But before Diluc could greet the newcomers, a wonderful creature hurried in from the side of the blonde stranger.

I saw that this wonderful creature looked like a very cute young girl.

The facial features are delicate and small, and the limbs are slender and soft, as if they were dolls carefully carved by craftsmen.

The body size is less than half that of an adult, and it looks extraordinarily small and exquisite.

With pure white hair, falling below her shoulders, her blue eyes are wide open, revealing a sense of innocence and silliness, which makes her particularly cute and cute.

The most striking thing was the ring-like ornament floating on her head, and her strange scarf like a starry sky.

"Boss, we were looking for a place that was a little more secluded

Seeing this strange "180" creature, Diluc's eyes changed slightly.

With an unknown creature that can fly and talk? It seems that it is really the honorary knight!

His eyes flickered slightly, and Diluc pointed to it: "If you want to talk about hidden places, the second floor should be fine." "

Diluc has the grace of an aristocracy, even in the face of someone who is being pursued by an unknown source.

As he spoke, his gaze drifted to the poet who was all green on the side: "Aren't you a bard? Why don't you choose a lively location and have a poem before closing?"

Wendy smiled and fooled around, "Ahaha, let's wait for the paid performance next time, let's go up first, see you later!"

He didn't have time to play any poetry right now, you know, right now, behind them, there was a group of pursuers!

And this group is none other than Wendy, Ying, and others who failed to steal Mondstadt's Treasure Sky Lyre, but were given a handful of them by the Fatui.


When Ying and the others went upstairs, Diluc instructed the bartender, "Watch them, the poet is suspicious, I'm going to ask about the situation!"

In the tavern, you can hear the trivial noise coming from outside the store, such a big movement, it is obvious that something big has happened.

The people of the Knights, like the gods they believed in, had never done anything serious, and now that there was such a commotion, he did not believe that it was nothing serious.

However, what does the matter of the Knights have to do with him Diluc!

With that in mind, Diluc came to the door of the tavern.

As soon as he opened the door, he met two Knights of Favonius who were about to enter the store and search.

Looking at the two anxious-looking Favonius Knights, Diluc's face did not change, "What happened? Why did so many people be dispatched?"

"Haven't you heard of Lord Diluc, there are two thieves who actually started the idea of the Sky Lyre......"

"Moreover, they succeeded!"

As he spoke, the faces of the two Knights of Favonius turned ashamed.

Obviously, they were ashamed that the thieves were able to steal Mondstadt's treasure, the Lyre of the Sky, under the protection of their Knights of Favonius.


Hearing Diluc's obviously mocking words, the two Favoniur Knights looked a little stunned, but they didn't say anything.

If someone else had said such words, they would have been angry at blaspheming the supreme treasure left behind by the Wind God.

But the man in front of him was Lord Diluc, the richest man in Mondstadt and the predecessor of these Knights of Favonius, so they couldn't say anything.

- Diluc is extremely talented and has been expected by his family since he was a child. He lived up to this expectation and became a model student among the newcomers to the Order. At the age of 10, he was recognized by the Vision of God, and at the age of 14, he became the youngest cavalry captain in the history of the Knights of Favonius.

During countless missions and patrols, the people of Mondstadt came to know the passionate cavalry captain Diluc.

No matter how demanding the task, the knight's demeanor and enthusiasm will never fade. No matter how difficult the challenge, we must always be at the forefront like a sword. The smiles and praise of his fellow knights and the people kept the red-haired boy forging ahead.

But all this was ruthlessly crushed when Diluc was eighteen years old!

On the day of his 18th birthday, Diluc followed his father Cliffs back to Mondstadt, where the Fatui secretly installed trap birds that attract monsters, attracting the dragon Ursa0 ...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It happened suddenly, and it was too late to contact the Knights of Favonius. The monster was unprecedentedly powerful, leaving the young cavalry captain helpless. The outcome of this encounter was beyond Diluc's expectations, as his father, who was not approved by the gods and could not be elected as a knight, used an ominous power that he had never seen before to defeat the monster, and then was freed by Diluc himself in the backlash of evil forces.

Immersed in grief and confusion, Diluc returns to the Order of Favonius, only to receive an order from Inspector Elok that "the truth must be covered up", and that his father's death must be publicized as an "unfortunate accident" in order to preserve the Order's reputation.

Hearing this ridiculous order, Diluc couldn't even raise the interest in justifying. Diluc, whose faith was contrary to the Knights of Favonius, resolutely abandoned everything, including the "Vision", and quit the Knights.

Although it was later confirmed, Iloch was confirmed to be a defector and was purged by the Knights. However, Diluc is unwilling to return to the Knights after all, which has to be said to be a pity.

For this reason, the Knights of Favonius, including the acting head Jean, felt a little guilty about Diluc, and hoped that through their own efforts, Diluc, a senior, would have a better impression of the Knights, but unfortunately, it had little effect. []

It would be nice if Lord Diluc were still in the Knights. Veteran knights, after three rounds of drinking, still occasionally do this feeling.

However, despite his dissatisfaction with the Knights, Diluc did not give up on protecting the city of Mondstadt.

It's just a different way, guarding the —— in a different way from the knights with his own strength, like a night owl, watching in the dark, and shooting at the right time, without any flaws!

Noticing that the two Favoger Knights looked a little bad, Diluc accepted it when he saw it, "Sorry, I digress, the two people who are yellow and green seem to be running in the direction of the city gate......"

As he spoke, Diluc stood silently at the door of the tavern.

Although these two Knights of Favonius are his juniors, he will not let each other in to search.

"Okay, thank you, Lord Diluc!"

The two knights secretly glanced inside the tavern a few times, and when they saw that there was nothing wrong, they didn't think much about it, and after thanking Diluc, they hurried to ...... in the direction of the city gate.

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