“It has been determined that the final impact location will be on the equator.”

“Wretched! How could it be so accurate, and how do I feel God’s joke?”

“No matter who’s joking, the location of the impact is not USA, and our actions are bound to attract the attention of other countries.”

“Then you’re wrong, it’s not a question of USA operations now. Wretched, a twenty-kilometre asteroid, do you think it’s our business in USA?”

“That’s right. This is a matter for all human beings. No one can stay out of it.”

“So … let them know.”

“China, Japan, EU, and Russian, I hope to get their official response, I hope they can participate … other countries, just say a word.”

After overnight discussions, USA’s once-worrying illusion scheme was moved out. While a large number of scientific researchers continued to calculate, the Congress also made a global notification decision.

No way, asteroid hitting Earth is a major event that is related to the fate of humankind.

With the lead of USA, this information soon spread to all sovereign countries in the world, and the big influences of the upper society also got this scary information under the kind of connection between them.

Inside China, in the Imperial Court in the north, everyone’s face was covered with dignity.

“Confirmed, there should be no major discrepancies in USA’s calculations. The asteroids will really collide with Earth.”

“Now in the USA, it means let’s prepare a large number of nuclear bombs to change the direction of the asteroid with nuclear bombs.”

“As long as the asteroid passes Earth and is not captured by Earth’s gravity, then we are saved.”

After all, it is China that can rise for decades. When making a decision, it is almost without dragging the water. While controlling the information, the entire national machine is also running fast.

Not only China, but other countries with corresponding capabilities, have all actively responded to USA’s call.

In Japan, although Japan is relatively small, it still has a corresponding strategic reserve for similar things. A large number of political figures and military leaders have almost given the green light for this matter.

The whole country seems calm, but it has already entered the state of highest readiness.

This is true globally.

However, in general, it is the few powerful countries that can play a decisive role in such matters.

Like a stick or something, although their national strength is good, they can only stare at things like bombing asteroids.

But even so, even if it looks like it, basically all the countries in the world are actively responding to the call of USA. This is not a matter for USA to be the leader. In fact, this is a matter for all humanity. Cooperate.

The so-called cooperation is twofold.

On the one hand, the powerful nations prepared for the bombing of asteroids on the one hand, and on the other hand, near the equator, every country joined forces again!

The state machine is moving fast, everyone knows the seriousness of this matter, and dare not slacken a little.

In Northwest China, the launch vehicle is temporarily in place.

These carrier rockets are enough to ship satellites and space stations, not to mention the time to ship the rockets!

A large number of researchers are busy and busy in monitoring.

“Confirm the rocket status and you can take off.”

“The trajectory calculation passed.”

“Signal connection no problem.”

“The risk assessment is passed.”

In various important positions, the researcher anxiously announced the results of his piece, and finally looked towards the old man in military uniform.

The old man’s status is very high, because the Republic era left few patriarchs, and is solely responsible for handling the asteroid collision with Earth.

After listening to the various departments have been prepared, old man took a deep breath: “point flame hair shoot!”


With the dazzling flame lit, a rocket moved towards the sky and took off straight, pulling up a bright tail flame.

“Cool the silo and prepare a second launch vehicle!”

After the rocket took off, everyone nervously watched the rocket little by little become smaller, and eventually turned into a light spot. The old general suddenly gave orders again in a quiet moment.

As a result, a part of people quickly moved towards the silo in preparation for the second rocket launch.

As for the monitoring room, a large amount of data and real-time pictures jump quickly on the screen.

Not only China, but also many countries around the world, Russia, Japan, USA, EU, have also made the same choice.

However, unlike China, which has such a powerful national power, many countries can only surround itself around USA and contribute to the deployment of USA in the equator.

But anyway, it is almost before and after the foot. After careful calculation, a large number of rockets carrying missiles and moving from Earth to the universe are absolutely true.

At a military base in the USA on the equator, high-level and scientific researchers from around the world have also arrived in a part, and they need to cooperate to prepare for the final nuclear launch.

The nuclear bomb launched from here will be the most equivalent!

In the active preparations, the carrier rocket safely transported the nuclear bomb into the universe. After the rocket disintegrated, the missile also moved towards the huge asteroid with the final thrust.

Among China’s launch centers, a large number of satellite use rights have been temporarily seconded. With the use of second-generation satellites that use transcendent materials, the asteroids at the Earth-moon distance are clearly visible.

The old general stared at the satellite photo rigidly, clenching his fists.

“The nuclear bomb has arrived at the pre-booked location. Ask for the next step!”

“Detonate a nuclear bomb!”

“All the nuclear bombs that arrived at the reservation site were detonated, and the second round of nuclear bombs was prepared at the same time!”

The general took a deep breath and gave an order. He looked at the picture on the big screen, his face nervous.


In the silent picture, the nuclear bomb was completely detonated, and when a white dot appeared on the screen, it turned into a huge scarlet-red flame. The flame may be smaller than that huge asteroid, but it is enough to cover less than half. An asteroid.

In the quiet picture, everyone can clearly see the terrifying power of the nuclear bomb. Under the terrifying power of the nuclear bomb, the layers of rocks disintegrate and then smash!

This picture made everyone cheer.

They know that when the asteroid becomes small enough, even if it is moved towards Earth, the threat is not so great!

“Great! Our nuclear bomb works!”

“The asteroid’s surface has been attacked. Come on, calculate its current volume!”

“The second wave! The second wave of nuclear bombs is also coming! The second wave of nuclear bombs is advancing faster and has arrived!”

There was joy in the entire command room.

Because of Earth’s rotation, the world can’t strike asteroids at the same time, so China’s strike screen is shared with other powers.

Seeing that China successfully detonated the nuclear bomb in accordance with its original plan, the strikes on the asteroid’s body are almost excited by the scientists around the world.

Unlike those politicians, these scientists are at least science at this moment. Although scientists have national borders, science has no national borders!

Among the high-level attention of the world, China ’s second and third wave of nuclear bombs came one after another, and the scarlet red flame drowned the side of the asteroid.

But soon … someone found something wrong.

In the command room, a young researcher rubbed his eyes and shouted in disbelief:

“It’s impossible! The asteroid’s destruction area has reached my expectations, but … but why hasn’t the asteroid’s trajectory changed?”


“Again, are you sure?”

“Forget it, I’m pretty sure … where the asteroid is effectively hit, the destructive force is in the interval we calculated … but the asteroid’s trajectory has not changed.”

“Impossible … how is it possible! Now that a nuclear bomb has severely damaged an asteroid, there is no reason for the asteroid to change direction in a vacuum environment of the universe!”

After discovering that the asteroid’s trajectory has not changed in the slightest, everyone’s face in the command room is filled with incredible faces.

The general quickly picked up the phone and dialed Japan directly: “What about your nuclear bombs? Come on! Come on!”

But … Japan’s nuclear bombs are still missing. Although Japan’s nuclear bombs have made asteroids more scarred, but … but the asteroid’s trajectory has not changed!

Not only Japan, with the rotation of Earth, after calculation, in the corresponding angle, all the nuclear bombs in every country were hit!

However, whether it is several rounds of nuclear bombs fired by Russian, European, or USA, although it has succeeded in shrinking a large number of asteroids, the size of the asteroids has not changed!

And according to the current volume, if the asteroid hits Earth, it will still cause disasters of ecological extinction!

At this moment, global leaders have lost their previous attitude.

Although it was dignified before, but the calculation results provided by the elites in the face of the elites are still very stamina for preventing the asteroid from hitting Earth.

But now it’s different … The strange path of the asteroid has caused all the high-levels to become frightened and revere.

After a short conference call, the leaders of the top powers agreed that the last hope of humanity is on the equator …

On the equator, in the military base in USA, every country is ready for the final nuclear bomb launch. According to previous calculations, this nuclear bomb launch is enough to destroy most of the asteroids and make the asteroids themselves vulnerable.

In this way, if asteroids enter the atmosphere, the asteroids will definitely disintegrate.

This thing, once disintegrated early, Earth will be affected, but not terrifying as ecological disaster.

The equatorial USA military base is now attracting the attention and hope of high-level leaders around the world.

A large number of rockets rose into the sky, causing ordinary people to post questions on the Internet.

However, the official did not speak up, and such a big thing as ecological extinction is obviously not something that ordinary netizens can guess.

In the eyes of all high-level expectations, a large number of rockets successfully entered the universe, and then the nuclear bomb was moved towards the side of the asteroid under its own propeller.

The nuclear bombs combined by the global elite are naturally extremely accurate!

Shared on a large screen of a large number of powerful countries, you can clearly see the asteroids in the red-hot flames, crushing the large area debris.

But … in the global shared broadcast, not at all any cheer came out, only the incredible sound of every country technical staff:

“Wretched! How is that possible! The volume of destruction is not reached!”

“The asteroid’s trajectory has not changed, its volume has shrunk, but … but not at all has reached the level expected.”

“According to the instrument, the asteroid’s volume and density are still enough to cause ecological extinction!”

The person responsible for broadcasting in every country is obviously the top scientific researcher. They are proficient in foreign languages ​​and science. The content of the broadcast will definitely not be wrong.

And this is the content that makes all the big guys look dull.

The entire world’s high-levels are all silent, and only the broadcasters’ announcements are left:

“At the current speed, the asteroid will enter the atmosphere in a little time.”

“Being affected by gravity and the current speed of the asteroid, if it hits the equator, it will cause a devastating blow to Earth’s ecology!”

“The new calculation results have come out. It is expected that in twelve hours, the asteroid will be in direct contact with Earth!”

Broadcasters from different countries, the broadcast information transmitted back to China are the mother tongue of their own country, so at the senior level in each country, the information has been very straightforward.

“Twelve hours …”

“Is there only twelve hours left for Earth civilization?”

“Wretched! Is the Church of Dawn in touch? Their people haven’t come out yet?”

“Well … this is probably the life. My China Imperial Court hopes that Sword Immortal Star Dust and Heavenly River Sword School will retreat to create transcendent parts for us, but no one expected that this would happen.”

“Sir Ryosuke! Please, let me see Sir Ryosuke! Earth is going to be destroyed! What ?! Sir Ryosuke is still closed?”

Earth’s civilization counted down for twelve hours, and Earth’s top officials began to make the final great effort.

But those few transcendent influences can’t be contacted at all!

As for Earth’s technology, there is not enough time for Earth to continue using nuclear bombs.

The most important thing is … According to the weirdness of the current asteroid, Earth basically has no hope.

Technology side, mysterious side … All the methods have been thought of.

In the face of Nature’s Supreme power, Earth’s executives can do nothing.

“No … we can do more!”

“Notice that all units are doing a good job of maintaining stability.”

“In addition, inform the radio station … Since we have failed to prevent the disaster, our people have the right to know.”

“As the chairman of the popular election, I will face disasters and catastrophes with the people.”

The leader expression of every country was calm, and invariably made such a decision.

No way, they are the leader of the country. At this most critical moment, they must show their attitude.

Of course, this is the catastrophe of civilization, not the catastrophe of World. With today’s technology and productivity, there may not be a chance to survive.

Therefore, every country attaches great importance to social stability.

Only when the society is stable, when the ecological disaster occurs, the state machine can run smoothly and strive to survive the disaster.

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