On this occasion, the cameras are all staring, and everyone must be more friendly. So those beautiful young girls applauded one by one, cheering for Meiyue, “Come on!” “Don’t cry!” “Meyue, come on!”

With the comfort of the instructor, the whole picture It seems to be happy and harmonious.

I dont know, I thought it was an emotional adjustment program.

Or… Singing is better than miserable show.

Under everyone’s comfort, Mei gradually stopped crying. Then he showed his talents for the mentor.

The video stopped here abruptly.

Su Yang retracted his gaze, looked towards Void, and asked Little Di, “Is this the video of the Meiyue show?”

Little Di replied in Su Yangs ear, “Yes. Master.”

Su Yang suddenly remembered that Young Lady at the front desk a few days ago seemed to have said that “101 Creation Camp” was broadcast on the 2nd day. But I was busy the past few days, so I forgot.

Su Yang asked Little Di again, “How about Meiyue’s follow-up?”

Little Di said, “It’s very brilliant. Penguin Pictures also gave Meiyue as agreed Enough shots, her affinity, and the feeling of being silly and cute are all coming out.”

“This video was sent by an UP master at station B. It’s very popular, all on Its popular. Everyone likes Meiyue, this little cute.”

Speaking of which, Little Di wanted to laugh a little, “However, the barrage is all condemning the owner.”

Su Yang has a question mark on his face, “Despise me? Why?”

Little Di said, “Because everyone thinks that you put too much pressure on her that made this lovely girl fall apart. And I also feel that you are deliberately drawing a pie to seduce her, just to put her in the show.”

“Now you have become a synonym for the black boss.”

< p>Su Yang:…

Is he actually a black-hearted boss?

I really think that Meiyue will become a first-line star! You know that Little Ha can smell Meiyue’s potential not inferior to Han Yi!

Su Yang feels so wronged!

My own good boss who supports employee development has become a black-hearted boss, then…what are some people?

Maybe “seeing” Su Yang’s depression, Little Di stole said with a smile, “Master, they can’t find your farsightedness now. After the United States becomes more famous, they will I know how foresight you are.”

Su Yang twitched his lips, “Then I dont know if its the year of the monkey.”

But that being said, but Su Yang is right about this Public opinion actually didnt care much, so he changed the subject and asked, “Yes. Meiyue is so lovable, how did it rank later?”

Previously, the program team had already sent the competition system and rules to I have cooperated with various partners, so Su Yang knows that this program divides the trainees into four ABCD groups, with 11 people in Group A, which is the final debut quota. Group B 20, Group C 30, Group D 40. The lower the ranking, the harder it is to debut.

Speaking of this, Little Di was a little confused, she hesitated for a long time, and said to Su Yang, “That…not ideal.”

Su Yang asked, ” 11th?”

As the last in the debut group, Su Yang felt that it was not ideal: it was very dangerous after all. It is easy to be overtaken.

Little Di coughed cutely twice, “Um… even lower.”

Su Yang was surprised, “I didn’t enter the debut team? Is it in Group B? “

Little Di, “Master… even lower.”

Su Yang:…

Still low?

101 people, 11 people in group A, 20 people in group B, 30 people in group C, and 40 people in group D. Group B is already ranked around 30, and it is already difficult to make a debut. Is it in Group C?

Su Yang asked, “You wont be in Group C, right?”

Little Di is no longer on sale, “In Group D.”

Su Yang: …

Group D! ?

The worst group?

I want to make a debut, harder than scaling the blue sky!

Even if it is the first place in Group D, there are 60 places away from the debut group.

This group is placed in the pyramid, which is the group of people at the bottom.

Thinking that Meiyue climbed a little bit from the bottom to the top, standing among the 11 people in Peak. Su Yang felt desperate for a while…

Is this possible?

Especially Meiyues psychological quality is so poor!

Su Yang feels absolutely impossible!

Thinking about this, Su Yang said to Little Di, “Come on. Tune out this variety show for me, I will take a look.”

“Okay. Master.”

Little Di is running very fast now, it only took a few tenths of a second, and a screen popped on Su Yang’s face.

Su Yang adjusted his sitting posture, it looks like this first issue of “101 Creation Camp”.

I have to say that this show is worthy of being the trump card program that Penguin Films spent 600 million to build. The entire show, whether it is stage, stage, video or props, is now a leader in online variety shows. And far more than other variety shows. It’s unreasonable not to be hot.

With emotion, Su Yang watched the whole show.

Soon, after watching a program, Su Yang fell into deep thought.

The layman sees the excitement, the insider sees the doorway.

Although Su Yang is not an expert in the film and television industry, he has several companies related to the film and television industry, so Su Yang has gradually understood some rules of the film and television industry.

For example, variety shows, even if they are competition or draft variety shows, ranking and winning or losing are not that important.

There is only one important criterion for this variety show: acting.

What is acting?

There are many shots, and the guest or trainee has shown his own characteristics.

This kind of characteristic is manifested in the lens, let the audience discover: Huh? This person is interesting. Or, hey, this person is very stupid.

This is the play.

After watching this episode, Su Yang found that although Meiyue’s overall performance was terrible, and a lot of jokes, other trainees and mentors were not optimistic. But it is obviously the most important trainee in the program group.

Su Yang analyzed the performance of the entire program of Meiyue. Although he doesn’t know exactly how Meiyue’s performance is, he can see the routine of the program group from the editing: creating Meiyue’s girl next door, Cinderella personality. Let her improve step by step and make her debut.

The route of variety shows is actually inseparable, relying on guests to go out of the circle, driving the topic, making the show popular, and then driving the guests again through the show.

Mei Yues personality is also very easy to operate. Fans: Fans knew Meiyue and supported her when she was not popular, so as her growth (ranking improvement), Will get a positive feedback and like ido even more.

This is the biggest selling point of developing variety shows.

So after watching the variety show, Su Yang was relieved.

Su Yang feels that this arrangement is better than he imagined. Meiyue at first came directly to the debut position, which is more in line with Meiyue’s personality. It seems that there is great power in the planning of this show.

While sighing with emotion, Su Yang turned off the screen, and then continued to practice his acting skills with peace of mind: the actors under his hands are going to be popular, and I have to work hard!

Soon, the morning passed, Su Yang called Pan Zhaodi to the villa for a meal at noon, and then… asked Pan Zhaodi to drive him to the crew.

The crew is in a film and television base in Shanghai. This is just one of the shooting locations of “Wandering Planet”.

The shooting project of “Wandering Planet” is too vast. In addition to Shanghai, there are also shooting locations in Qindao and Hengdian. Mainly because these places have some ready-made scenes that can be photographed.

Other scenes that did not exist and needed to be set up were all set on Qindao.

No other reason. Mainly…cheap.

There is an emerging movie capital in China. The policy is inclined and the price is relatively low.

When I came to the Shanghai Film and Television Base, Su Yang asked Pan Zhaodi to follow the address given by Guo Fan.

When I got to the place, I got out of the car, Wu Feng was standing at the door and calling.

Seeing Su Yang getting off the car, Wu Feng raised his hand to say hello to Su Yang, and then hung up after a brief chat.

Su Yang walked over and asked, “What’s wrong? How about welcoming me?”

Wu Feng smiled and punched Su Yang in the shoulder, “Stop narcissism. Nothing. Seeing me on the phone.”

After finishing, he explained, “Our sequel is almost settled. I dug a special action guide from Hollywood to shoot “The Matrix “Its awesome. Its done. When I finish filming here, Im ready to make the preliminary preparations.”

Su Yang said, “Your work efficiency is too high. Everyday Not to mention filming, there is still some spare time to build a crew. The time management ability must be very strong.”

Wu Feng laughed and punched Su Yang again, “You can black me out.”

The two walked in while chatting.

When he came to the studio, Su Yang saw Guo Fan shooting a special effects shot.

The actors on the green screen were tossing there, obviously there was nothing, but he was acting as if they were avoiding danger.

Su Yang slightly nodded, I feel that this actor’s acting skills are good.

Wu Feng said with a little emotion, “Now with the development of science and technology, movies have become more and more different. We used to have to make real shots. Only real shots can make real Things.”

“At that time, no physical performance was just a way to practice acting.”

“Now there is a green screen…No physical performance has become a must One item. Otherwise, there is no way to make special effects films.”

Su Yang laughed, “Not bad. In the future, it may develop to the point where you only need to provide a face to play a complete movie. “

Wu Feng looked at Su Yang, and asked in confusion, “AI changes face?”

Su Yang smiled and shook his head, “No. AI changes head.”< /p>

Wu Feng has a question mark on his face, “Is there any difference?”

Su Yang snickered, “Of course it’s different. What you said is indescribable, but what I said It’s a professional attitude.”

Wu Feng was talked about by Su Yang, and he simply ignored Su Yang. In his opinion, Brother Su, himself, would always say strange things.

Wu Feng stopped talking, but Su Yang did not “let him go”, but took the initiative to talk, “Yes, Angkor. I want to discuss something with you.”

< p>Wu Feng asked, “What’s the matter.”

Su Yang looked around, and then said solemnly, “You and I are friends, so I won’t pretend, it’s a showdown. Actually… .My identity is not that simple.”

Wu Feng’s face was solemn.

He couldn’t help but think of his film and Su Yang’s company being targeted by Feng Family last year, and then Feng Family collapsed.

That incident gave him a great shock.

What is the status of Feng Family? People in Zhao Family are all high-ranking families, and they collapsed when they collapsed. If it weren’t for a more advanced Zhao Family person, Wu Feng would not believe anything.

But Su Yang has been acting “it’s none of his business” afterwards. So Wu Feng had no evidence, and he thought it was just a coincidence.

As a result, didn’t expect Su Yang finally had a showdown.

Wu Feng couldn’t help feeling that this is the performance of Su Yang’s thorough engagement with himself.

He looked towards Su Yang, and then listened to Su Yang patiently.

Su Yang looked at the crew, and then said in a low voice, “I have insider information. Our country may have some major events next year.”

Wu Feng was surprised. . major event?

Su Yang said, “I see the plot of “Wolf Warrior 2″ is mainly about the evacuation of overseas Chinese and the tough performance of the country outside, right?”

Wu Feng nodded, “Yes “

Su Yang said, “I suggest that we can make this movie carefully, not too early in the morning. For example…the summer vacation is very suitable.”

Then, Su Yang glanced at Wu Feng, slightly nodded, “You understand.”

After saying that, Su Yang stopped talking, and he continued watching Guo Fan filming with his hands behind his back. Wu Feng was thinking about it alone.

Wu Feng quietly listened to what Su Yang said, and his face changed uncertainly.

He is actually a person who does things neatly, and doesn’t like sluggishness. So he worked hard to make movies, and he was very fast.

Originally, his plan was to finish the filming as soon as possible, and then “Wolf Warriors 2” took advantage of the popularity of “Wolf Warriors” and was released immediately.

His idea of the schedule is the Spring Festival.

It is exactly one year and one month away from “Wolf Warrior”. The heat is just right, and it can also be made into a series.

As a result, didn’t expect Su Yang suddenly mentioned this topic.

He is a smart man who knows the influence of the national situation and topics on the movie. So I know that if something similar happens as Su Yang said, then the movie will burst.

Although this feels a bit difficult to make a fortune in the country, this movie is after all a main theme movie, and it is also a positive energy movie. It can also be considered as cultivating national pride.

But…Wu Fengs only doubt is: Is this what Brother Su said by himself, true?

Know the countrys foreign policy a year in advance. It seems that only the top Zhao Family can know it, right?

Even… maybe.

Wu Feng dare not think about it.

But thinking about what Brother Su has done since he met Brother Su, Wu Feng felt that he should trust him again!

Now that the movie has not been shot yet, the schedule change is actually very simple. So just after thinking about it, Wu Feng made his own judgment: if the schedule is changed, even if nothing happens, it will not have any impact on the box office, and Su Yang will be favored. Once something really happens, when the time comes, the box office is a big hit, you make money!

Especially when he thought that Su Yang was the main investor in “Wolf Warrior 2”, he suddenly had a decision in his mind.

So he quietly said to Su Yang, “Brother Su, I thought about it, “Wandering Planet”, I can’t worry about it, and I want to help again.”

Su Yang Looking at him, laughed. Su Yang knows that his platinum mission is stable!

Wu Feng looked at Su Yang’s smile, and made a secret decision in his heart: everything depends on next year. If a major event really happened, then this Brother Su would be the real top Zhao Family person!

The two watched Guo Fan’s shooting with their own minds.

After the filming, Guo Fan arranged for a moment, then turned his head and saw the two of them.

He smiled and said hello, “Mr. Su is here. Are you ready?”

His words caught the attention of many people on the set, and everyone looked over. .

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