I’m Just a Nanny

Chapter 42: Inverted V

When it was almost dusk, the fourth generation took time to visit again.

After seeing the fourth generation, Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi finally stopped their domineering practice and ran over. The two young men, one big and one small, were a little excited when they saw him, as if they had seen the backbone. .

Namikaze Minato nodded to greet the pirates on the other side, and asked with a gentle smile, "What's wrong? So anxious?"

Uchiha Itachi immediately turned his head to look at Kakashi. Kakashi reluctantly touched his nose across the mask and told him the new energy system of domineering.

An interested smile immediately appeared on Minato Namikaze's face. As Hokage, his ability to accept is much better than others. He snorted with interest, and then patted them on the shoulder, signaling them to study hard, not to. Worrying, even if there is an emergency, Irene will be able to save them in time.

After speaking, he strode in the direction of Shanks.

The two of Kakashi who were left behind by their Hokage-sama: "..."

Minato Namikaze thought to himself, when they were discussing yesterday, he said why Shanks could always dodge his attacks, but he had never seen Arma.

Uchiha Itachi Kakashi sighed, the four generations of adults are really good at accepting, but is it too perfunctory to treat them?

Minato Namikaze walked over to Shanks, "Yo!"

Shanks held a small box in his hand, which contained all the red and blue medicines that Irene prepared for them, with a hearty smile, "Oh! You are here!"

Namikaze Minato can be considered to have a clear understanding of the character of this group of people, so if they have something to say, they go around and ask directly about domineering things and the situation outside. Before, I only cared about the exchange of feelings, and I really didn't ask much.

The two sides exchanged information, and after understanding, Minato Namikaze was silent for a while, "This is really..." It is unimaginable.

Shanks doesn't think it's strange that people on an island don't know what's going on outside. The same is true for Wano. The country is closed to the outside world. They are all old-fashioned and stubborn. When they see people outside, they are very hostile, but I don’t know that domineering is a bit too much. Domineering is the potential power in the human body. In fact, as long as it reaches a certain level, it can be developed by itself.

This made Shanks, who was used to seeing big scenes, a little confused. Is this something wrong?

In addition, I heard Minato Namifeng say that their group of ninjas can't seem to go to sea, which is even more bizarre. It doesn't make sense, why can't they go to sea?

People are born free, why can't they go to sea?

Like something is blocking—?

Shanks touched his unshaven chin and muttered to himself, "Why do you feel like you have offended someone? ... Only God can do this." Should not be ah.

It feels especially like the person above is putting them in small shoes.

Namikaze Minato suddenly froze, yes, after so many years, a person has not gone out to sea, as if he was blocked into this world, not like an abandoned island in myth.

There is a **** of death among ninjas, and there are also gods of death in various forbidden techniques. Although he has never seen or used this forbidden technique, it does exist, otherwise those forbidden techniques will not be left. .

Since there are gods of death, is it possible that there are still gods in this world?

Shanks watched Minato Minato sank into thought, so he went to put the things back on the boat first, and when he came back, he was still in the same shape, standing there silently, as if thinking about something.

"If you really can't think of it, go ask the elders in your family." Shanks thought he had a good idea. After all, only older people know what happened in the past. He likes it every time he goes to the island. Talk to the elderly and children.

The face of Bo Feng Shui was gloomy for a moment. Everyone knows this, but there is no way to achieve it. Only ninjas know about Chen Guzi's rotten sesame, and there are very few ninjas who can live safely to old age. Where to ask?

After half a sound, Minato Namikaze let out a long breath and smiled, "I'll take care of it when I go back."

Speaking of going back, Shanks suddenly remembered something and asked, "Oh yes, I told Erin today that I want to buy something from you."

Minato Namikaze was prepared for this, and after thinking about it, he said, "Someone is watching Irene at Konoha recently, you'd better not show your face, so let's tell Kakashi what you want first, and let him give it to him. Did you bring it back?"

Shanks slapped his mouth with regret, he still wanted to see the kingdom of ninjas in the past.

He smacked his mouth for a while, as if he realized something, and suddenly turned up the volume, "What do you mean someone is watching her?"

The little girl is good-looking, good-natured, soft and soft, and she gave them so many things. Why is such a good little girl being watched?

Minato Namikaze was frightened by his loud voice, and quickly said: "It's not mine, it's someone else in the upper class, and I have sent someone to protect her!"

Shanks let out a breath of white breath from his nose and snorted, "I just said the little girl should go with us."

Hearing this, Minato Minato immediately raised his ears vigilantly, turned his head to look at the person who wanted to take the little girl away, and smiled gently: "Irene wants to stay here and I will naturally protect her safety." go? Forget it, the feng shui at sea is exposed to the sun, so don't let her suffer!

Shanks pouted, and instead began to instill in him the manner of a seaman.

That is a sentence, don't be cowardly, just do it!

It's good to have a fight when you encounter something, such as the person monitoring Irene, fight him to see if he is honest!

There are still people who oppose him in their village, and it must be because he didn't hammer it!

Minato Namikaze looked at Shanks with a suspicious look on his face. He felt that the other party was fooling him. Does this mean that you can do it with your hands? People at sea have no brains, right?

Shanks smiled and whistled away after speaking.

Only the dazed Namikaze Minato was left.

Minato Namikaze, Kakashi, and the others didn't stay tonight. Shanks and the others were a little quieter today than yesterday, but it was only a little bit. In general, it was still busier and busier than Konoha.

Irene listened to the faint laughter outside in the room, and she couldn't help but have a smile on her face, and went into the bathroom humming a little song.

While lying on the bed, Irene suddenly remembered something and pulled out the panel that she hadn't looked at for a long time.

Host: Erin

Age: 7 years old

Level: 6

Constitution: 23

Speed: 34

Strength: 19

Mental Power: 67

Current Health: 94/100

Remaining Nurse Value: 1698

Irene swiped her fingers on her attribute board one by one, but it should be very good that she has achieved this level of her attributes in just one year.

008 snorted softly in her head, "Look at the host of the 010 family, that's amazing, what are you doing now! 】

Irene blinked, not annoyed when she heard this, "Your words are so familiar to me, it's like a series of children from a previous life."

008 just said that, in fact, there is no dissatisfaction with Irene's Buddhist practice, but this does not mean that it does not want Irene to forge ahead a bit!

This person, there is always a sense of comparison, maybe she will know that she has worked hard after hearing this!

But I never imagined that Irene's brain circuit is different from that of normal people!

008 Heartbroken! I finally understand how those parents hated their children in the past!

Irene listened to 008's crying voice in a daze, and asked directly after thinking about it: "You just said what you want me to do?"

008 continued to cry, [Will you do whatever I say? 】

Erin replied cautiously: "Let's talk about what you're going to do first."

008 was choked for a moment by her words, and then said after deliberation, "Look, our goal is the world's No. 1 wet nurse. 】

Erin nodded, yes, she is working on it!

008 continued to persuade with persuasion, [But our mission has been open for a year, and the nurse's value has also risen one after another, but your name has not been spread! 】

Irene looked at the ceiling with a guilty conscience. Can you blame her?

She lives in such a small place on weekdays, and is so busy with the little things around her that she really forgot to make a name for herself in the world—

Irene blinked. She felt that she didn't need to advertise it at all. The level of her treatment can be seen by everyone. If someone really died of a long illness, she would take the initiative to come to her.

008 was so angry that she almost fell on her back. To be honest, their progress here is a bit slow. Not everyone can live quietly on an isolated island for a year. Only Irene in front of her is doing her own thing in a silent manner. Grind to death!

The point is to know that you are slow to make progress!

People get up from where they fall, this one is great! This one has been upside down since the beginning! Don't even bother to move!

It's a snail!

Irene listened to the 008 angry voice of straight luck in her mind, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, how old am I now, only seven years old, there is still time."

After thinking about it, 008 was only seven years old, and the host next to him was already an adult, so he still had an advantage over them.

008 was relieved, but he felt that it would be very shameful to be persuaded like this, so he said with a dangling voice, "Don't think that I will let you go, this system is not that difficult to deal with. At least we can't be at the bottom! 】

Irene nodded, it makes sense, and you can't lose face.

"I know, it's only when you make your name that you can replenish your energy there, I know!"

008 A small group of light twisted shyly in the space, [Remember? 】

Irene smiled and said, "Of course, it has already been promised."

008 giggled twice, then quickly regained his senses, and hummed reservedly, and then quickly disappeared from Irene's mind.

Erin laughed.

As for.

But what 008 said also makes sense. So far, she has opened a door linking the three islands, and some things should be put on the agenda. Although Jiuxiang is not afraid of deep alleys, her place is really hard to find.

She closed her eyes and fell into a dark and sweet dream.

The author has something to say: Irene: Hello everyone, I am Irene, I am seven years old this year, and the zodiac sign is snail!

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-25 11:41:23~2020-06-26 12:08:57~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 soared up to 90,000 miles;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of Jiuwanli; 5 bottles of Mr. Bamboo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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