I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 13 Master of Ceramics (12)

Steward Bian also had some helplessness on his face. He smiled and pointed at Sancho and introduced: "I haven't told you yet, this is my granddaughter."

The old master's eyes widened: "You don't even want to get married. When did you have a granddaughter?"

Butler Bian: "Adopted."

The old master then narrowed his eyes and praised the housekeeper with a smile, "It's good to adopt, it's good to adopt!"

"Your boy has been alone all these years, and now you have a little girl in front of you so that you can enjoy family happiness. It is a good thing."

Butler Bian also nodded in agreement.

In the past, he had always thought that he could live well alone. There was no need to worry about everything about the child if he adopted a child.

But after adopting Sancho, he changed his mind. It seemed that it was good to have a child to worry about.

Of course, this is also related to Sancho's extraordinarily sensible nature. If he were a child who only cried all day long, he would most likely be annoyed.

"Master Sun, I'm bringing Sancho here to look at the porcelain. Do you have any recent masterpieces that will impress us?"

When it came to porcelain, Master Sun seemed to be a different person, and his spirits were lifted. He glanced at Butler Sun proudly and said, "Then you really came at the right time. I actually have a bowl to show you."

With a wave of his hand, he turned around and walked inside, wanting to show the two of them the bowl in his mouth.

The workshop doesn't look big from the outside, but it's very long when you walk inside. The further inside you go, the more you can feel the heat rushing to your face.

"There is a kiln inside. The clay bricks you see outside will eventually be fired in the kiln here." The steward said to Sancho as he walked.

Master Sun, who was leading the way, stopped when he heard this, turned around and asked curiously: "What, do you plan to let this girl inherit your mantle?"

Before the butler could answer, Master Sun raised his hand in disapproval.

"No, no, it's so hot. How can a girl deal with a mud kiln all day long?"

Butler Bian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Master Sun was still so impatient and he didn't say anything yet.

Just as he was about to deny it, the little girl next to him grabbed him.

"Grandpa, can you still make ceramics?"

This was an unexpected surprise that Sancho had never expected. If Housekeeper Bian could make ceramics, it wouldn't be a matter of first-come-first-serve. She would live directly in Guanghan Palace, right?

"Your grandpa is not as simple as making ceramics. If your grandpa hadn't injured his hand back then, he would have caught up with me in his craftsmanship after learning from me for a few more years." Master Sun's tone was full of regret.

This involves Sancho's blind spot. She knows nothing about Butler Bian's past. Butler Bian has never told her about it, and it's hard for her to take the initiative to ask.

"Why are you still talking about this? Aren't you going to take us to see your masterpiece?" Butler Bian had no intention of bringing up the old matter again and revealed the matter with a smile.

Master Sun sighed, said no more, and continued to lead the two of them inside.

The bowl that Master Sun was talking about was among a batch of porcelain that had just come out of the kiln. The porcelain that was valuable on the outside seemed to be no different from the porcelain that cost a few yuan a piece on the street stalls. The display was full and dazzling.

Master Sun carefully took out a red porcelain bowl from the shelf filled with all kinds of porcelain.

"See how my bowl is cooking?" Master Sun had a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with the bowl in his hand.

Butler Bian wiped his hands carefully with the towel placed beside him, and then solemnly took the porcelain bowl. In order to take care of Sancho, he specially found a place to sit down and admire the porcelain bowl.

The inside of the porcelain bowl is delicate white, and the outside is blazing red with several branches of white bamboo. The bamboo branches are slender and the leaves are sharp. Just the bamboo painted on the porcelain bowl can be called a work of art.

Sancho didn't use it, so she didn't know how the porcelain bowl felt, but just by looking at the luster, she could feel that the porcelain bowl must be warm to the touch.

Perhaps Sancho's longing look was too obvious, but after playing with it for a while, Butler Bian handed the porcelain bowl to Sancho.

"Want to try it out?"

Without saying a word, Sancho quickly picked up the towel on the table to wipe his hands, and then took the porcelain bowl.

The porcelain bowl was indeed as warm as she thought, perhaps because Butler Bian had played with it for a while. There was even a warmth on the porcelain bowl, which was smooth, delicate, and dazzling.

"Knock it." Master Sun said with a smile.

Sancho curled up his fingers and clasped the bowl with his knuckles.


The crisp sound is like a fine musical instrument, and the lingering sound lingers in your ears.

"It sounds great!" Sancho praised sincerely.

"That's right, girl, let me tell you, the sound of a good porcelain bowl when struck should be crisp and clean. The crisper and cleaner the sound, the better the quality of the porcelain bowl!" Master Sun pointed out to Sancho rather sarcastically. .

This bowl is the best bowl he has made in the past few years. Even though people in the workshop had already admired it during the day, Master Sun couldn't help but brag to Sancho.

Reluctantly returning the porcelain bowl to Master Sun, Sancho couldn't help but ask the butler before he left the workshop: "Grandpa, can I learn to make pottery?"

"You want to learn pottery making?" Butler Bian paused, then continued walking, shaking his head with a smile: "No, didn't you listen to what Master Sun just said, pottery making requires dealing with the mineral soil and cave dwellings every day, not to mention the hard work. It’s still dusty every day.”

"You're a girl, don't you want to dress up and do other jobs every day?"

The Bian family made their fortune through ceramics, and everyone in the Bian family must learn to make pottery. But even so, the Bian family does not require the girls in the family to learn to make pottery.

"But I like this, and I just want to learn this."

Hearing the seriousness in Sancho's words, Butler Bian finally stopped and turned back to look at Sancho.

"Seriously? Isn't it because you were so hot after just looking at those porcelain for three minutes?"

"You have to know that porcelain looks good. Before it comes out of the kiln, you have to put in a lot of sweat and effort for its beauty."

"I know, but I still want to learn." Sancho answered seriously.

Not only does she want to learn because of the system's tasks, but she also really wants to learn.

She has never been afraid of hardship, and hardship has become commonplace for her.

What she was afraid of was that she wouldn't even have to suffer.

It is not yet known whether the achievement of Master Ceramics can be turned on. If it is turned on, she can easily hand over the system in exchange for protection for the rest of her life.

But what if it doesn’t light up?

She couldn't take a trip to another dimension, as she wouldn't gain anything at all.

"Okay, you can learn if you want. When the injury on your head heals, you can come to the workshop and learn from Master Sun. Of course, it's none of my business whether Master Sun is willing to accept you as a young apprentice. "

Butler Bian still felt that Sancho was only a three-minute sensation. Although he was serious now, it was because he had not yet experienced the hard work of pottery making.

Little girls are like this. They come up with ideas as soon as they come up. Yunzhu is often very interested in something, but after getting it, his interest fades away in three or two days.

After Sancho experienced it personally, she gave up, and there was no need for him to hit her at this time.

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