddenly sounded——

"You are the fake one!"

With an exclamation, the woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties jumped up from the bed, dazedly wiping the sweat from her forehead, but her eyes quickly turned from dull to focused.

"It's that dream again? But it seems different this time?"

Lin Jiaxin rubbed her chest, trying to recover quickly from the heart palpitations caused by the dream.

Ever since the car accident ten years ago, this nightmare has been tormenting her. Every night, she would return to Tianlin City Station, get on that train, and then die for various reasons.

As one of the survivors of the K7 train accident, she felt like she had been trapped in the seven-day journey.

It was obviously just an indulgent trip after graduating from college, but it became the source of her nightmare.

I thought that time would be enough to dilute everything, but as I dreamed about it again and again at midnight, the experience of those short seven days, from train robbers, terrorists, heavy snow and road closures, to the final scene where almost 90% of the passengers were wiped out. The car accident did not fade away at all. Instead, it became clearer and clearer due to the baptism of nightmares. Even later, even the trash cans, car windows, train attendants, and the birds flying outside the window became lethal. Full of strength.

Even details that should not have been noticed originally began to emerge, even the shape drawn by the slurry that exploded from Xu Ruyi's head that was crushed by the overturning of the train, and even the fishy-sweet smell The smells are so clear.


Lin Jiaxin, who subconsciously recalled those details, felt a sense of nausea welling up in her heart. She rushed into the bathroom as usual and retched violently. Until the memory faded slightly, she turned on the faucet, picked up water and started to rinse her mouth.

"Whirring whirring……"

Her violent breathing was as heavy as a bellows. She raised her head and looked at the face in the mirror that looked a little gloomy but had no change from ten years ago. Her expression was still solemn.

For a woman, ageless appearance seems to be a pursuit that is worth everything, but she does not like this "gift".

"Maybe like those people on the Internet said, my time really stopped ten years ago."

Lin Jiaxin frowned slightly as she looked at her face, which was already over thirty but still without a single wrinkle.

She had seen this face for ten years, but today, it seemed a little strange again.

"Why do you feel better looking?" Lin Jiaxin frowned, trying to tell herself that this was just a psychological effect, but as a person whose face has not changed in ten years, she would never have the slightest misunderstanding about her face. .

"The eyebands have become lighter, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, and the bridge of the nose has also become narrower...is it the weird dream today?"

Lin Jiaxin stood in front of the sink, carefully looking for changes in herself in the mirror, and at the same time couldn't help but think of today's absurd dream.

Compared with the old dreams in the past where the process was basically fixed although it changed every time, tonight's dream was particularly weird. Not only was there an extra man in the private room with only three women, but also there was a man who just took the business card. The strange process of being sent to school.

Although it is normal for a dream to suddenly jump to another scene because of a thought, in the past ten years and more than 3,600 nights, Lin Jiaxin's nightmare has never left that train.

And today's dream became weirder as it progressed. For example, there were suddenly many more versions of herself in the carriage, but after she woke up, she still remembered each of her own perspectives. That feeling was like It is as weird and absurd as arguing with yourself about who is fake.

But what was even weirder than these was that during the second half of the train, she actually turned into a man! Not only did he have that kind of thing happen with the bed-pressing female ghost at night, but he also stuffed a whole car of passengers into sacks, and even transformed into a Kamen Rider, broke into the locomotive, hijacked the train, and even cast spells!

"Why do you think this is a strange dream that only an adolescent boy has?" The more Lin Jiaxin recalled it, the weirder her expression became, but a pair of eyes that were originally dim due to neurasthenia caused by long-term nightmares began to shine slightly.

"Could it be that this change is a sign that I am gradually getting out of that nightmare?"

Lin Jiaxin's face even began to show ecstasy. She reached for her phone and made a call regardless of the fact that it was midnight.

She was not the only survivor of the car accident that year, but everyone gained an ageless appearance after that, as well as nightmares that would come on time every night.

In the past ten years, there have been many people who could not bear the torture and committed suicide, but all of these people survived, but only just alive.

General paralysis, vegetative state, ischemic necrosis, even hunger strike can only make myself skin and bones...

Lin Jiaxin shudders whenever she thinks of those people who tried to commit suicide but ended up lingering.

This has even led to many outrageous remarks on the Internet. Some people say that they have actually died long ago and are now just a bunch of zombies. Others say that they are living for the more than 200 passengers who died. After consuming more than 200 passengers, they are still alive. People will not die before their lifespan. Even Lin Jiaxin herself cooperated with the medical school's research, but except for a reward that would prevent her from working as hard as a social animal, she did not get any results.

"Hello? Xiao Lin? What's the matter?" The phone was connected, and listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Lin Jiaxin immediately said:

"Sister Wang, did your dreams change tonight?"

"Did you also dream about other things?" The person called Sister Wang asked subconsciously, and then both of them fell into a brief silence. It was not until more than ten seconds later that Sister Wang said:

"Wait a minute, I'll ask the others. If we count the time, everyone should be awake by now."

As survivors of the same disease, Lin Jiaxin and the others naturally kept in touch, but Sister Wang's word "ye" revitalized Lin Jiaxin's numb spirit.

"Is the curse really going to be lifted?" Lin Jiaxin poured herself a glass of water, trying to calm her somewhat excited heart, and at the same time, she was prepared for possible disappointment.

However, just when she lowered her head and glanced at the water glass subconsciously, she was shocked to see another figure next to the blurred reflection of herself in the water glass.

That was a man, a man exactly like the one in his strange dream tonight!

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