I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 347 Guess who I am?

Remember in a second【】

At night, Zhang Jue lay in bed unable to sleep.

Since coming here, he has been examining the world as a bystander.

His personality is like this, absolutely calm and rational, and he will never yell hysterically like those people in TV dramas at any time, because it is useless.

Even when he found out that he was a sub-personality, he quickly accepted the reality.

Find out the problem, try to solve it, no matter whether you succeed in the end, you have no regrets.

Probably this is the biggest difference between him and ordinary people.

He can adapt to a new identity and a new environment very quickly.

Just like traveling to the Administration.

Oh, well, that should be the experience imagined by the protagonist.

Yang Xue's shadow appeared in his mind.

In the novel written by the protagonist, the character of the heroine is similar to that of Yang Xue.

Gentle and stubborn.

Sure enough, this kind of girl only exists in novels?

This is so fucked up!

He was thinking about these things, when he suddenly heard the siren sounding outside.

Alarm bells rang loudly, accompanied by people shouting.

on fire!!

Within two minutes, a faint puff of smoke drifted in from the gap under the door of his room.

It's over.

The room he was in was completely enclosed without even a window. The smoke contained a lot of harmful particles. After a long time, he would be choked to death if not burned to death.

He looked around, and was about to tear off the sheet on the bed and stuff it into the toilet to get some water, when he heard the sound of the door lock.

A security guard opened the door, covering his mouth and nose, and shouted to him: Come out!

It turned out that he had not been forgotten.

Zhang Jue hurriedly left the detention room with the security guard on his back.

It was early in the morning, and there were not many people on duty. Fortunately, the alarms in the detention center were relatively sensitive, and the fire did not cause much damage.

Zhang Jue was taken to a safe place. While walking, he heard from passing staff that a house seemed to have been burnt down.

Originally, Zhang Jue didn't take it seriously.

But when he was taken to the elevator, he glanced in the direction of the fire, and he was surprised to find that the house he had lived in was on fire.

Such a coincidence?

Zhang Jue wanted to go to that room to have a look, but with his current status, he could only be escorted away, so he had no choice but to give up.

This was just a small episode, and it didn't cause much commotion.

During dinner the next morning, Zhang Jue heard two guards discussing the matter. He heard that the circuit in the room was aging.

Zhang Jue raised his eyebrows and continued to deal with his buns and porridge.

After chewing a few mouthfuls, I felt that the taste was not right. The stuffing in the bun seemed sour, and the quality of the meat was obviously not good.

Damn, this kind of thing dares to be eaten by others. The contractor of the canteen in this detention center is probably someone's brother-in-law.

Zhang Jue put down the buns and only drank two bowls of porridge.

Before he finished eating, there was a grunting protest from his stomach, and there was a sharp pain.

He wanted to fart, but he held his sphincter tightly and didn't dare to relax.

If there is such a little luck at this time, a beautiful chrysanthemum will surely bloom on the pants. …


What are you doing? The guard who was chatting at the side walked over impatiently.

I need to go to the bathroom!

Hold it! Go back to your room!

I can't help it, I'm about to jump out!



Hutong - clatter -

After squatting for nearly twenty minutes, Zhang Jue finally excreted all the toxins in his body.

I don't know what kind of meat that bun is made of. The effect is so fast, why didn't I see other people go to the toilet.

Could it be that he ordered the back, just a broken one, and let him eat it?

Zhang Jue felt that his legs were a little numb, and holding on to the partition of the toilet, he opened the door with difficulty.

The guard waiting outside the door looked at him with contempt.

After squatting for so long, if it wasn't for the smell and puffing sound coming from inside, he would have thought that Zhang Jue had run down the toilet.

Zhang Jue's legs became more and more numb, and he couldn't move after washing his hands. As soon as he tried hard, he felt sore, so he could only support the sink with his hands.

The guard probably also saw what was going on, and ran to wait outside the toilet with a grunt. It really stinks here.

Zhang Jue looked at himself in the mirror.

The appearance is still the same as before, but a little thin and sloppy.

Also the beard hadn't been shaved in a while and had fresh stubble.

But it doesn't affect his handsomeness, instead he has a decadent beauty.

I don't know how many years ago, there was a picture of Brother Sharp circulating on the Internet, probably that feeling of vicissitudes.

He just looked at his current appearance in the mirror bored like this, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.



Zhang Jue woke up from a burst of pain.

He tried to open his eyes, looked around, and realized that he was lying on a hospital bed.

The whole body is like a frame falling apart, and there is no pain anywhere.

It's like running a marathon and being dragged to a boxing fight

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Striking games, the kind where you get beaten.

His eyes were dry and astringent. He wanted to rub them, but found that his right hand was handcuffed to the iron frame at the head of the bed.

Fragmented again.

The last memory still stays in front of the mirror in the bathroom.

Needless to say, my own injuries must be caused by the master personality.


He had to ask Lawyer Liu to urge Dr. Huang when he was free.

If this continues, I'm afraid I will return to the West one day.

Zhang Jue opened his clothes and found that his chest and abdomen were wrapped in a large roll of bandages, like a mummy, and he didn't know the extent of the injury.

He tried to move around a bit, his internal organs didn't hurt, and he didn't seem to be seriously injured, which reassured him a lot.

The time should be around noon.

Zhang Jue was lying on the hospital bed, looking out at the sky through the iron bars of the window.

With a click, the door was pushed open, and a guard walked in with a food box.

Hey, it's time to eat!

The cold voice, probably in a bad mood.

Zhang Jue sat up and put the small table on the bed away.

The guard put the food box on it with a bang, his expression was unkind.

Zhang Jue took a look at him and recognized him as the one who accompanied him to the toilet in the morning, who seemed to be called Wang Yong.

There was a long scratch on his brow and eye, and a Band-Aid was pasted on it. …

Wang Yong opened his handcuffs so that he could eat with his hands free. Seeing Zhang Jue staring at his wound, he couldn't help but angrily said, What are you looking at! It's not all your fault!


Zhang Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Wang Yong should have been hurt by the protagonist's personality.

Can you tell me what happened this morning? Zhang Jue tried to ask.

Why? Don't you remember the good things you did? Wang Yong sneered.

What, you know, I— Zhang Jue stroked his mind.

I know, isn't it just schizophrenia, my mother-in-law sometimes does too.

Schizophrenia and schizophrenia are not the same thing, but Zhang Jue didn't bother to correct him, so he simply acquiesced.

Dude, tell me what happened this morning, I really don't remember.

How the hell do I know! Wang Yong spat, I was waiting outside for you to come out, and then I heard a crisp sound inside. After I went in, all the glass in the mirror shattered. You fucking took a piece of it. I don’t know what to do, I almost peed on the scare! Speaking of which, boy, seeing you are so thin and strong, it took several of us brothers to snatch the glass shard from your hand—”

Wang Yong's heart is not bad, he heard from others that there are two people living in this prisoner's body, the current one should be a good one, that's why he talked a little more with him.

After listening to his words, Zhang Jue looked at his right fist, and there were indeed some small wounds.

Probably the protagonist smashed the mirror in the toilet with a punch, no wonder he felt like he had punched a boxing game.

Zhang Jue looked at the scar on his hand and fell into deep thought.

Once again, without warning, the main personality takes over the body.

Holding the shards of the mirror, do you want to continue self-mutilation?

He suddenly wanted to communicate with the other party face to face.

This protagonist has done too many things that he cannot understand.

Is he really crazy?

That afternoon, Zhang Jue met Lawyer Liu who had heard the news.

Seeing Zhang Jue lying on the bed in good condition, Liu Zhe breathed a sigh of relief.

What's going on? Liu Zhe asked.

What else could be going on, I was taken away again.

Zhang Jue sighed.

If you just use your body temporarily, it's fine.

But every time the opponent uses it, they will be injured, which is a bit unacceptable.

Liu Zhe looked at him: Do you still remember what happened at that time?

Zhang Jue shook his head: I just went to the bathroom, and my legs were numb at that time, who knew he would come out like this.

Liu Zhe hummed, and said: Be careful in the future, the court date is coming soon, I suggest you let go of your thoughts every day, recharge your energy, don't think wildly, and give him a chance.

It is very simple for some ordinary people to relax the mind and empty the brain, but Zhang Jue is different.

Thinking when eating, thinking when walking, and even thinking when shitting.

Thinking has become a habit of his, and it is impossible to quit-after he quits, he will not be him anymore.

But Liu Zhe also grasped the measure and didn't say too much.

I am like this, can I still hold court? Zhang Jue asked, looking at the bandages on his chest and abdomen. …

Liu Zhe nodded: I just consulted the doctor, it's all skin trauma, it doesn't matter, as long as you take the medicine on time, there will be a little scar at most, that's not what you have to worry about now.

Zhang Jue snorted: I know, but his appearance is not something I can control, unless I can kill him right now—by the way, how is Dr. Huang preparing?

He still has his own business. I've already made an appointment with him, the day after tomorrow. The premise is that you can still control this body.

Zhang Jue lay on the bed, looked at himself from head to toe, and sighed: I hope.


On February 21, there are still two days before the trial.

Zhang Jue sees you again

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Left Liu Zhe and Huang Jikai.

This time, Liu Zhe applied to the Investigation Bureau for a special infirmary so that Dr. Huang could help Zhang Jue fuse the two personalities together.

How do you feel these two days? Liu Zhe asked.

Nothing special, the frequency of controlling the body has increased, but the memory loss has also become more frequent.

It used to be two or three days of amnesia, but in the past two days, the frequency of amnesia is accelerating, and the time of each time is shortening.

Not sure what that means.

Probably he sensed your thoughts. Huang Jikai, who was sitting next to him, said, Although your minds are not connected, but after all, you are using the same body, maybe he will have a sense of it.

Zhang Jue nodded and looked at Liu Zhe: Lawyer Liu, I asked you to ask him the next development of the story two days ago. Is there any result?

Liu Zhe shook his head: Your main character's mental state is not very good, and you are not a person you can communicate with. I have seen him once in the past two days, but I haven't gotten any useful information from him.

Okay. This statement did not surprise Zhang Jue.

In most cases, for a person with multiple personality disorder, the personality and behavior of the derived personality are opposite. How rational and calm he is, the other person is as impulsive and crazy.

If the two personalities are relatively similar, then there is no need to derive them.

Seeing that Zhang Jue was silent, Huang Jikai asked, Mr. Zhang, do you still remember what I told you before about the things you need to pay attention to when merging two personalities?

Zhang Jue nodded: I accept his memory, and he accepts my thinking.

very good.

Huang Jikai was very satisfied with Zhang Jue's answer. Being able to sum it up so succinctly showed that he had thought about it carefully, and the next thing to do would be much smoother.

Huang Jikai said: Mr. Zhang, before we start, I think it is necessary to reiterate with you that this is the first time I have used this method on people. It may be successful or not, and if you are not careful, your personality may also be destroyed. The other party occupies, can you understand the risks involved?

It's the relationship between Sasuke and Orochimaru.

Zhang Jue nodded: Understood.

Okay, let's get started then.

As Huang Jikai said, he took out a small incense burner from his backpack, put it on the table, and lit it with a lighter.

Suddenly, a faint fragrance emanated from the incense burner.

Then he took out a pocket watch, let go of the chain, and let it swing in front of Zhang Jue. …

Zhang Jue realized that this was hypnosis.

The time is dusk.

Liu Zhe walked to the window and drew the curtains.

The sunlight diffused through the curtains, dyeing the whole room golden.

Huang Jikai controlled the strength in his hand, and the pocket watch began to swing regularly.

Zhang Jue also looked at the pocket watch cooperatively.

Mr. Zhang, from now on, I hope you will concentrate on listening to what I have to say, and don't think about anything else in your mind. You feel very comfortable, relaxed, and keep your heart quiet. Relax your whole body, and you feel that your eyelids are getting heavier... ...

Now, you come to a room. The room is very large and empty. There is a mirror in the center of it. You come to the mirror and see yourself in the mirror...

No, that's not you. Although he looks the same as you, he is indeed not you. You can try to communicate with him. You have the same body...

He will tell you all about his past... You find that the two of you are getting more and more alike, more and more alike...


An hour later, Zhang Jue opened his eyes in the anticipation of Liu Zhe and Huang Jikai.

Liu Zhe just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Huang Jikai.

Zhang Jue didn't speak either. He got up slowly, went to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the sunset in the distance.

The sun hit his face, gentle and handsome.

The aura emanating from Zhang Jue's body was different from before. There were no doubts and confusion in his eyes, and the confidence that seemed to be able to see everything seemed to return to him.

Huang Jikai tried to ask: Mr. Zhang, may I ask who you are now...?

Zhang Jue turned back slowly, looked at the two slightly nervous people, with the corners of his mouth curled up into a sly smile.

you guess?


There are a lot of people who donate, so I won’t thank them one by one. Although there are fewer new readers, it’s great to have you.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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