Chapter 73

A long convoy of horses snaked from the wasteland, gradually approaching the city of Bambi.

“It’s here, my friends, Bambi City is right in front of you.”

A big fat man with a spring breeze stood on the carriage and shouted at the convoy behind him.

Soon, several middle-aged men dressed in richly dressed and aristocratic clothes stepped out of the carriage and came to Miles.

These people, fat or thin, handsome or ugly, all share the same traits.

There was a shrewdness and oiliness in his eyes that only a businessman would have.

“My God Miles, is this where you get soap, toothbrush, toothpaste?”

A tall, wide-bodied businessman glanced at the tattered gates of Bambi City and couldn’t help but sigh: “My God, this gate is too broken.” ”

Miles was still slightly surprised, and muttered: “The construction of the city wall has already begun, and it was even more broken when I came before.” ”


At this time, hundreds of stout men each carried a log that was half the thickness of a human hug and passed by the horse convoy.

That wild and fierce momentum, looking at several people one after another.

A thin businessman stared closely at the back of this group of strong men, and said in a deep voice: “Good fellow, each of these people is comparable to the elite of the kingdom’s army, and I feel that they also have a fight with the soldiers of the Bauhinia Legion!” ”

“No kidding, Jim..”

Someone next to him shouted, “What is this place?” How can these country buns be compared with our Bauhinia Legion?! ”

The businessman known as Jim shook his head and said seriously: “I’m not kidding, have you forgotten what business I used to do?” I provided a small part of the weapons and equipment of the Bauhinia Legion, and I went to their barracks once and saw the Bauhinia Legion training.

Although these people are not as elite as the Bauhinia Army, they are indeed not much different from the soldiers of the ordinary Bauhinia Legion. ”

Miles explained: “Bambi City is attacked by jackals and beast tides every year, and these people can survive by grabbing food with jackals and monsters, and it is normal to be strong. ”


Someone whispered, “Our exiled Third Prince seems to be secretly preparing some big moves…”

Miles hurriedly said: “Don’t say some nonsense, remember that we are only here to do business.. Alas, if you bastards hadn’t refused to lend me money, I would have brought you here, and I would have made a fortune earlier. ”

“Shut up!”

Jim couldn’t help but scold: “You have already made a lot of money last month with soap, toothbrush and toothpaste.” Don’t think we don’t know how many orders you secretly received during this time…

You eat meat, can’t you leave soup for us to drink? ”

“It’s just, you greedy fellow, it’s really abominable ..”

Miles smiled and said, “Didn’t I bring you here..”

The group walked to the city gate and was stopped by the city guards guarding the gate, Miles and others quickly indicated their identity as a merchant, and then successfully entered the city.

As soon as they entered Bambi City, several first-time merchants were completely stunned.

“I rely on: Where is this? ”

“Marble tiled floor?!”

“My God, Miles, are you sure we’re not in the wrong place?”

Miles was also a little stunned, he was not surprised to see Central Avenue the last time he was here.

What really surprised him was that except for the central avenue, all the streets and alleys of Bambi City were paved with beautiful marble tiles.

And there are many new houses in the city that he has never seen before, which may seem strange at first glance, but there is a wonderful beauty when carefully examined.

In particular, the rows of new houses with this shape are neatly arranged in an orderly manner, which is particularly spectacular to look at.

There seem to be a lot more people in the city, coming and going.

There are more roads, more people, but… The ground has become cleaner, and you can’t see even a single leaf of garbage.

“Why is this road so clean?!”

“The air is also very fresh, I can’t smell it..”

“Oh my God, how did they do it?! It’s even neat and beautiful than the royal capital! ”

The rest of the merchants couldn’t help but shout.

Compared with the clean and tidy street pavement, on the contrary, their group of convoys who have just entered the city are the dirtiest, leaving a lot of mud and dust footprints on the road as soon as they come in, and the horses pulling the cart are convenient on the road, making them a little embarrassed.

“Hey, what are you people doing??”

Suddenly a voice sounded in the ears of several people, they looked up, a teenager in a bright uniform quickly walked towards them, but when they walked four or five meters away from them, the teenager immediately stopped, and then covered his nose and frowned: “You guys, you haven’t bathed in a few days, it stinks to death.” ”

Miles blushed.

No wonder as soon as they entered the city, all the townspeople avoided them from afar, and they thought it was strange before.

In other cities, as soon as merchants like them enter the city, they will immediately be surrounded by water, vying to buy the goods in their carriages.

But when they arrived in Bambi City, they became the object of everyone’s dislike.

“It’s just that I haven’t bathed for seven or eight days, so that’s it..”

A businessman couldn’t help but mutter.

The young man immediately opened his eyes wide and cried out: “I haven’t bathed in seven or eight days?” As for it? You guys are also too unhygienic, and they all have fleas on their bodies!

Go to the public bathhouse and come out again, otherwise no one in our Bambi City will want to approach you.”

The merchants looked confused, “Public bathhouse? What is that place? ”

“Miles, you know what..”

Miles was also confused.

The changes in Bambi City are so fast that he can’t keep up with the rhythm a bit.


The young man covered his nose and reprimanded them with a face full of disgust: “It is strictly forbidden to litter in Bambi City, spitting and defecating… Neither will the livestock.

Hurry up and dispose of your martial manure yourself.

If I find any garbage feces left later, I’ll fine you.” ”


Several businessmen were dumbfounded.

“Can’t litter? Can’t spit or spit? ”

“Horses on the ground are fined? What to do if we people ?! ”

“That is, the royal capital does not have this rule.”

“I can’t control the royal capital, but Bambi City is this rule, stipulated by His Royal Highness the Third Prince, and everyone must implement it: If you are not convinced, reason with the city guards. ”

The young man said a few words impatiently, and then pointed in one direction and said: “To facilitate the public toilet, prepare copper, but the large size has to be paid.” ”


Several merchants looked at Miles in unison.

Miles was agitated and quickly shouted: “Don’t worry, I know where the public toilet is?” ”

“But you didn’t say that you have to pay for a big size in Banbi City!” What the hell is this place?! ”

A businessman said sadly and indignantly.

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