
Explorer, this is the unified code for a batch of spaceships launched from Earth five years ago.

The so-called explorer is a team jointly organized by the entire Earth’s frontline powers.

The main purpose of this team is to explore the mythical legendary World Tree.

Of course, expending a lot of manpower and resources to explore the World Tree does not mean that these powers are full.

In fact, these powerful nations have long ago signed the World Tree joint development agreement, ensuring the development process, and also distributing the immediate and long-term benefits brought by the development of World Tree.

This is the advantage of strong national strength. When they are united, they do not need to consider the attitudes of other weak countries.

For five years, explorers have been constantly traveling between World Tree and Earth.

Earth has also begun to make nuclear bombs desperately to come to the closed World Tree inside strikes.

Technical generations have been updated, and today’s Explorer spaceship has been updated to the latest generation of spaceship, with the kind that vertically rises and falls on Earth.

Of course, it’s just the ability to fly out of Earth on its own, like in science fiction movies, it moves across space in Earth space, and technology is far from that level.

Even if the technology has such a level, Fang Lei, the God who has fundamentally mastered Rule, disagrees, no one can do it.

In this revival game of Spirit Qi, Power of Space Fang Lei allows only two places to appear.

One is the cage of Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground, and the other is World Tree.

No one else is allowed to master Power of Space.

“Guys, who can tell me how long the World Tree is? Five years ago, we have been using the nuclear bomb to clear the World Tree for five years, and now I am disgusted when I see mushrooms.”

“Haha, can you still see the mushrooms? That ’s a lucky thing, my eyes are short-sighted!”

Life on spaceship is boring. The internal communication of World Tree is completely cut off from the outside world. Those who can chat and fart are only astronauts from all over the world.

As they say, the price they pay for five years is huge.

For individuals, even if there is a new generation of spaceship protection, the continuous explosion of nuclear bombs will also cause irreversible damage to their bodies.

Vision, skin, and even fertility are affected by nuclear and space radiation.

Of course, this effect is that they have nothing to worry about in the second half of their lives, so not only do they have no complaints, but they persist in doing things in pain.

“Guys, don’t be afraid to waste nuclear bombs, you know, the resources on the moon are almost endless.”

“Fuck Laozi!”

Waiting for a large amount of radiation to dissipate under the great power of space, the fleet once again approached the end of the World Tree blockade, accompanied by flame bursts, and a series of nuclear bombs shot out.

With the dazzling white light flooding everyone’s field of vision, even if they have brought special sunglasses, they still shed tears under such strong light.

Because the planet has obvious traces of the existence of the atmosphere.

No … not just the atmosphere, there are clouds on the planet!

What does this mean? This means that the most important water for carbon-based life will also exist on that planet!

“Why do I feel like I’m getting developed!”

“Approach the planet immediately and record the corresponding astral parameters at close range.”

Everyone is excited!

Getting through the World Tree is really just a toil.

But after getting through the World Tree, I found a planet that may be livable. That ’s definitely a big credit!

The astronauts can no longer imagine that they will live a decent life after they retire!

All spaceships are rapidly moving towards the unknown planet. According to various instruments on the spaceship, everything is normal now.

Including gravitational parameters, etc., are very close to Earth.

The most important thing is that as spaceship keeps approaching, through telephoto equipment, these astronauts can already see that there is a large area of ​​ocean on that planet.

“Guys, maybe there is a country in is legend?”

“Haha, let me guess, is it Heaven’s Court in your east or Heaven Mountain in our west?”

“Heaven’s Court and Heaven Mountain? Dude, you are so funny, why don’t you say this is Asgard?”

All normal parameters excite the astronauts.

But soon, a Japanese astronaut suddenly rushed to the podium with a serious expression, staring rigidly at the screen inside the spaceship.

After a moment of observation, he quickly picked up the communication device and shouted to the entire public channel in strange English with rolling tongues:

“gentlemen, please slow down now!”

“Unknown shadow found in front, please slow down immediately!”

“The specific location is at 10 o’clock in the Explorer 9 spaceship.”

The voice of Japan astronauts is transmitted to each spaceship by electromagnetic waves, and also makes these spaceship subconscious minds point various detectors in that direction.

Then the air freezes!

By zooming in the screen countless times, you can see that as the planet rotates, large area shadows begin to appear on the continent, covering the entire continent with the sun and the sun!


Looking at the scale, it seems that the shadow itself is not much smaller than the mainland!

“My God, what is that?”

“A mineral we haven’t seen?”

The astronauts from Earth were stunned. It was almost a shadow covering the entire continent. It was too terrifying.

Even at such a long distance, these Earth astronauts shuddered instinctively, as if … the shadows contained endless terrifying.

“Is the recording system open? To get closer, you must figure out what it is!”

“Already zooming in, fuck !!!”

As the camera zooms in, everyone feels scalp numb at this brief moment, shuddering!

The shadow of black is really one by one or sleeping, or who instinctively creeps.

The monster snake has pitch-black scale armor, with sharp bone spurs covering the head, and looks terrifying and terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is that with the continuous rotation of the planet, the shadow of the large area begins to appear in front of these spaceships. The densely packed monster snake is almost endless!

Ten thousand? Count hundred thousand? Millions more than that!

You need to know the conclusion calculated by the algorithm that comes with spaceship. It is a real continent. Although it is far less than the scale of the Earth continent, it is also far beyond the island nations such as Japan and Britain!

On the territory of a country, densely packed are all this kind of monster snake. How terrifying will the number of monster snakes be?

And the most important thing is … why are there so many weird lives on the other side of the starry sky?

Unconsciously, all spaceships have slowed down. In the face of the habitable but obviously dangerous planet, all spaceships chose to watch the fires burning across the river tacitly.

“No, there cannot be so many lives!”

“Do they need to eat?”

Soon, the astronauts in USA found something wrong. If this monster snake exists on the entire continent, do they need to eat and drink?

You know, the environment of this planet is likely to be the state where the food chain is cut off. How does the species continue under such circumstances?

Questions from USA astronauts, let everyone reflect.

After shock and fear, the elite astronauts in every country once again entered the role of explorer. A large number of detection devices began to aim at this planet, and countless data were stored in the spaceship.

After more than half of Earth Day has passed, the entire continent is finally facing the spaceship. At this time, the equipment responsible for remote monitoring clearly shows how huge the shadow on the continent is!

It’s bigger than Japan’s continent!

As the whole shadow emerged, the shape of a fuzzy dragon appeared to everyone’s mind.

It’s too much like a dragon, with a pair of wings on its slender body!

The whole shadow, for these Earth people, looks like a monster!

Before the Earth people reflected, the shadow of black suddenly surged like a wave.

Under the high-definition lens, it can be clearly seen that a huge monster rises from the shadows, countless monster snakes struggle to fall to the ground, and then a gigantic but incredibly large dragon head slowly rises Scarlet’s eyes stared rigidly at the universe.

It’s as if … it has discovered the existence of a team of explorers.


A dragon roar sounded, although its roar could not be heard, but the high-definition lens could clearly capture the ripples visible from the naked eye from the planet, and moved towards the universe.

The harsh alarm sounds in each spaceship, and the energy detection device has already given a warning!

“It’s attacking us!”

“retreat! retreat now!”

“wretched, not at all that many monster snake, most of this shadow is the body of that monster dragon!”

“wretched! I understood! The monster dragon entangled with the monster snake is Lord God’s desperate dragon in the dusk!”

“Damn it, which bastard just said it’s Asgard’s?”

The Desperate Dragon launched an attack on the spaceship in the universe, making all the astronauts on the spaceship show a fearful expression.

In the universe, they are too small.

In the face of a huge desperate dragon like the island nation, they are worse than ants, and can only choose to escape!

spaceship is flying at almost full speed, and flees in the direction of moving towards World Tree.

During the escape, the high-definition footage continues to record everything that happened on that planet.

Under the power of terrifying, the clouds were shaken into nothingness. The terrifying dragon of despair raised his neck, and ice-cold looked at the aircraft.

And as the Desperate Dragon awakened from his slumber, a large number of monster snakes twisted and struggled and fell to the ground, constantly spitting letters and roaring towards the sky.

The terrifying life across the continent seems to be reviving in this brief moment!

Escaped to the World Tree in astonishment, all the astronauts were filled with terror.

“It’s over … we seem to be in trouble?”

“wretched! We have a channel between Earth and that monster’s lair?”

“No … not us, this is the instruction above!”

“I don’t count on retirement now, why do I only wish I could survive!”

“Return now and report this information to the UN Security Council!”

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