“What’s going on? China’s fleet is in big terrifying!”

wretched, retreat, stop flying in that direction! ”

“Too sudden! Wang Hu said he saw what he saw!”

After a brief silence, it’s unlimited terrifying!

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

You know, this is the back of the moon, and even if this group disappears, Earth won’t have any information collection.

What they face, what they eventually turn into… will always be secret.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

We can’t fly up there. There’s a big Terrister up there!

The journey was close to fleeing, and all spaceship raced to the face of the moon and established contact with Earth immediately to report the corresponding information to their respective centres of wisdom.

China over here, those old people are all tricks.

After confirming that China’s fleet was not back, the weightless old people were active and other influence connections.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“Are you doing something to them?”

“Why didn’t they show up with you?”

Through the Wireless Electronics signal, old man’s voice was filled with anxiety and killing intent, and it was clearly conveyed to the ear of other influence upper people.

This sound, undoubtedly, makes them feel like taking pleasure in other peoples misfortune.

However, it was the allies that had signed the agreement, and the seemingly kung fu needed to do so.

So, the information about China fleet disappearing because of Big Terrying was sent to China, and China’s old people were afraid to believe it, and it was shaking and eventually breaking the phone.

Hidden Dragon Strategic Command, an outbreak of old man, like the Shadow Emperor, is filled with disbelief, sadness and anger… The lips are shaking.

And when the signal was completely off, old man was suddenly laughing:

“What, do I look alike?”

“The plan has been successful, as we had previously guessed, as long as astronauts on the moon can be deceived and Earth can learn information through oral transmission.”

“Now Wang Hu, they should have moved towards the underworld.”

At the direction of old man, the whole Hidden Dragon is flying fast.

In fact, Hidden Dragon and Mount Longhu already have a lot of powerhouse coming to Five Lakes City quietly.

During the week of orders from the superiors, in a restaurant in Five Lakes City, several Old Daoist Priest from Mount Longhu looked at each other, and Daoist Sanchong finally said to Xiang Youming, who was more handsome and sharp:

“Fellow Daoist, I’ll just wait to stare at the temple, and everything else, we don’t care.”

Xiang Youming laughed: “Other things, naturally, are done by our Hidden Dragon comrades, you keep an eye on the temple, and once Ghost King shows up in the temple, you have to stall them.”

After all, Xiang Youming’s immunity came up and picked up a symbol on the table that had just been painted for less than a while, and the cards and aura were fading away.

“Take a step first and keep in touch.”

After all, Xiang Youming stepped on the invisible sword qi in a state of invisibility, and moved towards it as far as it was.

At the top of a luxury small area, a huge landslide window is southwards, and most of the five Lakes City can be overlooked.

People who can live here can be said to be rich or expensive.

But at the top of a building like this, I don’t know when the curtains have been pulled up for most of the time.

A silhouette plate is sitting in smoke in the big living room, and a small bottle of smoke is spraying out of azure.

And above that silhouette, it’s a silhouette floating in the smoke faintly discernible, between breathing, and the silhouette surrounded by a five-colored presence of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth.

And at this point, the silhouette that floats open his eyes, “Who!”

“Chapter Mister, please don’t be weird.”

Chihua’s voice is just falling, and Xiang Youming’s smiling silhouette is in smoke.

He looked at Champion, invisible sword intent covered the entire living room.

Feel that Level 4 Golden Core great cultivator is a powerful aura, and none of them want to go back to physical body.

And then the fleshly body who lost his life, then survived, and the chapter eyes opened, the look towards Xiang Youming:

“Mister Xiang, as a public official, knows it’s wrong to break into a house?”

Xiang Youming seemed to have predicted the attitude of Champion, who took his own papers and wandered:

“Has Hidden Dragon recently suspected Mister Xiang of using transcendent force to do something that should not have been done, so I came to investigate that Hidden Dragon had this power?”


Not just here, but actually after the order of the top, a large number of Transcendant started to act, all the transcendant that was recorded and linked to Hell.

The lucky man who was found by Hell was all under surveillance immediately, either on the path of the Street Sun God.

In addition to monitoring these people, Daoist priest and Hidden Dragon elites of Mount Longhu surrounded the temple of the deserted suburbs in the dark.

There is no way, according to the original plan, if the passage is one-way, to return to Earth, it will have to take advantage of Netherworld’s power.


such a case, everything must do it quickly.

Well, because given the need to draw on the link between Hell and Earth, this time is being formed, and Kim Jo is actually in space member.

But his presence is completely confidential, and no offshore influence knows China’s team has hidden so many ghosts!


such a case, China can say that it’s done nothing!


is only necessary to wait for China to arrive at a underworld and to establish a position where follow-up China can continue to provide resources.

By that time, even if the rest of the country showed up, China had taken the lead, and you wouldn’t dare?

Not to mention, beyond the distant universe, there is a Netherworld such influence that makes the situation delicate enough.

to speak frankly, China has so much to do with ownership.


underworld planet, together with five, can ensure that its advantages remain in future development only if it chooses one of the most strategic and most appropriate for human development.

China has studied this.

Compared to the countries of desert victims and Hel covered by ice cream, Hades underworld, Netherworld, Yellow Spring Kingdom may be relatively good.

But in particular, the elite from Earth will have to visit the field.

Most importantly, once the target is identified, Hidden Dragon members will take the lead, leaving a part of the population there, documenting the ecology there and what resources can be used by humankind.

So China is doing enough to take a step ahead, step forward!

Earth and movement in the universe, still without anyone’s attention, China’s plan is still good.


long as those astronauts in the universe have been deceived, humans on the ground only have second-hand intelligence, they can certainly be deceived.

But the Chinese are well-recognized in their minds.

Even Chinese who had changed their nationality, the same was true.

Why is USA strong?

Because it grows up entirely on other civilizations and nations.

Scientists from the former strong Soviet Union helped USA out of nuclear weapons, Jewish elites to dilute assets to the globe… And without saying anything at these levels, much can be seen by little detail alone.

USA has been working on Chinese algorithms, using German thunderbolts…


such a case, Mr. Yang, who can participate in the genetic warrior experiment through re-election, is certainly not ordinary person.

In fact, with the exception of some prejudice to the east in terms of personality, Mr. Yang’s various tests are excellent.

Of course, prejudices for the east are something USA likes to make…

But in any case, Mr. Yang’s good is undoubtedly good.

In fact, as the USA fleet returned at Earth’s command, Mr. Yang suddenly realized something wrong.

He frowns, some confused gene warrior, who said:

“Did you feel something wrong?”

“From the beginning, China seems to be hiding from us?”

“With China’s wisdom, it’s impossible for them not to take into account the big terrfying behind the moon, and in such a case China panicked into the head of the road, don’t you think it’s unreasonable?”

“To be reasonable, China should have let us boil in front.”

“China’s approach gives my feelings as if they were intentional!”

The blonde young man hears this, frowns, some uncertainty:

“Are you sure? You say that, and I feel like there’s a bit of a deliberate ingredient in it.”

Mr. Yang shook the head: “I am not sure, nor are I sure, so I need to contact His Excellency directly when I open the encryption channel.”


have to say, as Level 3’s gene warrior, or the one that controls the weather, Yang Mister is still very powerful.

That, from the other gene warrior to his revere and he can speak directly to the President, can be seen two times.

Soon, that voice from the White House sounded on the ear of Yang Mister, and Yang Mister flew out his doubts, while a large number of bureaucrats in the Office of the President began to quickly analyze it.

This analysis doesn’t matter!

It’s true, as Jan Mister said, that China’s moves were knocked down and filled with confusion.

That feeling was like China seemed to have been following the most purposeful segregation of other influence from the beginning to the end, and eventually deliberately pushed into that big terrifying.

“Mister, it seems that the big terrifying should be interesting…”

“In that case, we USA must not fall behind.”

“So, start controlling the speed of spaceship, and wait close to the terrestrial orbit, turn around unexpectedly and go back to the moon.”

“I need to know what that big terrifying thing is!”

“Do exactly what I don’t care, but I need you to promise that all gene warrior won’t die for no reason!”

President USA, as always strong, was not dissatisfied with Yang Mister, and in the space ship, he was cautiously nodded:

“Code 91, Yang Mister, listen!”

After that, he started to have an orderly connection with the entire fleet, trying to kill a rifle in top secret to get the rest of them unprepared!

But USA is kind of thinking, of course, or in such a case, trying to top secret, too hard.

Because in other fleets, there is no shortage of smart people.

Maybe they didn’t notice something wrong with China fleet because of first entry, but they could see something wrong with the USA fleet.

Just as the USA fleet started slowing down, a lot of people realized that USA might have a little movement.

With the USA approach, the rest of the fleet is slowing down, even russian just stops there.

In such cases, the face of the USA astronauts is very bad, especially in the face of a large number of communications requests.

Finally, there is no way that Yang Mister will contact the President again, and the President will not be able to face this situation.

After all, the other influence can be rational, russian, this bunch of iron han, is obviously going to waste it with you.


else can USA do in such a case?

Share information!

While reluctant, it is not acceptable to think that this is a risk sharing.

So USA intelligence is so shared, every country’s height is naturally the evil of the after-acquired curse of China.

Then there’s every country discussion at the senior level.

Eventually every country has a group of spaceship returning, while the other spaceship is starting to move towards Earth.

There is no way to strike a balance between unknown China plans and known resources.

We’re all adults, and we’re not going to make a choice.


That’s it!

In such cases, a large number of spaceship began to return, and this time was clearly targeted.


‘s the back of the moon!

They want to see what China’s doing with the plane!

If it wasn’t an accident, the benefits could never be granted by China!

Everyone’s goal is simple, and it must be ourselves, and it must not be anyone else.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.


could not seize the opportunity, but they would never let the other influence seize the opportunity.

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