Chapter 261

That’s why, Orochimaru changed his body and can still use his original ninjutsu.

As well as the people of Impure World Reincarnation, they can also use the blood inheritance abilities during their lifetime.

It’s all because their souls haven’t changed, they’re still the same.

Therefore, the soul is also the carrier of the blood inheritance.

Swallowing a person’s soul, you can obtain the other’s blood succession ability, this is not-nothing is wrong.

And now, after many upgrades of the mosquito power, Qingkong doesn’t have to be so troublesome to reproduce the blood of others, as long as one body or one soul is enough.

Change another place.

Explosion Style hunting, Bing Dunbai, Qingkong also swallowed.

It’s useless to keep them anyway, the hunter doesn’t mention it, the ugly man, Qingkong doesn’t lack his combat power.

As for the white, the tool man who doesn’t cut it anymore.

Qingkong just killed it and didn’t cut it, let alone tame Shuiyue Wubai, even if it was possible, just modify his memory.

But Qingkong said that he didn’t want to accept a big lady in women’s clothing.

It’s the easiest thing to get rid of.

Furthermore, with Qingkong’s current strength, he is the Grandmaster Bing Dun. As long as he wants to, he can replicate countless Bing Dun boys like Bai.

There is no need to entangle this one at all.

“Ye Cang, surrender or die?”


She watched the two people around her disappear, and when she was asked this sentence again, the beauty of Ye Cang was also blinded.

It’s a lie to say that you are not afraid at all.


At the same time, Mount Myōboku.

“Ah, it’s so boring, Pervy Sage, why don’t you let me go back to Konoha, even if you just let me eat a bowl of ramen!”

Thinking of the feast of bugs that he had eaten during this time, Naruto retched again, his face was too green.

Hearing that, Jiraiya also twitched the corners of his mouth.

By the way, the task of taking care of Naruto is really hard to do. This kid is chattering endlessly, it’s annoying to say it.

There is no flower wine to drink, no beautiful young lady to accompany, and can not go to collect materials, and have to face a group of toads and eat insect feasts every day.

This is the biggest torment for him, okay!

“Be quiet!”

The more I think about it, the more angry he gets. With only one arm left, Jiraiya slaps the table and roars loudly: “If you want to control Nine Tails Chakra and practice Nine Tails mode, then you have to endure loneliness and give up those appetites. To be truly calm as water, not moved by any foreign objects.”

“What’s wrong with eating some bugs, the colorful ones are so beautiful, they are 100% protein, nutritious and delicious, others want to eat them and find them… can’t find them… vomit~~”

While talking, Jiraiya vomited out first, and it was really colorful and sprinkled all over the ground.

Naruto looked at Jiraiya contemptuously, her narrow eyes full of contempt.

Finally, I waited for Jiraiya to relax.

Naruto held his arms and turned his head and said, “Whatever you say, I just want to go back to Konoha anyway!”


Jiraiya patted the table again, with green soup hanging on the corner of his mouth.


“Cultivation can’t be distracted. How many times do you want me to say it?”

“I’ll go back, can’t I just come back after a ramen, this is also a distraction?”

“Forget it, I said that you have to calm down when you practice Nine Tails mode. You can’t think about anything. This is the same as cultivating Sage Mode. When you were practicing with Shen Zuo Immortal, wasn’t it like that?”


Naruto was speechless, and finally sighed and was completely defeated.

Ramen, goodbye to my ramen.

Naruto, who was crying bitterly, was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

But seeing him like this, Jiraiya was relieved.

Fortunately, this has been persuaded.

Otherwise, if the arguing continues, he will almost be unable to stop it.

“Energetic Naruto, if you want to go back to eat ramen, then use your motivation and passion to get this practice done first!”

Shen Zuo Xianren smiled and said something beside him.


Fortunately, Naruto is a Xiaoqiang. Hearing what Shen Zuo Xian Ren said, he immediately became vigorous and energetic.

The practice of Mount Myōboku continues.

On the side of the five major powers, they are again at war with the White Zetsu army.

But this time, the coalition forces of the five powers were crushed and beaten.

· ·········Find flowers· 0

Somehow, a large number of very powerful White Zetsu appeared in the White Zetsu army, and each of them had the strength of Jōnin class.

There are some individuals who are even approaching Kage-level.

As a result, the Allied Forces of the Five Powers couldn’t stand it anymore, and they were defeated by the White Zetsu army, and were embarrassed.

In just a short period of time, several ninjas on the battlefield lost more than 10,000.

It was truly tragic, with bones everywhere.

Konoha Headquarters.


Tsunade patted the table and shouted with a bad face, “What the hell is going on, why did the White Zetsu army suddenly become so much stronger?”

“Master Tsunade calmed down his anger. The incident happened suddenly and the coalition forces on the front line did not expect this situation, so they were caught off guard. They are now shrinking the line of defense, looking for the cause, but if you want to know the detailed information, I’m afraid I will have to do it again. wait for some time.”

…….. ….. …….

“Waiting? Our people will be wiped out if we wait any longer!”


“Okay, Tsunade Hime, don’t worry about it.”

Let the distressed staff go down first, Onoki persuaded: “The most important thing at the moment is to think of a countermeasure to reduce the loss of the coalition forces and avoid being completely destroyed. It doesn’t matter if the rest is released first.”


After a sigh of relief, Tsunade’s complexion calmed a little, but his eyebrows were still furrowed and he couldn’t stretch out.

There was no way. The five great nations had only collected a total of so many ninjas, only 80,000, and they still sent Genin all over the bottom of the box.

On the first day of the war, more than ten thousand people died and twenty thousand were injured.

In the following days, nearly 10,000 casualties continued one after another.

Now, more than 10,000 people are gone.

Not to mention the damage done to the five major powers. If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that the entire coalition force will really be wiped out. It is not surprising at all.

“Lu Jiu, do you have any good ideas?”

Tsunade rubbed his forehead and asked again.

Nara Lujiu is also under a lot of pressure here, and sweat is all on her forehead.

Because in just a short while, he had already thought of hundreds of countermeasures, but they overthrew all of them and rejected them. ten.

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