I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 121 Answering Questions to Win Treasures (Part 1)

Thanksgiving Day.

It was also Zhang Jue's last week in Meiguo.

I have been here for so long, but I haven't taken a good look around and feel the so-called freedom atmosphere.

Opportunities to travel with public funds are not always available.

Yang Xue also got a rare day off - although she is not celebrating Thanksgiving, others will.

In the newly built hospital, only the security personnel were on duty, and the rest went home.

Zhang Jue will be returning to China in a few days. If there is no accident, it will not be too convenient for the two to meet for a long time in the future.

So on this day, the two met for a meal, which was regarded as a practice for Zhang Jue.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, neither early nor late. After the two of them had dinner, they walked aimlessly on the street, chatting one after another.

Because it is an important festival, there are many pedestrians on the street.

Various, public parades|lines.

Everyone is immersed in the ocean of joy.

In addition, what people talk about the most is the so-called China-Ultimate Cultural Exchange-Hudson, the boxing champion of Mei Guo, has an appointment to fight Fang Tianlong, the national fighter of CN.

The reason why this contest has received so much attention is that Hudson is the son of boxing champion Chris who defeated the previous CN national player.

Twenty years ago, Chris defeated Chen Shangwu and won.

In terms of seniority, Fang Tianlong can be regarded as Chen Shangwu's nephew.

So this battle has attracted much attention.

Can the mysterious oriental martial arts return to its peak?

Can the Mei Guo boxing champion continue his glory?

Propaganda slogans can be described as extremely exaggerated.

Zhang Jue is considered to be half of Old Chen's apprentice. He naturally wanted to go and see this battle, but he had no acquaintances here, so he couldn't get a ticket at all, so he had to give up.

The two were looking at the passers-by on the street when suddenly a pleasantly surprised voice called Yang Xue's name.

Sister Yang Xue!

The two looked up, only to see a short-haired girl in a black miniskirt waving at them.

The weather in November is already relatively cold, and the girl opposite is really frost-resistant.

Zhang Jue glanced at Yang Xue: You know her?

Yang Xue looked at the little girl running over excitedly in front of her, and was a little uncertain for a while: Ningning?


Ning Ning is a student I sponsored. She came to Meiguo to study after graduation. I haven't seen her since then.

In the coffee shop, Yang Xue introduced Zhang Jue's identity.

Zhang Jue nodded upon hearing this.

Yang Xue and Yang Wenbai often support poor students in Jiangzhou University, which he has long known.

Sister Yang Xue, because she came to Mei country to study.

Ning Ning hugged Yang Xue's arm very intimately.

Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land, who is still her benefactor, the little girl looked very excited.

Along the way, she chattered non-stop, talking about how good Meiguo is, how advanced and free it is.

But Yang Xue and Zhang Jue didn't say anything about this kind of thing.

After all, she is not very old, she may not listen to some things others say, and it is best to wait for her to understand.

Sister, who is he, isn't it your boyfriend? Ning Ning looked at Zhang Jue and asked in a low voice.

Yang Xue glanced at Zhang Jue, who was absent-minded, and shook her head slightly: He... is my colleague.

Ning Ning let out a long sigh of relief: It's okay, it's okay, I was scared to death. I said, sister Yang Xue, you are so good, how could you be with this kind of person? Teacher Zhang is the best.

The little girl is also a graduate of Jiangzhou University, so she naturally knows that Zhang Shijia has been chasing her.

In her eyes, the talented and rich Teacher Zhang is worthy of her sister Yang Xue, who looks like a little gangster, not even worthy of carrying Teacher Zhang's shoes.

Hearing what Ning Ning said, Yang Xue frowned slightly: Why do you say that,

He... What's the matter, is there something wrong?

Ning Ning took a sneak look at Zhang Jue, and snorted, It's okay to say it's bad, but look, sister, he doesn't even have a label on his clothes, and he probably bought them from a roadside stall, and he didn't wear a watch. , must not be able to afford it, and he is not handsome enough, such a person, sister, how wronged you are to follow him.

Yang Xue sighed.

Unexpectedly, after going abroad, the little girl's three views turned out to be like this.

She said sternly: Ning Ning, you are an adult, and it is reasonable for my sister not to meddle in other's business, but if my sister doesn't say something, I am afraid no one will ever tell you. Yes, appearance and wealth are bonus items, but You have to figure out what is the most important quality of a person, and don’t be blinded by these two things.”

What is the most important quality in a person?

Ning Ning was stunned, she had never considered this question.

Is there anything more important than looks and wealth?

At this time, Zhang Jue came over with two cups of coffee.

What are you talking about?

Yang Xue shook her head lightly.

Ning Ning looked at him with weird eyes.

Zhang Jue almost thought that the zipper of his trousers was unzipped.

After confirming that it wasn't his fault, Zhang Jue said, I saw an event going on in the shopping mall across the street, do you want to go and have a look?

On Thanksgiving, most shopping malls will take the opportunity to hold some promotional activities, and there will be huge crowds of people all of a sudden.

They passed by a jewelry store, which was holding a so-called activity of answering questions and winning treasures, and the three of them stopped to watch the excitement

Ning Ning suddenly remembered something, looked at the calendar on the phone, and said, Sister, I remembered, today is your birthday, right?

Yang Xue nodded with a smile.

Zhang Jue took a look at her and found out about it.

Hey, did you get anything for my sister?

Zhang Jue froze for a moment before realizing that the little girl was talking to him.

Little sister, it's none of your business whether I gave you a gift or not. Besides, did you give it?

Of course I will. Ning Ning took off a pendant from her neck, Sister Yang Xue, I bought this with the manuscript fee I got for my first thesis. Although it is not expensive, it is very meaningful to me. Now I will give it to you. It's offered to you, don't you refuse—

She said so, Yang Xue could only take the pendant and put it around her neck.


Ning Ning looked at Zhang Jue with air.

Zhang Jue was a little confused, not knowing where he had offended this little girl he had just met.

Fortunately, they were wandering around the mall right now, surrounded by shops, Zhang Jue glanced at Yang Xue: What do you want?

Yang Xue smiled and shook her head, she didn't intend to ask Zhang Jue to give her a gift.

Ning Ning, on the other hand, felt sorry for Yang Xue: It's a hypocrisy, how can you ask others like this, you have no sincerity at all.

That's true, Zhang Jue nodded, realizing that something was wrong with his behavior, but after thinking about it for a while, he never thought of giving Yang Xue anything.

After thinking about it to no avail, he simply pointed to the jewelry store that was interacting with answering questions: It's better to hit something than to choose something. How about I go and win a gift for your sister Yang Xue?

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