Chapter 584

Frieza is not idle either, and Frieza has been eyeing a planet similar to the Earth during this period of time.

It is precisely because it resembles the earth that Frieza is eyeing it.

If it is not similar to the earth, then Frieza’s attention may not be attracted by it. After all, there are so many planets in his eyes.

Frieza wanted to attack this planet.

He originally thought that this is not a difficult task, it should be easy, but many things are like this, it seems easy, but it is difficult to do.

When Frieza attacked the planet, he was strongly resisted by the planet’s inhabitants.

It made his attack a little harder.

At least, it doesn’t match the original plan.

06  Seeing that the inhabitants of the planet resist so strongly, Frieza’s fighting heart is aroused. The more the inhabitants of the planet resist, the more Frieza wants to attack the planet.

In a certain sense, precisely because it resembles the earth.

Therefore, when Frieza attacked it, he attacked it in a disguised form as the earth, so as to relieve his anger. After all, his father would not let him go to the earth now.

But the breath he held in his heart needed the target to vent.

It just so happens that this planet is unlucky, similar to the earth.

It became the target of his vent.

Everything can only be counted as bad luck. The other planets weren’t attacked by him, that is, they just happened to be bad luck, nothing more.

Because of the strong resistance of the planet’s inhabitants.

Therefore, it is not easy to conquer this planet, and it also takes time and energy.

All of Frieza’s energy, all the time, in the most recent period, have been devoted to this matter.

He studied this planet with great concentration.

See if there is any way to break it faster and easier. Frieza has already competed with it. If he doesn’t break the planet, he won’t do the next thing.

It’s stuck here.

He thought so in his heart.

Frieza is very persistent, however, the planet inhabitants are also very persistent. After all, in Frieza’s view, he only attacked one of the planets.

He has too many planets to wait to be attacked.

But for the inhabitants of the planet, Frieza’s attack is tantamount to annihilation to them, so they are using all their vitality to resist this matter.

However, in the end Frieza was stronger.

In the mourning of those planet inhabitants, they were still unfortunately heading for extinction, because Frieza finally completely destroyed the planet.

The inhabitants of the planet naturally did not exist.

Seeing the destruction of the planet, Frieza breathed a sigh of relief. Although he destroyed the planet, Frieza himself was not much better.

Because he was injured.

He destroyed the planet, but was also injured by the inhabitants of the planet, so Frieza could not be considered completely without loss.

Looking at his injuries, Frieza knew that he needed to heal.

However, seeing the destruction of this earth-like planet, Frieza was still very happy, and he had a feeling in his heart, as if he was destroying the earth.

It’s also a kind of psychological comfort.

Then, Frieza went back to heal his injuries. At first, he thought about it. When he wanted to attack the planet, he really didn’t expect that he would be injured.

It seems that it will take a long time to recover from the injury.

After Frieza went back, he lay on the bed.

Although the body is damaged, it seems not bad to think of destroying that planet. .

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