I’ll add some practice in the real world

Chapter 69 069 Kill the improper fisherman

Just when the B\u0026B owner and his family were enjoying themselves and reunited, Chen Jue actually returned to the small villa one step ahead of the dark-skinned young man.

After taking a hot shower and washing away the fishy salty water from his body, Chen Jue put on a pair of dry clothes and practiced the Yi Jin Jing in the living room. With the help of this static technique, he activates blood circulation and opens up muscles, and slowly recovers from the time he was under the sea. The energy consumed.

Turning on the TV and watching a documentary about historical changes, Chen Jue practiced and cleared his mind.

After his physical strength recovered a little, he began to continue practicing the Thirteen Taibao Heng Kung Fu. From time to time, crackling sounds echoed in the living room. This was the sound of Chen Jue's whole body's muscles and bones, and his body was slowly transforming.

After coming out of the old house in Chencun, the 32 old teeth were loose for several days, but there were still no signs of falling out. This is probably because the strength has not really penetrated into the bone marrow.

Although the previous transformation was exaggerated, it could only be regarded as half of the transformation. It was barely achieved through the breakthrough of the Yi Jin Jing.

But in the future, if you want to train your strength into the bone marrow, completely transform yourself, and reach the state of changing the marrow mentioned in the boxing classics mentioned by the masters of Tieba, you must take your kung fu to a higher level.

I took a look at the free attribute points I had accumulated for two days, and found that I had accumulated 0.42 points. The previous consumption of improving skills was replenished again.

Practicing under the sea is very efficient in brushing attributes. When there is a lot of water at a time, it can brush out about 0.2, and when there is less water, it can fluctuate between 0.15 and 0.19. Compared with practicing in the reservoir, it is indeed a rapid improvement.

If we dive again in the morning and evening tomorrow, we should be able to break through Tai Chi and Thirteen Posture Kung Fu! Chen Jue glanced at the skill panel again, feeling a little more hopeful in his heart.

After practicing the martial arts with the Thirteen Taibao all night, Chen Jue woke up the next day and found that the weather at the seaside, which was originally clear and clear, had changed on this day.

Gloomy dark clouds spread from the end of the sea, the sound of wind outside the house began to whine heavier, and the humidity in the air also increased a lot.

This is a precursor to an approaching typhoon. It has been sunny for so many days and it is finally going to be rainy.

Chen Jue took advantage of the fact that no one was around in the morning and went down to the back cliff again. He picked up the stone ball stuck in the crack of the reef and dived into the water to continue practicing.

But this time, Chen Jue found that the undercurrents under the water were much more ferocious than last night, and the waves on the sea surface were also more turbulent. The undercurrents of seawater coming from all around were like flexible whips, lashing the skin on his body from time to time. Pass.

It felt like being thrown into a drum washing machine, being stirred back and forth by the sea water. If he hadn't mastered two hard martial arts at the same time, these undercurrents alone could have caused bruises and injuries to his flesh.

In such a drastic change in the underwater environment, Chen Jue felt that the difficulty of breath-holding practice increased like a J-shaped index. This time, he only lasted eight or nine minutes of diving practice before he couldn't hold it in anymore and went ashore and returned to the small villa.

Fortunately, the difficulty of practicing became more and more intense, the accumulation of free attribute points accelerated, and the proficiency of Tai Chi and Thirteen Posture Kung Fu also surged. He was so excited that he was on the verge of upgrading (1916/2000).

Regarding this Taoist true skill, Chen Jue does not want to spend attribute points to break through it. Instead, he plans to practice it himself and master it step by step with his own true ability.

Because Chen Jue discovered that with the improvement of Tai Chi stances, his control of the dark energy of the limbs except the hands and feet began to become clearer, and he was no longer as confused as before.

Victory is right in front of us! If we enter the sea again at night, we should be able to break through! Chen Jue was looking forward to the changes when An Jin was practiced throughout his body.

After rinsing off the seawater from his body, he went to the kitchen to stew a pot of isinglass using the method taught by his aunt at the B\u0026B.

The isinglass was soaked last night and soaked overnight. I changed the water once in the morning and it no longer smelled like before.

The rice wine and old ginger he bought in the city were also added in. After the pot boiled and the fire started to simmer slowly, Chen Jue went out to have breakfast in the first villa.

After entering the house, Chen Jue said hello to the owner of the B\u0026B who was returning from shopping for groceries, and suddenly found a strange young man at the dinner table.

This young man had dark skin, and his facial features were somewhat similar to Uncle Yu's. Chen Jue's mind turned around and he immediately guessed that he should be the eldest son who went fishing at sea that the uncle had mentioned.

Living a life at sea will inevitably lead to a tan. Chen Jue was not too surprised. He went up to say hello to the other party and chatted with each other.

When he learned that the other party's name was Yu Yue, Chen Jue wrote down the name, added the other party's WeChat account, sat next to him, and chatted about the hot seafood homemade noodles brought by the B\u0026B aunt.

Chen Jue, my dad said that you caught a wild large yellow croaker on the back cliff. Do you want to continue fishing today? I also asked a few friends to go with me. Then we can take a fishing boat over and have some fun. Yu Yue opened his mouth and suggested.

Last night, after he told the news to a few children who were having late-night snacks together, a group of people were speechless with envy. They clamored to dig three feet into the water in Houya to fish out another yellow croaker.

As for the red dot on the sonar detector last night, everyone thought it was a false alarm. Maybe the instrument mistakenly reported a big fish as a person.

Didn't it just happen that Chen Jue had dropped a big deal there, the possibility became even greater. He didn't even think about a person diving into the water overnight.

The wind is so strong today! The sea waves are a bit rough, I think it's better not to go?

I feel like catching that big yellow croaker has already exhausted all my luck in life! I don't think I'll be able to catch anything good again. Chen Jue smiled and mocked himself, and declined by the way. The other party’s proposal.


He knew better than anyone how to get that fish.

Besides, Chen Jue himself couldn't even handle a fishing rod, let alone go fishing in such a sea.


He probably doesn’t even have a decent fishing rod in his hand!

Uncle Yu had not suspected it before, but it was actually because they, who run B\u0026Bs, prepared several sets of fishing gear in each small villa for the entertainment of tourists.

Therefore, when Chen Jue came to Uncle Yu with a bucket for help, the other party thought that Chen Jue had accidentally caught it with the fishing pole prepared in the room. In addition, he was in a hurry at the time, so he didn't think much about it.

If only Uncle Yu had been more attentive and opened the mouth of the fish, he would have discovered that there was not even an eye for a fishhook inside.

As for the buck-toothed boss who collects fish, I won’t even think about it!

Chen Jue didn't tell him whether the fish was caught or caught. After it was hastily slaughtered, a refrigerated truck had probably been sent to Wenzhou to transport it to Wenzhou, where it became a lunchtime main course for a certain big boss.

As for Chen Jue's rejection of Yu Yue's proposal, it was also because in his opinion, it was better to stay at home and continue practicing his liver skills when he had time to go fishing.

Seeing that his proposal was rejected, Yu Yue was not angry. He knew that the other party was a tourist at home, so he could not force him to force him. Instead, he continued to say: Okay! Let's go catch some fish later. We'll be here at noon. Get a barbecue stove in the yard and grill some sea fish to try, you have to come over and eat it then!

Okay! I'll definitely come if there's something delicious to eat! Chen Jue agreed with a smile upon hearing this.

As expected of someone of the same age as him, who knew how to do flower work, and had just eaten home-cooked food for a few days, Chen Jue also wanted to try something different and spicy.

There will be another update later. I took a shower and am in good condition.

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