I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 285 New Leader (2 in 1)

After Zhang Jue and Yang Xue returned to the site, the headquarters also announced the results of their treatment.

Yang Xue assisted two MTF teams to transfer the staff and patients who stayed at Area114 site to a safe place, and the Foundation will reward her.

Since her staff rank had been raised during the incident of the Antimemetics Department, this time, her salary was mainly improved.

Yang Xue's basic salary has doubled, and she has a few more days of annual leave.

Yang Xue didn't care much about these awards, because she felt that she didn't help much.

The report sent to Zhang Jue contained exactly what O5-1 had said about him.

This was somewhat beyond Zhang Jue's expectation. Originally, he thought that he had killed someone, and the foundation would make some fuss about it.

After all, he now has more and more things at hand.

He didn't expect that the final result would be so gentle.

He picked it up high, but put it down gently.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Zhang Jue nervously wonders if the Foundation is planning to set him up again.

In the afternoon, the two captains, Kenneth and Strong, also called to thank him for saving his life.

The two captains belonged to the headquarters and wanted to thank them in person, but they didn't have the chance.

Zhang Jue exchanged pleasantries with them, asked them about their current situation, and learned that the foundation did not punish the two of them, but instead rewarded the two teams.

It seems that this time Ian was successfully killed, the foundation was more tolerant to everyone, and did not deliberately make trouble, otherwise they would definitely be punished.

The MTF team is different from civilian personnel like Yang Xue. If they retreat without an order, they can be sent to the military court within the foundation.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen, and Kenneth and Strong did not have to face some difficult choices.


It was less than two days after Zhang Jue returned to the site, and before his ass warmed up, an unexpected visitor suddenly came to site14.

She was escorted to Zhang Jue's office.

The visitor was none other than Mirada, a follower of the Broken God Cult he had captured.

Mirada and several of her team members once wanted to use SCP-217 (a mechanical virus) to invade site 14, but were finally captured by Zhang Jue.

Although the two of them didn't speak a few words, Zhang Jue still remembered her appearance.

Zhang Jue looked at her: What are you doing here?

You know, although the Foundation let Robert Bumaro go because of his face, in the eyes of the Foundation and GOC, there is no essential difference between the Church of the Broken God and the Sarkic Sect, and both belong to cults .

When she came here, she was completely self-inflicted.

Mirada's face was full of sadness: I don't know how to contact you, so I can only force my way in.

What are you contacting me for? Zhang Jue said, I know I'm handsome and suave, but we're really not suitable.

No. Mirada shook her head, with tears in her eyes, It's the leader...he's about to die, he wants to see you.


The reason why the foundation dared to let Robert Bumaro go was because Robert Bumaro didn't have many days to live.

As long as he doesn't do anything to harm human beings, the Foundation doesn't really care how and where he dies.

So Robert Bumaro returned to the stronghold of the Cult of the Broken God, back to Cog City.

Originally, Robert Bumaro ascended to the gods, and the congregation cheered, thinking that the Cult of the Broken God could finally be proud.

But no one thought that after he came back, he was already dying.

The Cult of the Broken God was originally composed of three branches. After his death, the dragons will be leaderless, and the conflicts within the sect will be intensified.

At the same time, the Foundation and GOC are watching outside.

So for the past few days, Robert Bumaro has been working day and night, trying to arrange a bright future for the Cult of the Broken God.

But what should come, will come at last.

Robert Bumaro could feel his time coming.

So he sent Mirada out to see Zhang Jue for the last time.

Two days later, Zhang Jue came to the city of gears.

The two still meet at Robert Bumaro's office.

Robert Bumaro was placed in a special wheelchair, looking at the distant sky through the window.

His complexion was quite normal, and he couldn't tell that he was a patient at all, but the gears on his exposed body were turning slower and slower, making a clicking sound, rusty, as if they might stop at any time.

Consultant Zhang, tell me, what is the purpose of human life? Robert Bumaro asked.

This question is probably only meaningful to ask when you are about to die.

Without thinking about it, Zhang Jue said, Of course it's to make my relatives and friends happy and to make my enemies unhappy.

Consultant Zhang lived a clear life. It took me a long time to figure this out. Robert Bumaro sighed, Now that Ian is dead and the Sarkic sect is dead, logically speaking, I have no regrets , but what worries me the most is the group of people under me.

Zhang Jue understood what Robert Bumaro meant. There were two reasons why the Cult of the Broken God could develop to its current scale.

The first is external pressure. The Church of the Broken God faces several powerful enemies, the Sarkic Cult, the SCP Foundation, and the GOC, so they have to unite as one and fight against the enemy together.

The second reason is that Robert Bumaro's prestige is too high.

As long as he is there, those people's small thoughts will be hidden and they will not overdo it.

But now, with Ion dead, the Sarkic threat is gone, and Robert Bumaro, too, will die.

The balance of the Church of the Broken God will be disturbed.

It can be said that without the Foundation and GOC taking action, the three branches of the church fight among themselves, and they can play themselves to death.

This is what Robert Bumaro does not want to see anyway.

So he had to do something to stop this from happening.

Zhang Jue saw his distress and said: According to the history I read, generally speaking, in such a situation, the best solution is to find a suitable successor, as long as he can suppress the three branches of the church. Contradictions, the Church of the Broken God can continue to develop and grow, otherwise it will die sooner or later.

Robert Bumaro said: I agree with Mr. Zhang.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jue shook his head: Boss Bumaro, don't blame me for pouring cold water on you. In my opinion, there seems to be no one around you who can take on this important task. It seems that your luck is not very good. The Broken God Cult Doomed to perish.

The second half of Zhang Jue's sentence was a bit teasing.

Robert Bumaro didn't care, instead he showed a meaningful smile.

No, I have.

Huh? Zhang Jue was a little surprised, Who is an expert, it's a mule or a horse coming out for a walk, let me see it.

With a smile in his eyes, Robert Bumaro looked at Zhang Jue without speaking.

Zhang Jue froze for a moment, seeming to have guessed what Robert Bumaro was thinking, and quickly said, Boss, this joke is not funny.

Robert Bumaro put away the smile in his eyes, and looked serious: I'm not joking, Consultant Zhang, it's because of this incident that I traveled so far to invite you to the City of Gears.

He sighed.

I've thought about it for a long time, and discussed with several ministers. Apart from you, there is no other suitable candidate. Consultant Zhang, I can see that you and the SCP Foundation are not of the same mind, and the SCP Foundation also has a lot of precautions against you. , on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of members of the Cult of the Broken God, I extend the most sincere invitation to you, are you willing to become the next leader of the Cult of the Broken God?

After Robert Bumaro finished speaking, the door of his office opened.

Three members of the Broken God Cult, old, middle, and young, walked in under the leadership of Robert Bumaro's secretary, Fusha.

The three of them are the current leaders of the three branches of the Broken Church, the Cog Orthodox Church, and the Maxwellist Church.

The three of them knelt down on one knee, and said in unison, I implore Advisor Zhang to be the leader of my teaching.

Even the little girl Fusha knelt down.

Robert Bumaro sighed again, his eyes reddened.

Consultant Zhang, I know that you are used to living an unfettered life, so I don't intend to imprison you here. Now that the Sarkic Sect has been destroyed, there is no need for the Sect of the Broken God to expand. I ask you to be the leader. I just want to give A good death for these believers.

Every word of Robert Bumaro was sincere, and he never gave Zhang Jue a chance to refuse.

He had many discussions with the backbone of several churches. Zhang Jue is a foundation consultant and has also dealt with GOC. Only when he is the leader can the Church of the Broken God survive in the cracks. There is no way. Method.

With three employees kneeling on the ground and Robert Bumaro's sincere persuasion, Zhang Jue was forced into a corner, and there was no room for him to refuse.

If it was in the past, he would definitely pat his ass and leave, trying to threaten him, it didn't exist.

But it's different now.

Without Robert Bumaro, he couldn't have killed Ian, and the two of them could be regarded as a life-threatening friendship, which made it difficult for him to do things so desperately.

In fact, being the leader of the Broken God Cult definitely has great benefits. Let alone other things, the vitality of the 300,000 followers is very enticing.

Although their combat strength can only be regarded as moderate, what is rare is their pure faith. As long as they are managed properly, they will definitely be a very powerful boost.

Zhang Jue had to prepare for the end of the world three years later, and this was the cake that was delivered to his mouth.

And the reason why he was hesitant was because he knew his character and couldn't sit in the office all day.

It's not that he can't do tedious routine work, it's just that he doesn't want to lock himself up.

But Robert Bumaro has grasped Zhang Jue's pulse. He knows that Zhang Jue is used to the life of idle clouds and wild cranes, and he doesn't even ask Zhang Jue to stay in the city of gears. That's fine.

This is already the biggest concession he can make.

After a moment of stalemate, Zhang Jue was finally defeated and waved his hands helplessly: Okay, I promise you—

Really? Consultant Zhang? Before the leaders could speak, the little girl Fusha who was kneeling on the ground jumped up first, That's really great!

Wait, wait, don't get excited.

Zhang Jue quickly waved his hand, then looked at Robert Bumaro: I can promise to help you manage the Church of the Broken God, but there are a few conditions, you must agree to me.

Robert Bumaro nodded: Consultant Zhang, but it's okay to say.

Zhang Jue thought for a moment, then spoke slowly.

First, members of the Church of the Broken God are not allowed to actively harm normal humans, let alone use SCP-217 (mechanical virus) for personal gain.

Second, during my tenure as the leader of the Church of the Broken God, orders and orders must be banned. If anyone does not cooperate with the work or does not follow orders, don't blame me for being cruel.

Third, if you feel that I am not suitable for this position, you can nominate a new leader at any time. Similarly, if I feel that you don't need me anymore, I will choose to separate from you without hesitation.

After speaking at three o'clock, Zhang Jue paused for a moment to give Robert Bumaro and the three leaders time to think.

Several people looked at each other, and Robert Bumaro nodded immediately: Consultant Zhang, I can promise you now, the points you said are all right.

Having said that, it is a foregone conclusion that Zhang Jue will become the next leader of the Cult of the Broken God.

Suddenly 300,000 lives were on his shoulders, Zhang Jue felt helpless.

He left Robert Bumaro's office and wandered alone in Gear City, trying to get acquainted with the place.

Now that Robert Bumaro has been promised, he will make this leader a good one.

The believers in the city of gears have long known that he will succeed the leader, and some are not convinced, but most of them still respect him.

Zhang Jue looked at the sea in front of him, thinking that there are always so many accidents in life.


After Zhang Jue left, Robert Bumaro held a small meeting with several confidants, mainly about how Zhang Jue took over the Church of the Broken God smoothly.

The meeting continued until late into the night.

Before he knew it, Robert Bumaro fell asleep in his chair.

Several confidantes looked at each other, very sad.

Everyone knew in their hearts that his time was approaching.

Robert Bumaro only had his head connected to his chest. If it wasn't for a little bit of divine body protection, he would have died long ago.

After Zhang Jue agreed to his request, his last wish was fulfilled, his mind suddenly relaxed, and the vitality in his body finally dried up.

Fusha put him on the small bed in the meeting room, watching him sound asleep, tears streaming down her cheeks.

At dawn, Robert Bumaro woke up slowly.

Fusha was lying on the side of the bed and dozing, as if she had sensed something, she also opened her eyes in a daze.

Sir, are you awake? Do you want a drink?

Robert Bumaro shook his head lightly, and the gears around his neck made a clicking sound, and he was struggling to even do this kind of movement now.

What time is it? He asked hoarsely.

Seeing his weak appearance, Fusha's eyes were red: Sir, it's not yet six o'clock, you should rest for a while.

Robert Bumaro tilted his head, looking out at the sky.

It seems to be dawn soon...Fusha, can you help me go outside...

Fusa put Robert Bumaro in a special wheelchair and found that his body became lighter and lighter.

Pushing her wheelchair, she walked all the way and met many people.

There are elders of the three major sects, but more are those at the bottom of the believers.

Everyone did not rest.

Mr. Bumaro is coming home, and they all feel it.

No one spoke, just kowtowed reverently.

Fusa pushed the wheelchair and took Robert Bumaro to the terrace on the roof of the central building of the City of Gears.

From here, you can overlook the whole city.

This city of gears was established after Robert Bumaro took charge of the Church of the Broken God. It can be said that every inch of land and every tall building here has been devoted to his efforts.

He knows the position of every screw and the size of every gear.

Now, it seems to be saying goodbye to the city.

The sky is not yet bright, and the moon is like a hook, only a fish belly is visible in the east.

Robert Bumaro looked at the towering buildings and rolling bearings, let the breeze blow his face, smelled the mechanical smell from the city of gears, said nothing, and didn't know what he was thinking.

I don't know if it was at this moment before he died, those lost histories, everything in the past, became the picture in Robert Bumaro's mind, accompanied by the morning light, constantly changing in front of his eyes.

The phantom before Robert Bumaro's eyes is gradually blurred, and the past and reality are constantly separating and overlapping.

He seemed to be able to see that the Broken God was finally whole.

Robert Bumaro blinked his dull eyes to drive away the illusion, wanting to stand higher and see further.

But he no longer has feet.

Fusha sensed his thoughts and quickly helped him up.

Robert Bumaro suddenly felt that his vision became clearer. He saw that the Church of the Broken God that he had guarded for thousands of years had finally grown stronger.

Gears, machinery.

What a wonderful world.

Robert Bumaro sighed, closing his eyes forever.

The patron saint of the Church of the Broken God for nearly a thousand years has finally come to the end of his glorious life.

Below the terrace, the believers of the Church of the Broken God couldn't hide their grief when they saw this scene. They knelt down and kowtowed.

At this time, the sun finally rose from the sea level, and the golden morning light hit Robert Bumaro's face, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep...

fell asleep forever...


I would like to share a good news with you. The editor told me that this little book will be recommended next week. Let me save some manuscripts. I will not update it in the past two days. I will update it once when it is recommended. .

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