Chapter 281 How Strong Is It?

This made the ninja coalition feel extremely desperate, and this terrible power did not shock him, so how strong is the person who finally designed this enchantment!

And this guy called Wu Wozuo is just a teenager in his hands.

But the happy thing is that the doghouse has finally died.

Because the body has been completely dismembered, and shattered into dust and annihilated, there is no way for him to return to his original appearance.

In this way, he died without flinching under the foot of Might Guy.

As a fighter, Mai Guy has great respect for him after his kick.

Because this person didn’t dodge in the slightest.

Although it was said that the opponent could not dodge with this kick, but because the opponent did not back down, this move was enough to completely injure him.

It can be said that he has taken all the damage, and there is no evasion.

Maybe in his heart he also wanted to die like this, Might Guy thought, no one could accept such a bad life, he always wanted to challenge the strongest, probably because of this reason, He wanted to die honorably like a warrior.

Not only him, but Might Guy too.

Might Guy finally closed his eyes and fell to the ground, his body was pitch black, as if he had been badly burned by the fire.

Because he turned all the blood on his body into the fuel of Chara, the reason why he said that he had overdrawn his vitality was precisely because of this reason, and the red dragon was burning because of his bright red blood.

No one can live without blood, not to mention that what Might Guy has lost at this moment is not only blood, but also his body that was severely burned by the air waves that he burned.

His body no longer has any vitality at this time, and every cell in his body has been severely burned. He is now a wreckage without any vitality at all.

If anyone can bring him back to life, then I must be an existence comparable to Sage of Six Paths, an existence that can resurrect any dead person, and an invincible person comparable to legends.

But that person has no rhyme at all, even the Jinchūriki who have tailed beasts in their bodies have absolutely no way to do such a thing.

Might Guy simply fell to the ground, and the other ninja allied forces rushed up immediately, trying to save Might Guy before his vitality completely disappeared.

But when they rushed to her side, they found that he had completely died, and he no longer had the slightest vitality.

Even Tsunade, known as the master of the ninja world, couldn’t cure it.

When the big Katsuyu of the hook she summoned covered him, there was no way to give him any Zara.

Because he has no cells in his body at this time.

If a person wants to use Ninjutsu, he must make his cells stronger and stronger.

But at this time, he actually has no vitality in his body, the reason is that his cells no longer have any activity.

Inactive cells are almost dead. There is no way to provide the human body with more energy, and even if the other party wants to transmit Chara, there is no way to store it.

To die is to die.

The ninja coalition wailed, and they cried and sat down. This was the first time they lost such a powerful ninja.

Although it is not enough to hurt them, it will still make them feel that there is no hope for their journey, because one of their pillars has disappeared.

It seems that they can foresee that there will be more pillars in the future, and they will die in this battle.

But fortunately, the kennel seat has fallen, and the guy who blocked them has died. There are joys and sorrows, but more of them are sorrows.

At this moment, Ye Lin looked at the scene in front of him and felt that it was too regrettable. He originally wanted to remove the sick writing seat, but the Wuwu seat did not violate his original will, and he did not know that it was due to his diligence. For what reason, Ye Lin felt that his call was becoming less and less deterrent. It seemed that the twelve ghost moons still had to have the power of the ghost king proletariat to go around. Without him, there would be no way to order his subordinates. Guys, they have two hearts after all. …

Thinking of this, Ye Lin still felt very regretful, if this happened, he seemed to have no more loyal puppets.

There is no way to order his lieutenant until the main general is drawn. It is really sad and sad, not to mention that now the ninja coalition has died a Might Guy, a Might Guy whose strength can completely surpass the Five Shadows at its peak.

What a pity!

He was very worried that the ninja company would choose to commit suicide because of this.

But he still underestimated their beliefs.

At this moment, although Might Guy has fallen, the other shadows still stood up strong and did not let their compatriots look down on them in the slightest.

They stood high, bending over all their remaining troops and shouting loudly.

“My compatriots, we are now in a situation where the battle will only get harder and harder!

“But we must not be embarrassed! Because if we surrender, then there will be a dead end. We can only continue to fight, and then we may break through the current situation!

“We promise! As your leader, we will definitely stand in the first position when the foot difficulty comes! We will definitely live up to the great hope, even if we die, we will definitely die in front of everyone!

“The hero Might Guy is a good proof, and we promise we will give our lives like him in the future! Just for everyone to return safely!” 2.6

The Five Shadows preached thus.

The ninja coalition below burst into tears, but their morale still did not rise, because they knew that there was no way to win, no matter what army, only after they felt that they would win, they would burst out with firm fighting spirit, because the wall fell to everyone. push.

If there is no chance of victory in a battle at all, then it is very likely that they will all collapse in an instant.

But there is more truth, the underdog will win.

Because they have no way to retreat, they can only fight to the death, just like the Might Guy who fought desperately, as long as they have the determination to die, then they will definitely be able to defeat the opponent they think is absolutely impossible to defeat.

This is the power of ninjas!

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