Egypt, there is another name in this world, which is Land of the Tousand Pagodas.

Because in this country, where yellow-sand is everywhere, there are often a lot of pyramids standing there, no matter how yellow-sand erodes, the pyramid is still immortal.

I have to say that mysterious and huge pyramid, even the modern technology-era era, is still a topic that people talk about.

Nothing else, just because of the various cultural relics related to God, and the construction that ancient productivity was impossible to complete.

Countless film and television works are developed around pyramid, and the image of mummy is deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone around the world.

Pyramid is very important for Egypt. This is not only a trace of their civilization, but also a great source of economy today.

Especially in this revival of Spirit Qi, tourists from all over the world have no reason to miss pyramid, a mysterious building with a long history.

A large number of materials have been viewed, a large number of forums have begun to be established, and even many private organizations have been established to study the relationship between pyramid and transcendent.

The most intuitive thing is naturally that the number of tourists near the pyramid in the normally skyrocketed!

Not only foreigners, but the Egyptians themselves have become incense from their original disdain.

Almost every open pyramid is full of tourists from all over the world.

But tourists of this size are really nothing to Fang Lei who has been to the Broken Bridge in November.

In fact, after opening a plug-in for Xiang Youming, Fang Lei left Greece, and immediately came to Egypt under the rule of space.

At this moment, he was floating on the largest pyramid, watching yellow-sand, and sleeping a lot of pyramids under yellow-sand, Fang Lei raised his eyebrows slightly.

“The Great Pyramid of Giza or whatever, the experts have already deciphered it and have little use value.”

“But these pyramids, which have never appeared under the yellow-sand, can be used.”

Divine power infused binocular, Dense’s starlight even quickly turned into a liquid, surging in Fang Lei’s eyes.

Under such a pair of Divine Eyes, almost none of the pyramids hidden in the yellow-sand can be traced.


After a moment, Fang Lei had a smile on his face, and his eyes locked on a yellow-sand.

On the yellow-sand, there is a team of men and women who are obviously tourist groups, riding off the desert, and under the leadership of an Egyptian youth, moved towards the far-away pyramid.

Obviously, they didn’t know that there was actually a pyramid in the yellow-sand under their feet.

“Is the Egyptian … then you, child of fate.”

Fang Lei chuckled, spiritual power shrouded the entire pyramid, and the secret of the pyramid was immediately and unreservedly presented to his eyes.

“Oh … what a mysterious thing I am, in fact it’s just an ancient tomb that’s all.”

Fang Lei’s disdain for curl one’s lip, the most burning pyramid is a great architectural marvel, but after showing naked in front of Fang Lei, it has nothing to do with transcendent.

Whether it is the mysterious mural or the mysterious mummy, they are the means of burial in ancient Egypt.

This is somewhat similar to the construction of Earth Palace at the Xunlong Point in China.

Although it contains endless wisdom, it does not involve any transcendent.

“But speaking of which, this pyramid is a bit big?”

“There are also a lot of funerals. It just happens … your kid is cheap.”

But for the size of this pyramid, Fang Lei is still very surprised. Of course, he who has seen foreign world Sacred Domain is only surprised that’s all.

Seeing that the tourist group has come directly above the pyramid, Fang Lei no longer hesitates, moved towards that pyramid, reached out a little, and immediately developed a long time of divine power bursting out.

On the ground, Rao is a native of Seth, who is still breathing heavily in this hot desert.

It’s too hot, but it’s hot. As long as you can serve these European tourists, today’s income will definitely make everything worth it.

gu dong gu dong ……

After giving himself a few sips of water, Seth turned back, shouting in his English with a strong accent:

“Did you see it? The one in the distance is our most famous Sphinx.”

“In our mythology, the Sphinx is a monster born of Giant and a demon snake: a human head, a lion’s body, with wings, named Sphinx.”

“Sphinx is cruel by nature. He has learned many riddles from the Goddess of Wisdom Muse and often stays at big intersections. Every pedestrian must pass the riddle, guess the wrong one, eat it all, and countless victims. “

With a large speaker for tour guides in hand, Seth riding on a camel spoke tirelessly about the origins and allusions of the Sphinx, so that those tourists from Europe could hear with keen interest pleasure.

They are with keen interest pleasure, but in fact, for Seth, he almost vomited these words.

But no way, this is how he makes a living.

“Everyone prepare in advance. The entrance fee to the park is 80 Egyptian pounds. At that time, I will ask someone to buy a group ticket. Don’t worry about waiting … fuck !?”

Seeing that the scenic spot was not far away, Seth was excited and started talking about the charges.

But only halfway through, he suddenly noticed that the sand around him was a bit wrong, as if … as if there was something huge to emerge from the ground, a large yellow-sand center, a mouthful of yellow- sand fountain.

The most important thing is that the fountain is getting higher and higher. When Seth reflects on it, he can only express his feelings with a sentence of fuck.

Not at all makes Seth panic, he calmly looks at the surrounding environment, and then shouts:

“Attention everyone! Use your whip and pull the camel’s ass hard.”

“Run! Quicksand is more terrifying than the sea, and God cannot save you if it is buried in it.”

At this moment, the huge yellow-sand fountain has risen to a height of more than ten meters. The rolling yellow-sand slaps up from above like a sea wave, rolling up waves of heat.

No one is stupid. This kind of change makes everyone decisive and obedient, and he starts pumping camel’s ass with a whip.

But the camel is not something that most people can ride well.

Slowly rushing and running wildly are two different things.

Soon, someone slipped off the bumpy camel.

Always paying attention to the tourists, Seth whispered in his heart, and pulled the reins, and ran flexibly from the leader’s position moved towards behind.

In case these games die here, it is estimated that the livelihood of this part-time tour guide can not be done in this life.

In order to keep his job, Seth must keep everyone safe.

“Hurry up and run!”

“I help you get on the camel. You just need to hold here. Do you see it?”

Helping the tourists back to the camel’s back, Seth was not good at English, and let the tourist understand what Seth meant. The holding camel in the difficult situation followed the army to flee.

But before Seth breathed a sigh of relief, someone fell off the camel.

No way, Seth can only rush to save people again.

And this constant back and forth, making Seth soon become the last person in the team.

Under the Supreme mighty force close to nature, yellow-sand roaring came, everyone was small like a trivial ant, they could only use the power of milk to flee crazy.

Hong long long !

The yellow-sand tumbling sound was getting closer, and everyone under the yellow-sand was as small as a maggot.

The wave-like yellow-sand tilted down, accompanied by the muffled sound of hong long long, and surrounded by a large area between Heaven and Earth, it was dim and the visibility was extremely low.

“Mike, are you all right?”

“We’re fine, my God, what happened?”

“Count the numbers, twelve, thirteen … Great, thank God, we’re all fine.”

Among the yellow-sand, although the specific things can’t be clearly seen, the silhouettes of good and bad can also be seen. So after searching for a while, the entire group of the tour group was surprised to find that they all survived!

Apart from a few bruises and falls, there were no more injuries.

But after a moment of joy, someone felt something was wrong.

“No, what about the tour guide?”

“Did anyone see the tour guide?”

Among the yellow-sand, the tourists who came together had big eyes staring at small eyes, with a look of excitement.

“Hurry up!”

Fortunately, one person responded quickly enough to make everyone awake like a dream, and started to look for a silhouette of a guide.

With the help of Fang Lei’s secret, the tour guide still had an arm outside the yellow-sand, so he was quickly found and dragged out of the yellow-sand by a group of people.

“Hu … I thought I was going to die, thank you.”

As soon as he was pulled out, he took a big breath and coughed the yellow-sand in his nose and mouth. Seth avoided a catastrophe, thanking him in his non-standard English.

“Seth Fellow Daoist, what the hell is going on here?”

“Will we find the camel first and leave this one quickly?”

Everyone saw that Seth’s tour guide recovered, and it seemed as if he had found the backbone of the Lord.

But Seth Fellow Daoist shook the head: “The camel should have run away, MD, this time I’ve lost a lot, these are all to be paid.”


Spitting the sand hard, Seth got up from the ground and glanced at all around, and soon he found something wrong.

“Wait, right! Why is it so dark here? Even if there is soot, it shouldn’t be so dark?”

As a desert guide, Seth still has some ability, realizing that something is wrong, he quickly shouted:

“Guys, all come here for me to gather. Be careful, I don’t feel like I’m right.”

Under Seth’s arrangement, a group of people was almost waiting.

And as the yellow-sand slowly fell, what was blocking the sun finally appeared!

It was a pyramid, a pyramid that looked mysterious and weird in the smoke.

“My God … how can there be pyramid here?”

“Could it be it came out of the ground?”

The ambiguous outline of the pyramid exclaimed everyone.

After a short surprise, the group of tourists became excited.

Why did they come to this desert? Not only for travel, but also for transcendent!

Right now, a pyramid emerged out of the ground, such a weird thing, that it has nothing to do with transcendent, they do not bring a new one.

“My God, I feel like I am going into steps into transcendent.”

“This trip is coming!”

“Go, let’s see it in the past!”

There are few foreigners for a reason.

In the face of mysterious pyramid, Seth’s mind was shocked and revere.

And these tourists from Europe obviously have the intention to explore pyramid!

Fortunately, before Seth stopped them, the pyramid once again made a new change, which stopped the tourists’ subconscious mind.

I saw the splendor of golden suddenly appearing in the gap between the pyramid stone and the stone, and the straight lines were densely spread on the pyramid in an instant.

At the same time, the pyramid’s apex, the dark-colored rough stone used as a spire, is blooming with golden rays of light, like a small sun.

The next moment, the golden rays of light on the stone turned into a sky-light pillar, shot suddenly towards the sky, piercing the clouds in an instant.

A golden light pillar soared into the sky, such a natural phenomenon can be seen around sevèral hundred li, so all tourists and various Scholar adventurers were mad and moved towards golden light after realizing what transcendent events might have happened. The direction of pillar is flock away.

At the same time, a large amount of information flow has begun to flow, and the Imperial Court in Egypt got this information immediately.

However, it will take some time for others to come here, even if it is a helicopter.

As the first witnesses, Seth they really saw this transcendent scene from start to finish.

The golden light pillar gradually disappeared from bottom to top, as if something was flying away from the pyramid.

Such a natural phenomenon makes tourists can’t help but think big:

“Will Pharaoh be resurrected?”

“Maybe there is a divide artifact inside, and then the divide artifact ran away?”

The tourists are so excited, after all, there is no danger after so long. In the face of the transcendent incident, they have instinctively ignored the danger.

Just as they were discussing, a golden light pillar dropping from the sky, and the Benben stone moving towards the top of the pyramid shot!

With the return of this golden light pillar, the golden ripple visible by naked eye emerged.

However, the golden ripple seems to have done little harm to everyone.

Under such circumstances, some young man’s eyes flickered off his clothes, bravely outrageous to meet those ripples with fleshly body.

They remember, however, that it was because of this shock that the protagonists had superpowers.

For these tourists’ outrageous and brain holes, Seth is speechless.

And at this moment, his eyes suddenly hurt, and the pain in his heart made him scream for subconscious mind.

Before covering his eyes, he seemed to see a golden light hidden in the ripples, hitting his eyes.

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