I’m Almost Losing to a Muggle

Chapter 444: What is your majesty worry about

Before continuing to film, Lin Dong also returned to the capital.

His boss has been away from the company for too long, and he doesn't know what the company has become.

By the way, you can also go back to the long-lost canteen for a good meal.

In Hengdian, I went back to eat box lunch.

Lin Dong, half tortured by "Ultimate Challenge", can't wait to eat a richer meal.

When he got off the plane, he was taken back to the company.

A group of senior executives in the company are already in place, waiting for a roundtable meeting with him.

Of course, a large table of hearty dishes were also placed on the table steamingly, and they were eaten without a word.

The executives are reporting on their work.

Most of Lin Dong didn't hear clearly, he just wanted to eat back what he hadn't eaten in the past few days.

The seafood that Zhang Sanpang asked him to eat when he left Sanya always reminded him of the little fish in the backpack, and then the overwhelming hunger.

In fact, there are not too many major events in the company.

It's basically daily work.

Miaoya live broadcast and short video are developing steadily. Although Prince Yida created a black-and-white live broadcast and scooped people from the entire industry, the treatment was very good, and even a few people who could be ranked from Miaoya live.

The prince Yida is like a shit-chucking stick.

But this is not enough to make Meow Teeth hurt.

Not even the impact.

It is Miaoya's competitors who are hit.

Then there is Meow Music. "I'm going to make a record" has been broadcast to the fourth issue, and the response has been great. The ratings have soared to 2.7%, ranking fifth in the variety show ratings this year.

In front of it is the fourth season of "The Voice of China", the first and second seasons of "Run", and the third season of "I Am a Singer".

However, the ratings of "I'm going to make a record" are similar to that of "I'm a Singer". If not surprisingly, with the current momentum, it will definitely surpass "I'm a Singer" after the broadcast.

This time, Shencheng Satellite TV was a big bargain.

"They should regret not signing more seasons now." Pei Qinhu finally concluded that this is the result of the Variety Department, but Zhang Sanpang did not come back, so he helped report it.

"Don't go too far, after all, we still have to cooperate." Lin Dong looked at Shi Shanshan.

"I understand." Shi Shanshan nodded quickly.

Put a long line to catch big fish.

President Lin has always advocated making less money now, and then making a fortune when the time is right.

In fact, since "I'm going to release a record" started with 2.1% ratings, and then steadily increased, reaching 2.7% by the fourth issue, and many advertising agencies have already found it.

Even Shenjiang Satellite TV is a little excited.

This is all white money.

Add a few brands, and at least there will be a revenue of three to five billion yuan. Shenjiang Satellite TV is even willing to score four or six points with Kleist.

But Shi Shanshan refused without hesitation.

She can't smash Kleist's sign.

In the minds of brand owners, Kleist never increases advertising space halfway, so they are willing to spend more money to invest in it.

"We have already talked about the exclusive agency of FGO at Station M. It will be officially launched in August. This is the number one game on the'Want to Play List' at Station M. It took a lot of effort to talk about it." Qin Baoer mentioned Station M. Game things.

"Agent game..." Lin Dong felt a headache.

He doesn't know much about this stuff, but looking back at the development trajectory of the once richest man on the Internet, Mr. Chen, how can he not let his heart beat.

In 2001, Mr. Chen spent US$300,000 to obtain the agency rights of "Legend" from Actoz of South Korea, and joined China Telecom and thousands of Internet cafes to sell it to players.

This game has changed Mr. Chen, China Online Games, and even the process of the Internet.

A game agent can create the richest man on the Internet.

Lin Dong felt that Xiao Song Xu was stared at by his brain axe.

"President Lin, don't worry, we have gone through various evaluations of this game, and we will never disappoint you." Qin Baoer explained quickly.

Lin Dong felt bitter.

But he could not explain.

"President Lin has any thoughts on the game?" Pei Qianlong asked timely.

This is eye power.

When the emperor sighed, someone must ask:

Why is your Majesty worried?

Otherwise, the words in your Majesty's heart can be said.

"Oh, I just thought, how good games are made by other people, we Huaxia, why can't we have our own classic games?"

This FGO doesn't know what the income is, but just in case, it still dispels these guys from continuing to represent the game.

You have the ability to make games by yourself!

From scratch, there is no three or five years, and it is estimated that there is no way to do it.

When it is done, there may not be a market, let alone make money.

Everyone present was silent.

Men and women cry.

They lowered their arrogant heads and did not have any strength to argue with President Lin's words.

Yes, if you have the ability, why not make your own games.

Maybe this is the gap.

They are complacent in order to represent a game, but what Lin always wants is to develop and make the game by himself to revitalize the domestic game.

"Mr. Lin, we will reduce the number of agency games in the future, but to make games by ourselves, the funds required are not a small amount." Pei Qianlong came out again to make a round.

"How much will the distribution department make this year?" Lin Dong asked.

When he came back this time, the most worrying thing was actually the distribution department. Since "The Monkey Is Back" opened up, Qin Beier, the little girl, has taken over the release of film after film.

The Crest Distribution Department generally generates about 8% of its total box office revenue.

If it is a joint issue, the ratio will be less, but it can basically be maintained at about 3%. If you can't give this standard, it won't be issued to you.

"This year is expected to generate four to five billion yuan in revenue." Qin Beier said quickly.

The waist is so straight and proud.

When the distribution department was in Wang Kuo's hands, it was already profitable, but at that time it was only tens of millions of plates, and it distributed wages and benefits. There was basically little left.

Her current income of four to five billion yuan is all created by her.

Sure enough, this knife was ruthless!

"This income, after deducting the private development of the publishing department, will be allocated to the development of the game after it is accounted for." Lin Dong did not hesitate to throw out the burden.

It’s easy to get in and it’s hard to get out. Don’t enter his system account again.

"With so much capital, it is indeed possible to develop an excellent game. President Lin, are you sure we want to join the game industry?" Pei Qianlong is not sure about it himself.

Are our steps too big? It's easy to get into trouble.

"Time is life. What should be done one day earlier can increase one day's competitiveness." President Lin started the flicker mode again. In order to keep the issuing department's money from entering his system account, he also fought.

Pei Qianlong thoughtfully, finally nodded.

In fact, he also thinks that Kleist can get a share of the game industry.

It's just that he is not as radical as Lin Dong.

In the past two years, Kleist has grown from a pure film and television investment company to a large-scale Internet company, and has now entered a stage of solid foundation.

However, the game industry is very profitable, and if you want to become a top Internet company, this area will indeed be involved sooner or later.

Since President Lin wants to do it, he, the head of the strategy department, naturally has to cooperate.

"Our live broadcast platform may also have a profit of 300 million yuan." Seeing that others are silent, Chen Yinhui knows that his opportunity to perform is coming. He is now responsible for the short video and live broadcast of Miaoya.

"Your little money, just keep it for expansion!" Lin Dong quickly blocked his mouth.

"Expanding?" Chen Yinhui felt that he was already very big.

In short video, no one can compare to Kleist, and live broadcast is the same, it is the industry leader.

Although short videos are very weak in terms of profitability and currently only have a small amount of advertising revenue, self-sufficiency is still possible. With the rise of live streaming, Chen Yinhui can also be proud of the roundtable.

"The market is much bigger than you think. Don't be too easy to be self-satisfied." Lin Dong suffocated a sentence that he thought made sense.

The seniors were lost in thought.

"Mr Lin said it is very reasonable. With the popularization of mobile phones and the upgrading of the network, everyone should become our potential users. The key point is, can we meet everyone's needs?" Pei Qianlong felt that he had been confused. The place was penetrated by Mr. Lin in a word.

Yes, the market is far bigger than everyone thought.

I always feel that Nikko has reached a bottleneck and has surpassed all competitors, so I took it for granted that it has touched the edge of the market.

"Actually, the most difficult moment of a project is not starting from scratch, nor is it halfway through encountering many difficulties," Pei Qianlong continued to add: "It is the unknown after standing at the top position. At this time, you don't know what to do. In which direction to go, I don’t know how far we can go, just like our current live streaming of Miaozha.com and Miaoya."

"Ahem, yes yes yes." Lin Dong admired Pei Qianlong very much.

He just said nonsense, he didn't even think about it so much. This guy has the ability to interpret the composition into 800 words.

More **** than myself.

Isn't you afraid that everyone will laugh at the boss's flattery in front of so many people?

"For example, our live broadcast is currently only covering e-sports entertainment. Why can't it cover more aspects of life, work and learning, such as training and lectures, such as meeting arrangements, such as talent show, etc."

"And short videos are basically limited to sharing life, why can't you share knowledge?"

"Mr. Lin once said that as a company, we can't just focus on making profit, we can't just make money. We have to repeat our social responsibilities. Many people may have discovered that the proportion of netizens is low and aging. It is getting heavier and heavier. In response to this development trend, we should see opportunities and responsibilities..."

Everyone applauded.

I admire Mr. Lin for what he mentioned, and Mr. Pei for his summary.

"Ten theaters opened, four were renovated, and all went online in September." Tian Dazhuang briefly explained the work of the Miaowei Cinema.

In a theater, from the site selection to the decoration and launch, if you are lucky, you will just meet the right store, and you can achieve the expected results if you are lucky. If you are not lucky, everything will be impossible within a few months.

"The demolisher..." Lin Dong was heartbroken.

He invested a total of 1.5 billion yuan on the Meow Tail Cinemas. Although some theaters have made profits, they still lost money overall.

It was a great situation.

Just because of a demolition, a huge profit of 550 million yuan came out.

"The funds will be in place in mid-August, and we are currently choosing a new location." Tian Dazhuang paused and added.

"That's it, then choose. Don't always think about demolition and relocation. You can't rely on luck in your career." Lin Dong previously promised that all of the 550 million will be invested on the Meow Tail Cinema. There is no other place to spend money for the time being. Will not go back.

"I choose a place not to be demolished." Tian Dazhuang nodded.

His advantage is that he is obedient and not so aggressive. Instead, he is Chen Yinhui's kind. If he can pick up five hundred million in a pit, he estimates that he will move a pony to guard all day long.

"Actually, I have an idea about the theater." Du Qixi said at this time.

Lin Dong motioned to him and said.

"I recently met a director who spent 500,000 to make a movie. I saw the film and it was very good, but now I don't have the money to distribute it." Du Qixi said.

"We have an issuance fund, and we can help him issue for free." Qin Beier said in the interface.

In the beginning, the distribution fund was set up to support literary films, and by the way, to train the distribution team. Now, Kleist has helped distribute literary films for free every few times.

Almost all the literary and artistic films currently being released can see Kleist's name in the column of release or joint release.

"That's not what I meant," Du Qixi shook his head: "Bi Gan, this movie, is really hard to understand. Even if it is released for free, it won't actually get too much box office."

"Just tell me." Even if it's free distribution, there won't be much box office, so Lin Dong is still afraid of a fart.

"I wonder if we can buy this movie directly and put it on Meow Tail. We can play it over and over again if there is nothing wrong with it. It will not only enrich the theater lineup, but also let more people see this movie. Movie." Du Qixi said.

After hearing this, Pei Qianlong began to shook his head: "First of all, the issue of the screening license, one is the permission of the copyright owner, we can buy this, and the other is the permission of the cultural authority. This thing is not so easy to run, and, one After the expiration date of the movie, it can be broadcast online. It doesn't make much sense to not be available in the theater."

"I mean, we don't put this movie on the Internet, we just put it on Cat Tail, and you can only come to Cat Tail if you want to watch it." Du Qixi's literature and art are fully tuned, without considering the cost and benefit.

"Let’s not talk about how much benefit can be made. This is not friendly to directors and actors, and if the amount of communication is not high, their works can only be buried." Pei Qianlong didn’t intentionally attack Du Qixi. In fact, he respected Brother Qixi very much, but just thought this. People are too unreliable.

But some people like it.

Lin Dong was immediately moved by Du Qixi's unreliable idea.

"Let's take it as supporting niche literary and artistic films. Some films are put on the Internet and no one sees them. Even if the theaters and the Internet are together, it is fine. There are always people who like the feeling of a cinema.

Pei Qianlong frowned and stopped talking.

Can't make sense.

You talk to him about business, and he talks about feelings and support to you. How reasonable is this.

It cannot be said that supporting literary films is wrong.

What Mr. Lin most often emphasizes is the corporate social responsibility, to be positive and not to do nothing for money.

Pei Qianlong was impressed and accepted this theory.

"His "Roadside Picnic", I plan to win five million, what do you think of President Lin?" Du Qixi asked happily.

If this is done, it will definitely become the material for him to make comparisons in the circle, the kind that can be used for several years.

"Five million is a bit less, 20 million." Lin Dong said shamelessly.

In fact, this model is a bit similar to guaranteed issuance.

Although 20 million is a small amount of money for him, it is definitely a lot of money for a new director like Bi Gan.

Whether it is to improve life with the money or to make a new movie, it has properly changed the fate.

"President Lin, don't worry, I will take care of this for you. I will never take the benefit of a dime from it." Du Qixi patted his chest to assure that he has a relatively indifferent pursuit of money and just wants to live. There is face.

"I don't worry about you. By the way, if there is something similar, we can pull one as well." Lin Dong added.

"This is very simple, just hand it over to the Public Relations Department. As long as this matter is a little stir-fried, the entire industry will know it. By then, our Kleist's status must be greatly improved." Pei Qianlong's brain is particularly good. .

Such a money-losing transaction can also be "utilized" by him.

In fact, he also agrees with Lin Dong's sense of social responsibility. From the point of view of interests, if this can really be turned into a signature, this is a gold medal for avoiding death.

Even if you accidentally make some mistakes in the future and change to someone else's house, you may just hit a few sticks and make you lose a few items.

But if it is a company with a particularly good impression~www.NovelMTL.com~ it might be a matter of touching.

Lin Dong had no objection. All he could see was that after the stir-fry, he brought more classic literary films to pit his money.

Ignore everything else.

Of course, not all literary films will come to accept this arrangement.

More movies will still be released normally and let the market verify how much they are worth. Maybe it will be able to create miracles.

After all, the "Stone" that year only had an investment of 3 million yuan, and it won a box office of 60 million yuan, while the investment of 30 million yuan in "Taiwan Easy" earned a box office of 1.2 billion yuan.

Du Qixi’s mode of buying and only broadcasting in his own theater may only be selected for a small cost such as "Roadside Picnic", zero cast, and no plan to make people understand the film.


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