Because of a Sword Immortal Star Dust, there are a lot of natural phenomena and news in China, and the noise is not small.

Ordinary netizens may laughed away and not take it seriously.

However, for the state machine, it was learned through the intelligence system that China Imperial Court seemed to be rubbing its ass in the process, and some influences outside the country could not sit still.

Sword immortal cannot be understood by their culture at all, but this does not prevent them from confirming that if sword immortal really exists, then undoubtedly is a kind of existence sufficient to change the pattern of war.

So even if Ming is only the prosperity of science today, these things are likely to be self-directed farce by the local government, and some organizations walking in the dark still try to send out their manpower.

If transcendent sword immortal is true, this incident will inevitably cause high-level shocks in many countries, and the scientific community will usher in new development opportunities.

And what was obtained from the laboratory, undoubtedly, was extremely expensive treasure.

If it is false, at least some information about China Imperial Court can be obtained. After the sale, the mission will not be lost at all.

Under such circumstances, the organization dispatched a mercenary team to enter the West China Territory through decentralized entry.

Captain of this mercenary team is a white man with a beard. In the mercenary circle, he has a sounding nickname called Cobra!

Cobra, who has been active in multiple battlefields, has extensive combat experience.

He has all kinds of special terrains such as jungles, deserts, ice fields, etc. He even killed many well-known internationally difficult figures.

Such a person leads an elite team to invade a laboratory. Such a simple task makes everyone’s face full of confidence.

“Sniper in place, blaster in place …”

“The life detector found no signs of ambush.”

In the communication equipment, the concise and concise report of member was heard continuously. Cobra was hiding outside the laboratory, gloomy and cold looking at the computer in front of him.

On the computer, it is the internal structure and strategic analysis of the laboratory.

“It started, and I don’t know if it will surprise me.”

Cobra sneered and shoved the tiny computer into the combat pocket on his thigh, then sneaked it, gestured, and more than twenty mercenaries squarely moved towards the laboratory and surrounded it.

With advanced equipment and professional tactical movement, a group of people quickly dived into this laboratory on the edge of the city.

They knew that all actions had to be done carefully because it was too close to the government office of the Imperial Court, and in the event of an accident, they had to retreat within five minutes to be safe.

After ten minutes, not only will you be chased into a dog, but the original retreat will also be closed by the owner.

“Be careful.”

Cobra’s voice sounded in the communication device. Rao is a laboratory in the middle of the night and few people have used it, but these mercenaries are still skilled in using their usual methods.

Disguise surveillance signals, inspection alarms, evade patrol routes …

I have to say that even the security level of the laboratory is already very high, but in front of this group of professional players, it is still not enough.

However, it was the laboratory that contained the monster beast corpse. Although it was not protected by the army, the Imperial Court also sent professionals to come.

Almost two minutes later, professionals in the monitoring room found something wrong.

“En? The monitoring signal is false? Repeating playback!”

“Hu called, call … damn it, the signal was blocked!”

Immediately, the professional who wanted to call for support turned on the alarm device decisively after finding that the signal was blocked, and also turned on the signal blocking device.

Zi zi zi ……

The sudden noise in the communication device made Cobra realize that he should have been found. He yelled:

“Accelerate the action and take away all the materials and samples you can see. If you ca n’t take them, take a picture. When there is a signal, you can return these things and the commission will be handed.

With the order of Cobra, the mercenaries proactively exposed themselves and began to move towards the core area of ​​the laboratory.

Ordinary security personnel are just as paperless in front of this group of guys, without any resistance.

At the same time, the government office, not far away, also received a warning signal from the laboratory and immediately sent armed forces to support the past.


The core area’s entry was brutally cracked by Cobra, while laboratory staff who were working overtime were quickly paid and held in their hands.

“My God …”

But Cobra was stunned at this time, because he saw a terrifying corpse in a huge glass container.

Cobra could swear under God’s name, something he hadn’t seen in his life.

“Wretched, is this a genetic weapon or something?”

Cobra responded quickly, cursed, pressed the wrist instrument, and the hidden camera started shooting towards the entire laboratory.

Striding away towards the glass container, Cobra knew that the photo was a price and the tissue sample was a price.

He pulled out the firearm in his hand, and after clicking with a load, Cobra aimed at the huge peeling container.


For a whole day, it was still a little too long for Fang Lei. He flew to the provincial capital and turned into his original appearance. After a stroll around, he found what he was pondering along the way.

Taking advantage of God’s superiority, Fang Lei heard both of them quietly in the restaurant.

“The corpse of monster beast is in a lab at provincial capital?”

As he savoured the food, Fang Lei smiled with an inexplicable smile.

After nightfall, Fang Lei found a safe place, and used the method taught by Andrew to run all over Qi and Blood. Immediately, his slender figure became strong.

Almost in a blink of an eye, he turned into a muscle-man!

An eye-catching muscle-man!

The cold-ice condensed mirror hovered in front of him, looking at his clear eyebrows, Fang Lei shook the head:

“That’s not okay, muscle-man has to look fierce.”

As a result, the divine power facelift turned on again, and the divine power with the power of Black Tortoise black liquid between the vague made his appearance change rapidly.

After just ten minutes of adjustment, a large man with dark skin appeared in the mirror.

“The eyebrows are still eyebrows of sword immortal, and they need to be changed.”

Fang Lei carefully looked at himself in the mirror, looking for flaws.

The eyebrows were one of them. Azure Dragon divine power was running. Under Fang Lei’s hair follicles became active under life force. Thicker eyebrows appeared on his face.

After touching the short hair that he deliberately cut back to the real world, a ball of flame burned on his head.

After the flame, a bald-headed man with a healthy complexion, tall and strong appeared in the mirror.

Fang Lei naughty blinked: “I’m bald and stronger!”

“Barbarian Witch Lineage, Zhao Yan!”

The vocal cords affected by divide power make his voice thicker.

Looking at himself in the ice mirror, Fang Lei touched his bald head: “What do you do if you look too fierce? No matter what, let’s finish it!”


“This is the laboratory where transcendent aura exists?”

Fang Lei of incarnation Barbarian Witch, figure walked like a ghost on the edge of the city, and finally found a place with transcendent aura.

“Finally found.”

A scary smile on bald-headed man’s face, muttered:

“The transcendent material that Heavenly River Sword School can’t deem is a treasure in my Witch Sect rogue cultivator, should it be reasonable?”

“I first fought for Nine Heavens Divine Pill, and now I’m going to grab the monster beast corpse without hurting people. I’m really clever.”

Fang Lei was satisfied with his brainstorm.

I saw that he did not shy away from the monitoring equipment in the laboratory, his legs were bowed, and the whole person was in the flame, like a missile, and the movement was full of violent aesthetics.

“It’s there!”

Feeling the location of transcendent aura, Fang Lei adjusted his posture in the sky, Vërmilion Bird divine power hid the starlight, transformed it into a raging flame, shrouded him, and then slammed it towards the top of the laboratory and hit it.

With a loud bang, the laboratory’s ceiling was violently knocked into a huge hole by Fang Lei.

dong! Because of the special secret technique of Qi and Blood, the weight of Fang Lei has soared several levels, and fell heavily on the floor of the laboratory. The flame spread out at this instant, exuding hot aura.

The gale and dust set off by the explosion made everyone almost unable to open their eyes.

Cobra, who was just aiming, was too close to him and was lifted off by the irresistible transcendent force. The crushed stone hit his face, causing his nosebleed to flow at the same time, and his head was faint.

“Monster beast … though … huh?”

Large man Zhao Yan transformed by Fang Lei, slowly got up in the dust, and said prepared lines.

But only halfway through, he found something wrong.

In the laboratory, there are more than twenty live ammunition, and at first glance it is not a serious foreigner!

The laboratory staff who should be trembling under the transcendent force, was trembling under the foreigner’s muzzle.

This … is completely different from what I thought!

In addition to the accident, Fang Lei immediately realized what was happening here.

Regardless of the structure of the foreigner’s brain circuit, at least everything now shows that overseas influences are already eyeing this laboratory.

“It seems like a good opportunity …”

Fang Lei’s eyes flashed a bit. If he wants to be a boss in the real world, he must use everything that can be used within a minute.

For example these foreigner …

Looking at those foreigners, Fang Lei’s eyes revealed a kïlling intent.

He knew that it was not the time to expose himself to the influence of foreign influences, so these people had to die.

But before they died, they might not be able to give themselves a trick.

With that in mind, Zhao Yan suddenly showed a sloppy smile on his somewhat miserable and fierce face:

“Foreigner? Or ordinary Chinese? Has your foreign country fallen to such a point?”

The rough voice combined with that sloppy face makes Zhao Yan the center of everyone in an instant!

“Damn! The power of transcendent really exists!”

Cobra climbed hard from the ground, looking at the large man in shock, looking at him without any resistance.

At the same time, he pressed the communicator on his arm and coughed as he said:

“Reporting to the organization, there is really a transcendent force in China!”

Just now Cobra remembered that the signal here was blocked.

“Damn, the information can’t be delivered, the mission has not been successful … In this case, we can only get the lowest compensation even if we are arrested!”

Cobra’s face showed unwillingness. The large man put too much pressure on him. Even if the rifle was always held in his hand, there was no sense of security in his heart.

“Hold hostages, prepare to retreat!”

Gritting his teeth, Cobra suddenly made such a decision, which gave Fang Lei looked towards his eyes a little more appreciation.

“Yes, there are advances and retreats, knowing what can and cannot be taken.”

“But did I let you go? Are you gone, can I still survive?”

Although they applauded, Fang Lei had no plans to let them leave here alive.

With that in mind, an inconceivable starlight emerged from a rifle in the hands of a mercenary, and the trigger was pulled by Fang Lei.

da da da!

Without warning, the rifle fired.

The Fang Lei, who had been prepared for a while, slammed into his body, enveloped in flames, letting a humanoid torch escape the bullet at an incredible speed, and then kicked it out without giving the mercenary an opportunity to explain him. The heavy crickets flew to the wall.

The soft paralysis fell to the ground, and the mercenary could not live without it.

Zhao Yan was burning with flame, his voice was full of Yin Cold:

“Very good … a group of mortals dare to pick a Warrior Witch cultivator, especially a group of foreigners I hate most!”

I fuck!

Cobra was so aggressive that he was just about to admit to the transcendent large man, but he never expected that an organized and disciplined team would do such a daddy.

Not afraid of enemies like God, but afraid of teams like pigs.

Things have happened, and any explanation is useless. Cobra, who is proficient in many foreign languages, knows very well that the transcendent large man seems to dislike foreigners.

Gritting his teeth, Cobra furious roar said, “Brothers, kill him! Every drop of his blood is USD!”

da da da!

Without warning, Cobra’s crazy moved towards Zhao Yan opened fire!

The bullet moved towards Zhao Yan tilted away, and the flashes of light flew into the flame.

Fang Lei’s pain was contorts one’s face in agony, even if Fang Lei had laid a layer of divide power barrier under the flame, but the bullet penetrated the divide power barrier and shot into his inner body.

Fortunately, Andrew’s Qi and Blood method can make the fleshly body stronger in all directions. After the bullets are blocked by the divide power barrier, they just shoot into Fang Lei’s muscles and run out of kinetic energy.

The original divine power was working, and a particle bomb was squeezed out.

Azure Dragon divine power repairs the fleshly body, without saying that Fang Lei does not have any blood outflow. Even if it is inconceivable, it should be completely destroyed by flame.

But what a fucking pain!

Soon, a shuttle bullet was shot short, and Cobra looked nervously at the large man with the flame burning on it.

God kept praying to God, hoping that he would not be able to stop in the next second.

However, the scene that made Cobra even more desperate happened.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, a large number of crackled bullets that fell into flame fell to the ground.

firearm useless? !!

This is the first appalling thought in Cobra’s mind!

But before he raised his second thought, the transcendent large man on the opposite side moved.

ps “Aaahhhhhhh for genuine subscription support!”

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