Chapter 626

On this day, Hatake Nanxiong and Monkey King set off for the earth.

The road to the earth is not easy. Monkey King is curious when he sees that Hatake Nanxiong still has a sad face.

“You said it was finally able to save Kiki, why are you still like this?”

Hatake Nanxiong glanced at him, Monkey King. Although he is good at martial arts, he has a flexible mind. Who is a Doctor Who has been in so much trouble before, how could it be really simple, and he would save people easily?

So Hatake Nanxiong vaguely felt that there was something in him.

“I don’t know why, but I always feel that he is not that simple, so now I am hesitating.”

“Oh, don’t hesitate, you know the final result, anyway, I am not still with you, the big deal is that he can even take the life of the old grandson.”

Seeing how easy he said, Hatake Nanxiong didn’t speak, and patted him on the shoulder. With that said, Hatake Nanxiong also went to the earth, seeing a mostly blue planet from a distance, Hatake Nanxiong chose, and then used his mana to follow the landing.

I have to say that although the ecological environment on the earth is not better than that of other planets, the technology and dynamics are more advanced than those of other planets.

Although there are many places in this wonderland, it destroys the ecology and always has to be punished by nature.

Hatake Nanxiong said silently in his heart, Sun Wukong was very curious about this place beside him, and kept jumping back and forth.

“Really, it’s the same as never before.” As soon as Hatake Nanxiong landed on the earth, fresh air came in, but there was always some strange smell in it.

Monkey King glanced to the side and yelled.

“I really didn’t expect the earth to change like this now. I still remember when it came before, but there were only animals.”

Hatake Nanxiong nodded, but ignored him, they still had something to do when they came to Earth.

Several people said this and made it so, looking at these creatures in front of them, somehow they felt that many things had changed.

Hatake Nanxiong started looking for Doctor Who when he landed.

The two had some conflicts before, so Hatake Nanxiong was actually wary of Doctor Who.

Coming to the earth, it is neither his territory nor the Doctor Who’s territory, so Hatake Nanxiong will be relieved of this.

Kiki is still seriously injured, and Hatake Nanxiong has no intention of investigating them.

After I got off the earth, I saw Doctor Who, and Hatake Nanxiong still didn’t have a good face for him.

“Can you do what you promised me?”

Doctor Who still had the appearance of a hippy smile, which seemed to make people want to slap his forty-two yards face fiercely.

“Of course, I have already set up the machine here.”

Now there is no other way, but the dead horse becomes a living horse doctor. Hatake Nanxiong nodded, still cautious.

The ghost knew what this person would do again, and if he went on a business trip again, he could not guarantee that this Doctor Who would be really that kind.

“Young people believe me, and now only I can do it, don’t they?”

Hatake Nanxiong snorted coldly, “You’d better not act rashly, otherwise I won’t let you go.”

Several people said so, and then they walked out together.

As a few people stepped on the spaceship cautiously, the one who didn’t see was Doctor Who, with a weird smile on his lips. .

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