Chapter 530

After losing Keanu, Frieza was not reconciled. He decided to set off in person and bring the team to attack the planet Namek.

After Frieza landed, he began to attack everywhere.

He wants to destroy everything here.

Hatake Nanxiong received news soon, and Hatake Nanxiong summoned Raditz, Monkey King and others.

When they arrived, Hatake Nanxiong looked at everyone.

He said with a heavy heart.

“I want to tell you all bad news.”

Seeing Hatake Nanxiong like this, Latiz felt very heavy. Although he didn’t know what was going on, Hatake Nanxiong’s general expressions proved that the matter was serious.

Hatake Nanxiong said.

“Frieza personally led the team. He came to attack our planet Namek, so we must stop him.”

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Latiz was also shocked, but he immediately thought of Keanu. It must be the destruction of Keanu’s team, which stimulated Frieza, so that he personally led the team and did such an impulsive thing.

Hatake Nanxiong said.

“This time, don’t underestimate it, because it was Frieza who led the team himself. He is a meticulous person and difficult to deal with. It can be said that we think we are very smart, and Frieza also belongs to this category. Therefore, we have met a tyrannical opponent ¨”. ”

Raditz could see that Hatake Nanxiong took this battle very seriously.

To get such attention from Hatake Nanxiong, Raditz thought, this Frieza must be difficult to deal with.

Raditz didn’t say a word, he kept thinking about it.

At this moment, Hatake Nanxiong kept his eyes on Raditz, he looked at Raditz and asked.

“Latiz, what do you think?”

Seeing him take the initiative to name himself, Raditz replied.

“Since Frieza is here, no matter how strong or smart he is, we can’t let him destroy our territory. Therefore, there is no way to do this, we can only do it hard.”

Seeing Raditz think so, Hatake Nanxiong nodded.

He looked at Monkey King again and asked his opinion.

“Sun Wukong, where’s yours?”

Monkey King said in dissatisfaction.

“Frieza came here personally. It must be for the Keanu team. We haven’t even asked them to settle accounts. It’s good now. They are even more angry than us. This is not good. We must let them taste. The planet is sacred and inviolable.”

Hearing this, Hatake Nanxiong also felt that it made sense.

He nodded and said to everyone.

“I think what Raditz and Monkey King say are very reasonable. It’s time to give Frieza a little bit of color. Otherwise, he really thinks that our planet Namek is so easy to invade, just like on the board. Water fish must never let them have this kind of impression.”

As everyone listened, they all shouted slogans unanimously.

“` ˇ Defeat Frieza and restore peace to my planet.”

Seeing how excited everyone was, Hatake Nanxiong was very satisfied. First of all, the morale was already there, so he didn’t need to worry about this.

Hatake Nanxiong said to everyone.

“Okay, now everyone is going to (Zhao’s) to prepare. We will assemble and set off immediately to meet Frieza.”

After that, everyone disbanded.

Everyone went back to prepare, and then assembled again and went to Seventh where Frieza had landed.

On the way to go, Raditz’s mood has been very heavy.

Unexpectedly, they had just experienced a war, so soon, another great war hit, it really feels like the war continues again and again, and it never stops.

Raditz just feels a little tired like this. .

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