Chapter 534

Faced with the worded ridicule, Pony became angry, “You guy, who the hell are you?”

A forty-year-old aunt, Pony turned directly into -, and began to feel terrified.

Pony, who eats the fruits of age, becomes as old as he wants.

Youyu simply blocked his ears and hid in the cabin alone.

-A mad chatter of defeated Sang, Bonnie is furious at Youyu’s ignorance of her when the demon has to eat frantically outside to vent his anger.

No matter how her subordinates persuade her, it’s useless.

The mother in the cabin is very empty, but in most places, Puyong people probably can eat two foods with Guoji 517. Unlike other pirate ships, Bonnie’s pirate ship seems to be A mobile kitchen.

After Youyu got something for himself and finished eating, he lay on the side and prepared to continue to rest.

The ship seems to have come to the deep sea.

A giant golden-yellow grass carp infested, and the several pirate boats that came to the waters like Pony’s ship were all caught by the golden-yellow grass carp with their tentacles, and then pinched “Oops, it’s Sea Kings!”

, The crew began to panic again.

Outside, if it’s at sea, many things are easy to handle, (bcfd)

But after all, this is in the deep sea, and Pony’s crew are obviously young people who have not been exposed to the world.

Faced with Sea Kings, I don’t know how to deal with it.

Even Pony herself was a little overwhelmed. She went sailing as a sea, but it was actually due to her own reasons.

The most important thing is to look for violent-kun bears.

Wang had some bad things, and only then was Jing Chang’s bounty of more than 100 million yuan. She even became a supernova along the way. In terms of her ability to fight, she didn’t care.

, She really can’t do it, but Pony is a little panicked with such a huge Sea Kings, especially in the deep sea, this is very unfavorable for people with her kind of ability. “It’s really troublesome!”

Youyu in Jing Neng seemed to notice that Pony outside was gone, so he had to come out.

“I should suspect that you are not a group of chefs who have been temporarily painted up.

Faced with Youyu’s sarcasm, Pony was frightened this time.

Bonnie knows Youyu’s strength is very strong. At this time, it seems that only Youyu can save her.

Otherwise, like the other pirate ships, they will be caught by the tentacles of the golden octopus, and then they will be crushed and smashed into the market!

Youyu didn’t use any big moves. Bi Zhang was still crossing a membrane on a submarine boat. If it was too hard, the membrane would break and the ship would sink into the sea. But ordinary slashing was enough, directly. Breaking off the oncoming giant tentacles, Quan Miao Sezhang cried out in pain under Youyu’s slash.

The octopus’s nerves are more sensitive. If one of the tentacles is broken, the pain will be very obvious. The golden octopus noticed the ship and directly used the other tentacles to attack the “Lip Lou-Youyu slashed again. A moment later, these tentacles All the golden octopuses that fall off are expensive as Sea Kings. Originally, they had more than a dozen tentacles. At this moment, there was only one head left on the whole body. 7 The body was bare.

The golden octopus looked in pain, as if crying.

Although its tentacles are gone, it can grow back.

But all the tentacles are cut off, how can it protect itself?

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