I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 327 Number One: The Truth About the Birth of the Authority

Sorry, uncle, I can't do this, they gave us food, I can't hurt them.

The listener of the story said: In this forest, no one can hurt others. This is the rule set by all the clansmen from the beginning, otherwise, we will also be punished.

The 'story teller' looked at 'his nephew', and sighed after a long time: I see, you go, I'm going to rest.

The 'Housekeeper with Wings' withdrew from the inside and returned to his bedroom.

At this time, Zhang Jue had already returned to his room.

He hears all conversations clearly.

I finally figured out what the so-called war was all about.

It turns out that the goblins living in this dark forest were tricked by humans.

Although they have power stronger than humans, they were eventually driven here.

Zhang Jue remembered what Yang Xue's uncle Yang Wenbai once said to him.

Compared to those abnormal items that look scary, people are the scariest.

Although the 'birdman' said that he would not hurt him, Zhang Jue still lay on the bed and fell asleep instead of falling asleep.

Anyway, with his body, even if he didn't sleep for a week, it wouldn't cause any major problems.

Early the next morning, after Zhang Jue and Sam got up, they said goodbye to the 'early bird man' and left some food for it.

The 'big eagle with a curved mouth' was very happy and sent the two of them on their way.

It was already daylight, and the two continued to walk along the 'sheep intestine path'.

Not long after, the 'ancient well that is the same as the starting point' appeared in front of my eyes.

It seems that their trip this time has come to an end.

Consultant Zhang, let's go down.

said Sam.

Zhang Jue stood in front of the mouth of the well, motionless.

Consultant Zhang? Sam shouted.

Zhang Jue turned around and looked at Sam with meaningful eyes.

If I am not mistaken,

We have explored twice, and you have called me Consultant Zhang for the sixth time.

Um, sorry, I forgot.

Sam scratched his head, looking naive.

Forget? Zhang Jue raised his eyebrows, I heard from your supervisor that you have been here five times, and the colleagues who traveled with you have not had any problems.

Sam looked at Zhang Jue with innocent eyes: Ah... probably my luck.

Oh, it turned out to be good luck. Zhang Jue nodded, Then why didn't you turn on the recording device this time?

Isn't it turned on? Sam hurriedly checked his instrument, and sure enough, it was turned off as Zhang Jue said.

Zhang Jue sneered: You also forgot, right?

Uh, yes... Seeing Zhang Jue's cold eyes, Sam's naive attitude gradually disappeared, and his eyes gradually became sharper. Consultant Zhang, what exactly do you want to say?

It's nothing, I'm just too lazy to pretend to be with you. Seeing that Sam no longer pretended, Zhang Jue finally showed his aura, I'm here, I have something very important to do, I don't have time to play with you guys The game of playing house, I will explain it to you before I go out, so that you and your master can play less tricks, and before you do anything that makes me feel murderous, get out of here quickly! Otherwise, I will kill you Your dog's life.

Ever since putting away that naive smile, Sam seems to be a different person.

Zhang Jue's words touched his Ni Lin even more. At this moment, something called murderous aura was released from his whole body.

Zhang Jue, we are all employees of the Administration Bureau, so don't bully others too much!

It's this time, you still don't forget to call my name, really...

As Zhang Jue said, he kicked Sam several meters away, before the last two words came out of his mouth.

……court death!

Sam was a special trainer under Angelo, and his skills were better than the agents of the Administration, but he didn't even see Zhang Jue's kick, let alone defend.

With just one look, he could see the huge gap in strength between the two.

But from his eyes, it is impossible to see that Zhang Jue has a unique skill.

Zhang Jue walked up to him, condescending.

It's because of you villains that the Administration is in such a mess. I don't know how many people died in internal friction. They are really a bunch of... moths!

As he spoke, Zhang Jue stepped on his left arm.

Sam squawked like a pig.

This is a lesson for you, just be a Yang Guo in the future, and don't think about using any special method to catch up, otherwise I will see you once, step on you once, and the people behind you, tell him what little tricks he will do, I'll settle accounts with him sooner or later.

Zhang Jue snorted, turned and walked towards the mouth of the well.

The recording is not turned on. You can make up the reason for the injury yourself. If you can't make it up—just wait for the body to be collected.

After speaking, Zhang Jue jumped down the mouth of the well.


Half an hour after Zhang Jue came out of the fireplace, Sam also came out of it.

In fact, he just stayed up there for a few more minutes, trying to figure out what to say.

It is probably due to the anomaly of time and space that the interval between the appearance of the two of them is so long.

After Zhang Jue heard him tell Morris that he was leaving, he was plotted against by the goblin, and the tape recorder was also robbed.

This is something that has never happened in that forest. Morris attaches great importance to it, but because there are no audio and video recordings, and there is no way to analyze where they offended the local entity, he can only listen to their side of the story.

Old Downey looked at Sam's injury, then at Zhang Jue, and left the room with his head down.

Zhang Jue didn't care about him, and he didn't bother to care about him. He had more important things to do.

Ning Suiyu just walked into the room, was startled when she saw Sam's appearance, and asked Zhang Jue, What's going on? Are you okay?

Zhang Jue shook his head: I'm fine, you came just in time, I have business with you.

What's the matter? Ning Suiyu frowned, she could see that Zhang Jue's something was definitely not an ordinary matter.

Can you reach O5-1 directly, I need to speak to her.

There are thirteen O5s in the Authority, each with their own power, even O5-1 is not exempt.

Otherwise, even if you get this title, it will only be useful when voting, otherwise, it is just an empty shell.

Although Ning Suiyu is from Country C, she was personally promoted by O5-1.

She dialed the number of O5-1, then passed it to Zhang Jue, and left the room by herself, giving them space to talk alone.

Zhang Jue, you only have five minutes. If you have anything to do, tell me. A processed female voice came.

Boss, don't be so unreasonable. Anyway, I helped the management bureau solve so many troubles, didn't I?

Four minutes and fifty seconds.

Damn, I just said a word, and it took ten seconds? Your old man's watch is broken!

Four minutes and thirty seconds.

Okay, okay, I said I said-boss, have you heard of the 'Demon Factory'?

What are you asking that for?

I'll just ask—I'm in 'that forest,' and I've heard about it.

What's up?

War, about a war, 'those goblins' say humans have betrayed them.

Nonsense! The Authority has never betrayed anyone! Even if they are goblins!

Ah, that's why I want to hear what you have to say.

Aren't you looking for Yu Hongbo? This has nothing to do with what you are asking now.

It doesn't matter. Zhang Jue found a stool and sat down, crossed his legs, Master O5, to tell you the truth, I heard a very exciting news last night. Do you want to know? Let's exchange information. how?

Are you threatening me? came O5-1's icy voice.

Zhang Jue laughed: How could I do such a tasteless thing, I just want to satisfy my curiosity, that's all.

The other side was silent for nearly ten seconds, and just when Zhang Jue wanted to say not to delay, O5-1 said, Okay, let me tell you—Consultant Zhang, do you know about Project 001?

Hearing her mention 001, Zhang Jue was slightly taken aback.

In the authority, 001 can be said to be quite a special project.

Anyone who has read the Authority's documentation must know it and be very curious about it.

Strictly speaking, 001 is not a single project number, but a collection of more than thirty proposals, each of which can be called 001.

It is one of the most important projects of the entire Authority and has the highest level of secrecy.

According to the official statement, in order to prevent 001's truth from leaking out, zero/multiple fake cover files are stored together with one/multiple genuine 001 files. Also, all these files are protected by memetic erasure agents, without Authorized personnel will immediately cause cardiac arrest and death.

In other words, these thirty documents with the same serial number 001 may all be true, or they may all be false, and most likely they are half-truths and half-false—this is the disguise method that the Administration is best at .

Zhang Jue had read the documents about 001 several times, and knew about an archangel with a sword and Black Moon, but he didn't know about the one related to this war.

I can tell you that the existing documents, no matter how authentic they are, are not the real 001. The voice of O5-1 came again, The real 001 is a story about the birth of the Authority.


A long time ago, there was a factory called The Anderson Factory.

Because its founder is called James? Anderson (James Anderson), hence the name.

The Anderson plant was the largest in the world at the time, and it was designed as the final form of the plant to handle everything, including the employees.

People are born, study, work, live and die here without leaving the confines of the factory.

All jobs in the world can be found here.

But no one knew that the owner of the factory, James Anderson, was a devil worshiper.

Those factory workers suffered inhuman abuse here, and were even used as experimental materials.

But because of the power of the factory, no one can escape.

Finally, after 40 years, a worker escaped and exposed the matter to the local president.

At that time, there was no organization called the Administration of Anomalous Creatures. There was only a group of young people who dared to fight. They were special soldiers.

On orders from the President, they stormed the factory, freed the workers, and killed the factory owner, James Anderson.

Not only that, but they also found some strange things.

For example, toy guns that shoot real bullets; for example, a sledgehammer that only works on the human body; for example, a kind of bone horse that runs faster than everything at the time; for example, a cloak that can make people invisible, etc.

These things overturned their cognition.

They never knew that these things were actually being produced in this factory.

Some people think they should be destroyed, some people think they should be used, and some people think they should be sold for money.

Because of different ideas, everyone dispersed. In the end, there were only thirteen people left, still sticking to the factory.

Using what they had, they transformed factories into strongholds, independent of governments.

They will take on some special tasks and earn rewards to ensure their own survival.

But there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Then one day, they were defeated by a group of goblins with special abilities.

The goblins took over the factory and killed everyone.

Only the top leaders at that time remained.

The top leader did not know what method he used to go back in time, and then led the people in the administration to kill all the goblins.

After this battle, the survivors sealed up the factory and established the current Anomalous Creatures Administration.

This is the truth behind the birth of the Bureau of Anomalous Biology.


After the story was told, O5-1 stopped talking, and her emotions seemed to sink in.

Although O5-1 spoke with emotion, as if she had experienced that war, Zhang Jue still heard a lot of unreasonable things from it.

For example, how did the predecessor of the Authority break down the factory without the help of anomalous items?

And even if time goes back, how did the so-called top leader lead his colleagues at that time to defeat those goblins?

If they have this strength, why did they fail the first time?

O5-1 obviously sped up the tempo when describing these two points, trying to get away with it, but it is impossible for such details to escape Zhang Jue's eyes.

And most importantly, last night, he heard another version of the story.

According to that pig-headed monster, the Administration betrayed them, and through some means, deprived them of their names.

Both versions uglify each other, so you can't trust them all.

But pieced together, it should be able to roughly restore the truth of the matter.

In fact, no matter what the truth is, what is certain now is that those goblins and humans—at least the Administration Bureau—have a sworn hatred.

Both sides want to get rid of it quickly.

Although the surviving goblins were driven to the 'unnameable forest' and most of them had forgotten their hatred, there were still a very small number of them still trying to launch a counterattack against humans.

The sick pig-headed monster and the kobold who plotted against Yu Hongbo were both members of the Hawk Faction.

If what Zhu Bajie said is true, then they may have penetrated into human society for a very long time by changing their names.

Even those researchers who came back and behaved normally may have been faked by them.

They've been with the Authority for so many years, and it's pretty scary to think about.

Zhang Jue told O5-1 the information he got.

O5-1 immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

All researchers who have entered the 'Forbidden Lands Project', their colleagues and family members must be controlled immediately.

It is not too late to remedy the situation.

What about you, Counselor Zhang, what are you going to do next? O5-1 asked.

I've finished talking to you about the big things, and of course I still have to do my own thing.

Are you still going to 'the forest where the goblin lives' to find Yu Hongbo?

Of course. Zhang Jue snorted, Don't say he just swapped bodies with another goblin, even if he turns into ashes, I'll bring him together—Yang again!


Thanks to Mr. Qin Zhidao for the reward.

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