Chapter 513

Sage of Six Paths watched Youyu beat Nine Tails, and Nine Tails responded positively. When they smiled with excitement, their hearts mixed with the reincarnation of his two sons.

He used Six Paths Chakra, created from slag, and Nine Tails, which are no different from his children.

They all devoted themselves to this young man named Qi Mu Youzi.

That’s it for Chicken Man and Sasuke. Although Bi Zhang and the two of them are the reincarnations of Indra and Ashura, Naruto and Sasuke did not inherit the memories of Indra and Ashura.

But Nine Tails are different!

, But he created it with his hands, and before he died, he found a destination for Nine Tails, and then he left Nine Tails with confidence. Sage of Six Paths still remembers when he scattered Nine Tails for them. Nine Tails had tears and tears in their eyes when they found a good destination.

Although Sage of Six Paths did not say at that time, he still felt very warm in his heart. Hengte Sage of Six Paths looked at Nine Tails, as if he hadn’t noticed his existence at all, and his face was a little fascinating. What a failure! ! !

“Master Six Paths?

Just when Sage of Six Paths fell into self-doubt, a surprise sound awakened Sage of Six Paths.

Sage of Six Paths heard the reputation, when he saw Three Tails, Six Tails and Seven Tails, three huge behemoths, looking at him eagerly.

Sage of Six Paths’ tears are almost coming out!

, Chōmei these three children have a conscience!

It’s still worry, Saiken, and Liming. Among the nine big-tailed beasts, their appearance is not pleasing, even the bottom three-tailed beasts.

Looking at the machine bridge, Saiken Sage of Six Paths feels cordial!

Good boy! ! !

The six unscrupulous guys at Nine Tails!

In vain, he was so partial to them at the time, and gave most of Ten Tails’ Chakras to Nine Tails!

It’s also rare that the three children, Isoyou, Saiken, and Chōmei, got out of the silt but did not get stained. They did not fall under the sugar-coated shells of Qimu Youyu, “Isou, Saiken, Chōmei, long time no see.”

Looking at the opportunity, Saiken and Chōmei said happily, Sage of Six Paths showed a big smile, Saiken and Chōmei were taken aback.

Isoyu’s huge eyes were filled with excitement, you know, among the nine of them.

Sage of Six Paths’s favorite is Nine Tails.

Ranci is also Eight Tails, and the guards of them always treat them equally.

Pinran Sage of Six Paths, one of the three survivors, among the nine foot bones, is not so brilliant but relatively speaking, but now, looking at the eager color in the eyes of Sage of Six Paths, the worry, Saiken With Chōmei, I was very moved. Sure enough, Master Six Paths still love them!

“Say? Jing old man, what are you touching there? It’s a disgusting expression. Youyu finished communicating with Nine Tails and they turned his head and saw the expression on Sage of Six Paths’s face.

Suddenly said Sage of Six Paths with a disgusting expression, his expression froze suddenly, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

This brat! Talking is really unpleasant!

But I thought that this young man had accomplished what he had always dreamed of but hadn’t accomplished and he couldn’t beat this young man. Sage of Six Paths decided to bear it! ! !

“? Old wine man, are you also here?

When Yi Shi, Jiu Yuan Yixian watched Sage of Six Paths in amazement as they saw Sage of Six Paths. They had carats, which were already in Naruto’s body. They were still a little surprised but stayed in the real world. Seeing the scene where Sage of Six Paths was about to die when I was a child, I didn’t expect the old man of Six Paths to be resurrected?

“Beside, Kurama, are you six guys reluctant to see me?

Look at Ji Fu, Saiken and Chōmei, the three “Female.”

Sage of Six Paths heard the words and said coldly that he only saw him at this time, these six unscrupulous guys!

“Lu? You, the book leader, you lied to us to death.

What is the situation now? Give us an explanation!

eee.emc.ggecrgatt.P7922TD519T It hasn’t said yet. At that time, it hadn’t come to this stinky old man to settle accounts. This stinky old man was still excited!

It’s been a long time since I’ve had words, Nine Tails, naturally, has also been affected

In addition, originally Nine Tails is not afraid of the sky and the earth, I am afraid that Lord Youyu is not used to the old man Sage of Six Paths at all!

When the scoop started the Youyu-sama spray mode, cursing at Sage of Six Paths.

Sage of Six Paths said, his face turned green for a long time, and he didn’t think of any rebuttal, but he gave a slightly awkward cough. At the beginning, he did say to the young Nine Tails that he would die forever. 8 It is possible to seize auspicious things and stay for future generations, but at that time, he was only aware of things that would not stay 100%. How could he talk to the young nine-star guests at random, but thinking of the sad eyes and tears in the nine rooms, Sage of Six Paths also had a warmth in his heart. “At that time, I was not sure if I could Chakra has stayed for a thousand future generations for a long time. Even so, look at Jiyou, Saiken and Chōmei, three of them, you saw me the first time!

Sage of Six Paths briefly explained it, and then pointed at Iso, who was looking at him eagerly, Saiken and Chōmei said, and as Sage of Six Paths’ words fell, the scene suddenly fell into a weird silence.

Sage of Six Paths looked at the expressions of the nine big-tailed beasts and the weird eyes of the young man Qimu Youyu. Suddenly, he felt something wrong. You wouldn’t think that they were injured, Saiken and Chōmei, just like us. Is it next to Youyu-sama?

There was a strange expression on Jiumin’s face.

What is it? I gave Six Paths the same self-confidence as them. I was invested in Youyu-sama, but for the first time, it was not for Youyu-sama Shunji and Yamato Chōmei, but they were excited with Six. Paths said hello

When Sage of Six Paths heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The mechanical ship turned its neck, looked at Jihuai, Saiken and Chōmei, who looked like a wife, and the corners of his mouth twitched, what a! The reason why Isofu, Saiken and Chōmei, came to him for the first time because of these three guys, they didn’t put yourself in Youyu’s work at all? !

I was moved by the thought of his self-righteousness just now. .

Sage of Six Paths at this moment, had it not been for Kaguya’s seal had not yet been completed.

He wanted to transform into Chakra and disappear on this land.

What a shame! ! !

Look at the old man, are you quite confident? Are you still confident?

Praise the old man, who is obviously not too dry.

At this time, Youyu followed with a slightly weird voice.

The face of Dadang Immortal was almost twisted.

So confident?

What, marriage is not a box, what a bad old man can say? !

Sage of Six Paths, the one who saved the world, is so bad.

For the righteousness of Ninja World, he even sealed his mother twice!

How come to Youyu’s mouth, he has become an ordinary old man, but he has confidence that he shouldn’t have? !

This brat! The mouth is simply too annoying!

And the three-tailed beasts of Isoyou, Saiken and Chōmei also showed a little weird expression at this time.

Feelings, the reason why Old Six Paths was so enthusiastic about the three of them just now.

Is it the special Six Paths father who made a mistake himself? !

Thinking of this, Jiyou, Saiken, and Chōmei snorted coldly and I carved the sea surface. Dad gave Bian Xianren a back road spoon. Sage of Six Paths was speechless when he saw this.

Why did he finally come back into the world after a thousand years, but he turned into a “lone family banquet person”?

If it weren’t for his strong heart, maybe he would really fall off the wall.

“That’s right! Seal!” At this time, Sage of Six Paths suddenly saw Kaguya out of sight, and quickly said, “You don’t need to say! Master, look at me!” Naruto yelled, Xuexin’s sun mark opened and moved towards Kaguya presses “Shhh, idiot.”

Sasuke saw this picture of Naruto wanting to behave in front of Shishen, and whispered in a low voice that the condition for using Six Paths-Planetary Devastation is that the “yin” mark in his hand works simultaneously with the “yang” mark in Naruto’s hand.

Zhu Xiaoyi and E were unable to complete the Six Paths-the earth exploded.

Is it useful to rush fast? ? ?

“.” Hey, Naruto, you are shouting very Haki, but you will not forget that Kaguya can be sealed only if the two seals of Yin and Yang work at the same time, right?

I don’t think you would laugh like that? “Seeing that Naruto was about to approach Kaguya, Sage of Six Paths did not hold back and shouted.

Shen Ge, endless silence Naruto’s actions were directly blamed in the air, and then he fell suddenly “I forgot!!!”

Naruto squatted on the ground, clutching his head somewhat collapsed, and yelled.

Sage of Six Paths saw this, and some speechlessly broadcast on his forehead. It’s really… the reincarnation of that stupid Ashura!

How do you feel that this generation of Ashura is the dumbest of all Ashuras in the past?

“So? Brother, it’s not like the reincarnation of your next generation. There is actually a guy who is even more idiotic than you, Senju Tobirama. Looking at Senju Hashirama, he said that in the explanation of Sage of Six Paths just now, he already knew it. .

The reincarnations of the previous generations of Ye Shura and Indra are related to his elder brother Senju Katsura and Uchiha Madara, which still make Senju room uncomfortable.

He hates and dikes the most. Throughout the Sengoku era, he was with the Senju clan, the feuding Uchiha clan. He turned out to be a special family. His backbone, Duma and Uchiha squad, were brothers Indra and It’s no wonder that Ashura’s reincarnation, his elder brothers Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, can become friends and shopaholics.

Senju Hashirama heard the words, “The seal is tight, and the seal is completely hailed. Youyu looked at Naruto who was incompetent, and then glanced over the girls.

And, all my friends, (Li’s) said.

Noodles, let’s pass on!

, Naruto yelled excitedly and said, “West 1 will cooperate with you this time for the master.

Don’t be too smug, idiot

Sasuke cursed when he heard the words, but the corners of his mouth were curved.

-111 pieces Along with two afterimages, the figures of Naruto and Sasuke appeared on both sides of Kaguya.

“Six Paths- she is not a star!!!” The yin and yang mark in the center of the palms of Naruto and Sasuke slammed Kaguya, and at the same time shouted, Bao gave out an extremely terrifying power!

The yin and yang mark merged into one Kaguya’s body, suddenly lifted into the sky.


Youyu glanced at Minato next to “Flying Sleeve Technique!” Minato pointed at Kaguya in the sky with one hand, and snorted in his body. The huge Chakra that Youyu gave to him just now had no reservations. All, let’s snarled out Six Paths- The terrible suction power of Planetary Devastation is enough to recreate a small planet!

This kind of suction erupts in the real world, but it will cause the terrible consequences of Yang Qi, but Youyu is ready to let him engrave the mark of Flying Thunder God on Kaguya’s body, and connect directly to the mark of Flying Thunder God. The space for the beginning of the world and Kaguya!

Along with a dazzling light flickering, Qi disappeared into the air, Kaguya’s body, and the yin and yang mark breeze, blew across the earth.

The broken earth fell into a long-lost tranquility.

“The war is over!” Youyu turned his head, looked at the excited people, and said, “Dear!!!”

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