I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 107: Game in the game (2)

It was evening, and Zhang Jue was walking through the streets of Cramingda Town alone.

From time to time, infected people who suddenly appeared from the corner attacked him, but he beheaded them all.

The sky gradually darkened, making this small town that already revealed a strange atmosphere even more terrifying.

But Zhang Jue still strolled in the courtyard.

As long as he wasn't trapped in a small corner, those infected people were nothing more than a bunch of leeks to him, and he was almost invincible.

At this moment, Zhang Jue had come to the center of the C1 area. He looked around and found a place to sit down and drink water.

Obviously, he was tricked.

The first two expedition teams were missing in area C3, but the area in question should be C1.

Jeffrey may not be able to do such a simple analysis, but Le Shui can definitely tell at a glance.

Jeffrey is acting, so he will accompany him to act, and do whatever he can.

He also wanted to see what kind of secrets were hidden in this small town that would allow the Foundation to do this to him.

Leshan and Leshui are brothers, but their behavior styles are very different.

Leshan is good at taking advantage of situations, while Leshui is good at using wisdom.

Zhang Jue smiled.

Since this kid Le Shui is not authentic, he will educate his younger brother for Leshan, and tell him what it means to use strength to break tricks.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are jokes.

The so-called game-in-game-in-game is nothing but the self-restraint of the weak.

After a day of tossing around, Zhang Jue was also a little hungry. He randomly found a house that was still in good condition, walked in, and went straight to the kitchen.

He pressed the gas stove and found that it was still working, so he laughed happily.

He opened his backpack and took out two bags of instant noodles.

Yes, Zhang Jue brought two packs of instant noodles, Laotan sauerkraut, because the braised beef was out of stock.

It can be regarded as eating the taste of home in a foreign country.

He turned on his kettle, cleaned the stove a bit, and then started cooking noodles, humming an unknown tune, as leisurely as he wanted.

Those who knew that he was here to carry out a dangerous mission, those who didn't know, thought he was here on vacation.

After a few minutes, the aroma is overwhelming.

Zhang Jue took out the disposable chopsticks he had prepared, and was about to feast on it when he heard a 'grunt'.

It seemed to be the sound of swallowing saliva.

Although the voice was soft, it couldn't escape his ears.

Those infected people had already been thrown away by him, and the huge house was very quiet, and it was really scary to hear such a sound suddenly.

But Zhang Jue didn't show any abnormality.

Again, he had no idea what fear was.

Zhang Jue raised his eyebrows, then walked towards the source of the sound - it was a huge wardrobe.

Holding a long knife in his hand, he approached the wardrobe a little bit.

When he came to this room, he had already sensed it with the dragon crystal, so there should be no infected people here.

Three steps, two steps, one step.

Zhang Jue put his hand on the door of the closet, and suddenly pulled it away—a four or five-year-old girl, with her arms around her knees, was looking at him with big, flickering eyes.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and said at the same time, Who are you?


half an hour later.

Zhang Jue watched the little girl eat his noodles one bite at a time, his heart was bleeding, but he still opened his backpack driven by sympathy.

Eat slowly, I still have a ham here.

The little girl doesn't know how to use chopsticks, so she can only eat noodles with a fork, but the speed is still very fast, and she looks very hungry.

Zhang Jue knew that she was probably the only survivor here.

The little girl finished the noodles and even drank the soup, but she refused Zhang Jue's ham.

Big brother,

I'm full, this, you eat it.

Zhang Jue could tell that the little girl was lying. The reason why she refused was because she was worried that she hadn't eaten yet.

The name the little girl called him reminded him of Shirley.

Zhang Jue smiled, opened the ham sausage, broke off half of it and put it in her bowl, while he ate the other half.

Little girl, what's your name?

The little girl paused, but still did not touch the half of the ham.

My name is Alice, she said.

The Alice in Wonderland?


It's nothing...can you tell brother, why are you here?

The little girl lowered her head: I'm waiting for Dad to come back.

Zhang Jue asked, Who is your father and where did he go? Maybe I can help you find him.

The little girl looked at Zhang Jue, as if she was assessing whether Zhang Jue would lie to her, but she was a child after all, and she couldn't tell whether a person was good or bad.

Looking at Zhang Jue's harmless gaze, Alice said, My father is the mayor of this small town. He said...he went to see those 'adults' and asked me to wait for him at home.


After listening to the little girl's words, Zhang Jue wanted to laugh three times.

He accidentally ran into the mayor's house and saved his daughter.

This means that he has a good chance of learning the truth of the matter.

Zhang Jue tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, and asked, Little sister, can you tell me what happened in this small town?

The little girl looked at her fingers: I don't know...

Zhang Jue was persuasive: It's okay, Alice, just tell me everything you can think of.

Alice was silent for a moment, then nodded.

That day, my father said that a hole was found in the small town... Some people from outside the small town came to the house, and they told my father that they should go down through the hole... Then after a few days, people in the small town began to get sick. Kindergarten is no longer in class, I can only play at home alone... Later, many people with guns came, it was terrible... Then, one day, Dad went out and never came back...

The little girl is still young, and her speech is not logical, so she can say whatever comes to her mind, but Zhang Jue still extracted quite important information from her words.

Alice, you mean, a hole was found in the town?


Do you know where that hole is?

Well... I don't know, but it should not be far from my house, because Dad always stands at the window and looks into the distance. I know, he is looking at it.

Is that the window in the living room?


Okay, you also said that some people from outside want to go down through the cave?


And then everyone got sick one after another?

Yes what's the matter?

Ah... nothing.

Zhang Jue pinched his chin, thinking about the relationship between the two things.

Originally, the fact that people in the town were infected with SCP016 made him very strange.

Although the virus SCP016 is powerful, it will be inactivated in a few minutes after being exposed to the air. Even if it is a mutant, it should not last long without a host.

He couldn't figure out why people in this remote town were infected. Now it seems that the source probably lies in that mysterious cave.

Zhang Jue thought for a while and asked a crucial question.

Alice, do you still remember the people who came to the house, what do they look like, such as their appearance or clothes, are there any characteristics?

The little girl shook her head.

I only know that they come from far away, and their accent is the same as yours, which is a bit strange, oh, I remembered. The little girl said suddenly, It seems that there are three letters printed on their clothes.

Which three? Zhang Jue suddenly felt chills down his spine, and he realized that he seemed to have far underestimated the complexity of this matter.

The little girl looked at the ceiling, trying to remember: It seems to be, S-C-P, yes, all of their clothes have SCP printed on them.

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