I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 167: The Killer

Zhang Jue and Smith rushed to the periphery of the hospital very quickly.

There was a dead silence all around.

Only distant unknown birds quacked.

The two looked at each other, lowered their figures, and slowly approached the gate.

A strong smell of blood came.

As Zhang Jue said.

Humans are very sensitive to the smell of blood.

It was almost certain that something had happened here.

Kind of weird.

Zhang Jue knew very well how strong the defense of this stronghold was.

Among other things, the two fully formed mtf teams are still in positional warfare, even if the 682 master comes, they will not be able to get any favors.

Who can capture this place?

The two of them groped into the building.

The watchtower at the gate, the door is ajar.

Smith cautiously opened the door.

The body of a staff member lay inside.

He was riddled with bullet holes and the wall behind him.

There should be someone standing at the door, shooting wildly inside.

Smith stepped forward and touched the security guard's neck.

The time of death was about 12 to 14 hours, that is, from one to three o'clock last night. He said to Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue nodded.

Most intrusions occur in the latter part of the night, as that's when security staff are at their lowest vigilance.

He narrowed his eyes and walked straight into the hospital.

Smith really wanted to remind him to be careful, but thinking of the scene where Zhang Jue was shooting at each other with heavy machine guns that day, he simply gave up.

The gate of the hospital has been completely destroyed, and glass shards are scattered all over the place.

Surrounded by splattered blood.

The elevator had been destroyed, so Zhang Jue could only go upstairs on foot.

At the corner of the first floor, he saw a corpse.

To be precise, it was a pile of corpses|blocks.

The head was connected to the chest cavity, the limbs were scattered on one side, and blood flowed all over the place.

He can even imagine the scene at that time.

The security team member ran down the stairs and met a person here.

The man drew an X on his chest and abdomen with a sharp weapon.

Then the security team member was scattered on the ground like tofu.

Zhang Jue ignored him and went upstairs all the way.

On the second floor, he saw more corpses.

All of them were security personnel here, and almost all of them were cut into several sections.

A man was severed by a lazy waist. Judging from the blood on the ground, he dragged his intestines and crawled for several meters, and finally died in a corner.

Zhang Jue clenched his fist slightly.

Guess what kind of weapon the opponent is using.

After all, even Abel, who was good at using knives, couldn't cut people like this.

He searched layer by layer, and finally found the monitoring room on the fourth floor.

It is not known who designed the building.

But as he expected, the equipment in the monitoring room had been destroyed, and it was impossible for him to know who was here so easily.

But what the other party did was enough to prove that they were afraid of being seen.

At this time, Smith had already caught up.

Consultant Zhang, I checked outside just now, and all the automatic security equipment around the perimeter has been destroyed. The enemy is either very familiar with this place, or has planned it for a long time. It seems that the comer is not good. Should we inform the Foundation of this matter first? .”

It's useless, the signal here has been blocked.

Smith took out his mobile phone and found that it was indeed the case.

Since they entered the scope of this building, they have lost contact with the outside world.

He picked up the landline next to the monitoring room, but the busy tone came from the microphone.

When the foundation finds out that they have lost contact here, they will naturally send people to check the situation, but they are a little slow every time they come.

Zhang Jue sneered and said, I don't know what kind of shit is in the heads of those people in the headquarters.

Zhang Jue was free to talk about this kind of thing, but Smith didn't dare to answer.

So what do we do now? he asked.

What should I do? Cold salad. Zhang Jue said an old joke that Smith didn't understand at all.

He snorted, walked out of the monitoring room, and started looking around the entire building.

However, apart from more corpses, they simply did not find anything else of value.

An hour later, the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky gradually darkened.

But they're still running around the building.

Just like Zhang Jue complained just now.

The design of this building is very strange. It is not facing south and north horizontally and vertically. If there is no map, it may be difficult for ordinary people to get out.

It must have been done on purpose.

Smith finally couldn't help it, and asked: Consultant Zhang, can you tell me what you are looking for, maybe I can help.

It's not that I didn't tell you, because I don't know what's here. Zhang Jue shrugged, But since there are so many medical devices here, I'll make an irresponsible guess, and there is a high probability that it is a patient.


Smith said: So the enemy's target is him?

Zhang Jue nodded: Very likely.

The foundation hid a patient here alone, and built a hospital, and thought with his ass that Smith knew how important that person was.

He worried: I don't know if the enemy has succeeded.

Zhang Jue said: I don't know if it succeeded, but things should not be as bad as you imagined.

Smith was stunned: Why?

Zhang Jue pointed to the corpses behind them.

Have you noticed that the corpses we found so far are all ordinary security personnel. In such a large hospital, we haven't seen a single corpse in a white coat, and neither have the MTF teams that were originally stationed here.

Reminded by Zhang Jue, Smith thought about it carefully and found that it was really the case.

What is this indicating?

Zhang Jue looked around: Either, they all died in another place, or they all hid in another place.

Consultant Zhang, are you saying that this place is likely to be a cover?

It's just a possibility. After all, these expensive medical devices cannot be faked. If we compare this stronghold to a building, what we see now is only the part on the ground, and some parts hidden underground. We didn't find it.

But I saw that the elevator here didn't go underground.

It didn't say that they must be underground. Zhang Jue said, But they must be nearby, not too far away.

Then how do we find it?

At this time, we must use that method.

Zhang Jue clenched his hands into fists, his face full of determination.

I have never seen Consultant Zhang so serious.

Smith guessed that Consultant Zhang should be using his trump card.

He looked at Zhang Jue with admiration, and said to himself that Consultant Zhang was indeed the most reliable partner, and he would have a solution under any circumstances.

He felt lucky that he was able to be by Zhang Jue's side.

Staying with good people will always make you better.

Smith tried to ask: Consultant Zhang, can you tell me what is the 'method' you mentioned? Is it some kind of ancient oriental secret technique?

Almost. Zhang Jue said.

Smith took a few steps back tactfully, calmly, waiting for Zhang Jue's trump card.

But Smith never expected that Zhang Jue would take off his shoes.

There are still words in the mouth.

Taishang Laojun, hurry like a law!

As he spoke, he threw the shoe high into the air.

Everyone in Smith was dumbfounded.

Two seconds later.

The shoes fell in front of the two of them, exuding a charming smell.

Smith covered his nose, a little dizzy.

Zhang Jue put the shoes back on as if nothing had happened, and confidently pointed to the side where the toe of the shoes was: Go there!

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