I’m From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

Chapter 494: Forgot to mention, there is a chance that these will be extended

  Chapter 494 I forgot to mention, these have a probability of prolonging life...

 Looking at the prayers of some people, some people who think they are sober are filled with disdain.

 But on the surface he said nothing, neither agreed nor refuted.

This weird atmosphere lasted until there was a sound of gentle footsteps, and a hot girl pushed a four-wheeled wheelchair into the cathedral.

 The person in the wheelchair was naturally Old Martinson. He was looking straight ahead expressionlessly, seemingly not looking at the people around him.

 But I don’t know why, just now some people who were disdainful were a little uneasy.

 Old Martinson was pushed to the altar, facing the people in the audience, his eyes swept over everyone.

For some reason, everyone subconsciously looked away after meeting Old Martinson's eyes.

 It seems that those bright eyes contain too many things.

 Averting your gaze when looking at others is an extremely serious psychological problem in the West! This is inferiority complex and introversion.

 In the West, an introverted person with low self-esteem is considered to have psychological problems and has failed in education.

Let alone these people, it is simply impossible, but it happened like this.

Old Martinson didn’t say anything more and started baptizing in the holy spring directly.

The servant brought the golden bowl, and the mist on it was rippling slightly, which made people feel enchanted.

“Before drinking from the holy spring, you need to pray and be grateful for the gift of the Son of God.”

 “Be grateful to the Son of God for your gift.” Some people are truly grateful, while others can only echo and say things that go against their will.

They felt extremely humiliated. Bowing their heads and saying thanks to an Oriental they looked down upon was really more hateful than killing them.

Have you ever seen that king bow his head to the lowly common people?

 For them, this is humiliation, a greater humiliation than insulting them in person - if it is not the holy spring...

 Chen Chu was a lowly commoner to some of them.

They don’t know, and they can’t figure out why an alien civilization would cross an unknown distance across the sea of ​​stars to come to Earth, just for Chen Chu?

 Why him? Why not themselves?

 Jealous, almost mad with jealousy.


 Under the leadership of Old Martinson, everyone bowed their heads in prayer and was extremely "devout".

 As the prayers were completed, everyone impatiently picked up the golden bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

 As they drank from the holy spring, everyone's expressions became relaxed, and they seemed to become younger in a daze.

 But the holy spring baptism once every fifteen days is still not enough for everyone.

 Because a small portion of the holy spring is effective for seven days, it can maintain youthfulness for seven days and "pause" aging.

 But since he accidentally offended the Son of God, Old Martinson directly changed the baptism time to once every fifteen days.

 In other words, after every seven days of regaining youth, they have to endure eight days of aging, which is unacceptable to them.

 So they have been ready to do something, like yesterday’s plane...

Old Martinson did not continue to talk about the issue of religious piety, but instead talked about other things: "I am very excited, the Son of God has not forgotten us."

After hearing about this so-called Son of God, several people in the audience laughed inwardly. A yellow man... also wants to be the so-called Son of God? Still want them to believe in him?

 Shet! Fake squid!


If they weren't afraid of the fleet that once appeared on Pluto, they would have already set out to get the holy spring.

However, look what this clown-like Son of God has brought - someone thought so.

 Old Martinson clapped his hands, and someone came forward with a dinner plate. At Old Martinson's signal, the nurse next to him opened the lid with a slight twist and a hard push, revealing the fruit plate inside.

 “Didn’t anyone notice anything different about me today?” Old Martinson shook his blond hair, feeling quite elegant and aristocratic.

Everyone’s eyes and attention have just been focused on the holy spring. Who wants to see an old immortal?

Now that Old Martinson was reminded like this, everyone was immediately relieved about Old Martinson's situation. When did he grow such gorgeous blond hair?

Old Martinson gestured to the few fruit plates in front of him: "These are some magical fruits. They can bring people unused divine gifts."

 “Lifespan? Health? Miracles?”

 “My hair is a gift from God.”

Everyone was in an uproar. They could still believe it if it was an alien civilization, but if it was a gift from God, everyone would look at it like a clown.

"So, are you willing to get up and experience the gift of God?" Old Martinson said.

With his iron rod, Alexander stood up almost instantly: "Master God Envoy, I am willing to sacrifice my life for the gods. I am willing to be a test subject. Please be sure to choose me."

Some people were a step late, annoyed and scornful: Are you sacrificing your life for the gods? I'm embarrassed to expose you.

 Old Martinson glanced at his bald head, asked him to come up, and then let him eat part of the banana just now.

Just as everyone was initially indifferent but now looked at with dumbfounded eyes, black hair quickly appeared on Alexander's head and became thick quickly.

 “Oh! mygod!” Someone couldn’t help but exclaimed.

 Some people looked at the fruits with burning eyes.

 Alexander touched his hair and was filled with surprises. The ninety-year-old immortal was as excited as a child.

Alexander went down, and just when everyone thought Old Martinson was going to distribute the magical fruits, Old Martinson motioned to the caregiver to close the lid to keep it fresh.

Everyone's eyes instantly turned to Old Martinson. They didn't dare to be dissatisfied, but they got the idea.

 Old Martinson suddenly said: "I am very disappointed today."

 The people in the audience looked at each other cryptically, not knowing what happened, except for a few people who felt a little stunned in their hearts.

 A few people looked at each other and watched what happened.

 “I find that some people are not pious in their belief in God.” Old Martinson said solemnly.

“They seek to take for themselves what the Son of God has given us.”

Everyone was in an uproar. Most of the people sitting here now were convinced by Old Martinson, at least they didn't dare to take action until something was clear.

But this does not mean that they are cowards and will be suppressed by old Martinson for the rest of their lives.

 They think that they are just trying to make ends meet for the time being, and it is unclear how they will do better in the future.

 As a result, someone is trying to steal their things? Can this be tolerated?

 They looked at each other, wondering who it was.

“Did I just forget to tell you that the things given by the Son of God have a probability of extending life!

 Maybe a year, maybe ten years, maybe longer, but who knows? "

 But in fact there is not, or Old Martinson doesn’t know if there is, but it’s okay, who knows?

 As soon as Old Martinson said these words, the atmosphere suddenly became weirder.

 "Fili, Jack..." Old Martinson seemed to be muttering to himself, naming several people.

 The way everyone in the audience looked at those people was wrong.

 (End of this chapter)

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