I’m Just a Nanny

Chapter 79: Inverted V

Irene didn't know the brain circuits of the principals on both sides. Of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't take it seriously.

She has been living her own little life honestly, and no one should provoke her. It is best for everyone to be safe. Although she doesn't like to cause trouble, she is not afraid of trouble. Even Namifeng Minato and the others said that Irene is very simple, just like the kind of simplicity that the previous generation revealed from the bones and would live a life.

Irene didn't feel happy when she heard this, she always felt that it didn't seem like a compliment.

Since the ninjas went to the side gate, the number of times that Namikaze Minato and Rintaki Sakon came to visit increased. Of course, it was not Irene who visited, they were visiting Maiyashiki, but they met through Irene's place. That's it.

This made Irene a little helpless. She always felt that the medical station was suspected of being transformed into a transfer station. Fortunately, there have been fewer people coming to the medical station recently, otherwise it would be easy to frighten people with so many people here.

Every time these few people get together to talk, they always look very happy and their faces are red!

Nagato also listened quietly, but his eyes couldn't help drifting to the side door, looking like he really wanted to go, watching... a little pitiful.

Irene turned her face hard, it was impossible to go, the suspicion on Nagato's body had not been washed away, how could he let him go? If something happened at the side door, how could she explain it to the maternity house? How to explain to the unarmed ordinary people over there?

If there are ghosts on the side door, it's already very unlucky, plus ninjas who don't know good and evil... Let's forget it, and spare the ordinary people on the side door.

Irene was still thinking about how to get Nagato to speak about the Nine-Tails attack on the village.

On the other side, Rintaki Sakura was already giving a report to the lord. Because the twenty ninjas have successfully adapted to the life on the other side, they have already started their missions, and the situation is very smooth.

Those ninjas all laughed and said that this place is more comfortable than Konoha.

In fact, there are many ninjas who have no family and are self-sufficient, take care of their own lives, and cook by themselves. Even if you have family members, going out to do tasks is not an easy job, and it is normal to eat and sleep.

It was only after they went to the side door that they realized that they could still be so comfortable doing tasks.

Everywhere they go, they can find a place to stay. These are the members of the ghost killing team that they spontaneously serve. They are surrounded by layers of purple sea-like wisteria flowers. As long as they arrive, they can eat hot meals and take a hot bath. All in all, it was like coming home after going there.

After resting there for a day, I can recover my body well, and my whole person feels a lot better, and I can continue to kill ghosts when I go out.

Rin Taki Sakonji and the lord reported the recent reactions of the ninjas, emphasizing that the mother-in-law is the most praised.

Hearing this, Wave Wind Wave Feng Minato felt that something was wrong, and slowly raised his eyebrows.

what's going on? It's only been a few days, and they think the opposite is better than Konoha?

Seeing that Namifeng Minato's expression was a little subtle, Yoshiya Zaiyashiki explained to him, "Our ghost killer team members are very tired, all I can do is provide them with a place where they can rest in peace." So There's really nothing like it.

Wave Storm Wave Feng Minato fell into contemplation, which sounds quite human, or else he would make a similar rest stop?

But thinking about it, the ninja world is still different from the other side. If Konoha builds a rest station with great fanfare, wouldn't other village ninjas know about it, and he typed the three words 'rest station' in his heart. Fork, but this benefit can still be considered.

This year, Konoha Village has a lot of income, most of which comes from the share and tax of Uchiha's hot pot restaurant, a small part is sent by the three clans of pigs, deer and butterflies, and finally the ninja takes a cut of the task.

He could consider giving some of it to the ninjas to subsidize one or two.

But to be honest, judging from the Konoha ledger, the income of ninjas who have given out tasks now belongs to the lowest level, and they typically do more and take less.

It is these people who go on quests, which are considered the 'serious business' of the Konoha ninjas, which makes Minato Naikaze a little embarrassed. The ninjas can't even sell some food when they go on quests, which makes him, the fourth generation Hokage, very heartbroken. , but my heart was a little more alive.

Ninjas are the most important armed forces since ancient times. To a certain extent, the strength of ninjas represents the strength of the country. Even if he has other ideas, ninjas still need to be cultivated.

Namikaze Minato saw that the two of them were still talking, so he moved a chair and rubbed against Irene's side, and expressed his thoughts. Although the expression was very subtle, Irene still understood it, and he wanted to put it aside. Fire country, fly solo.

Irene is peeling the skin of the melon seeds, and is going to wait to make the peanut melon seed cake. The walnut cake at home has been eaten, and she is going to change the taste.

Wen Yan clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It's a good idea, at least I think it's good."

Minato Namikaze tapped the table slowly with his index finger, again and again, "It's just a little difficult to operate."

Irene calmly continued to peel the melon seeds, "It's difficult to do anything, don't do it if it's difficult? Find a way, the way is better than the difficulty. Whether Konoha can live a good life depends on you, the Hokage man. Do you have the courage?"

Minato Namikaze smiled and looked at Irene, who was still wearing baby fat, and helped her peel the melon seeds together, Meizizi said with a bit of annoyance: "You said that after everyone in Konoha is living a good life, what will the ninja do? Well, it is absolutely impossible to abolish it, so what should we do?”

Irene replied casually: "My senior... There is a profession in my hometown that is soldiers. They use collective money to support soldiers. Usually it is training. When there is a major disaster, they will go to the rescue as soon as possible, and they are also in the war. , anyway, it is very hard, but also very respected, you can refer to their system."

Namikaze Minato listened, his movements slowed down, he didn't speak for a while, then suddenly slapped the table and said loudly, "Okay!"

The sudden voice startled everyone present, even the two of them who were talking.

Irene turned her head to stare at him, clutching her frightened little heart, Minato Minato then smiled embarrassingly, and patted the back of his head embarrassedly.

The two of them showed a kind smile and turned their heads to continue talking about the side door.

Minato Namikaze smiled and said, "I don't think your idea is good."

Irene snorted, "It's not my idea either, it's all the experience summed up by predecessors."

Wave Storm Wave Feng Minato is awe-inspiring, predecessors - the place where Irene used to live must be a peaceful era, happy and stable.

"Actually, it's not necessarily suitable for you ninjas. You still have to find out." Irene added, as a leader, she can't listen to one person. She doesn't know the system of the ninja village very well, so she can only give suggestions, but Don't blindly command, if something goes wrong, who will be responsible.

Besides - it's too early for him to think about these things now, he still has to be independent first, or it's useless to think about anything now.

Minato Namikaze nodded, and stopped talking, his eyes were erratic and he didn't know where to look, as if he was thinking about something and seemed to be dazed, but he still remembered to peel the skin of the melon seeds for Irene, and the movement of his hands was not slow.

After the melon seeds on Irene's side were almost peeled, Namikaze Minato continued.

Irene clapped her hands, "It's alright, it's enough."

Namikaze Minato suddenly came back to his senses, and stopped peeling the melon seeds.

Irene knew that he was thinking about Konoha again, so she smiled helplessly, "Don't leave first, when I finish making the peanut and melon seed cake, you can bring back some for Kushina and Naruto, and I will give them to you. Let Naruto make it tougher and let him eat it as a molar biscuits." If you are not too old, the molar biscuits should almost be prepared.

When Minato Minato heard his wife and child, he instantly pulled back his thoughts, and the expression on his face became softer, "Thank you, Naruto has teeth recently, and he wants to stuff everything he catches." The old father's tone Both pampered and helpless.

After hearing this, Yoya Maiyashiki interjected, "How old are your children?"

"It's less than a year old, and it's just teething." Nai Feng Na Feng Minato said with a grin.

Yoshiya Zaiyashiki also showed an expression of memory, "Children are only fun at this time. My youngest son is almost four years old now, so it's not fun anymore."

"My little lord studied hard, and I will definitely become a good lord like you in the future." Rintaki Sakonji said, he didn't flatter the lord, he really felt that way.

The people of the maternity house are generally precocious, not to mention that the young master started to read and write at the age of three, but the other four girls, the older two girls have already been able to help the master, and they are all excellent.

Sanyashiki Yoshiya waved his hand with a smile, with a reserved smile, but with a sense of pride that belongs only to his old father.

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, "I remember...you seem to be two years younger than me, right?"

Namikaze Minato is 24 this year, and this maternity house is only 22... How come he has a four-year-old son? ? ?

Is it too early to have a baby at 18?

Eh? It doesn't seem too early?

Maybe ordinary people get married early?

Namikaze Minato fell into deep thought.

"There are five children in our lord's family." Rintaki Zuojin's tone was a little relieved. The bloodline of the Zaiyashiki family has been passed down smoothly, which is a good thing for the Ghost Slayer team.

Namikaze Minato immediately froze in place!

Five, five children? !

Irene knew what was going on. She heard Mrs. Tianyin say it, and she could understand that the maternity house and the family were cursed and died early, but they had to get married and have children earlier.

Irene calmly took the melon seeds that she had just peeled and went to the kitchen.

Namikaze Minato didn't know what to do with his brain, so he turned around the next three roads of the maternity house, and cast an admiring look.

The maternity house put a question mark on his head slowly, why do you think there is something wrong with this person's eyes?

Nagato sat aside and stared at him, don't think that no one noticed his eyes!

Minato Namikaze scratched his head, laughed awkwardly, and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to see if Irene has anything to help." After speaking, he turned around and ran away.

Sanyashiki looked at his back blankly, "What's wrong?"

Nagato is a little embarrassed, why are these four generations of Hokage so unreasonable.

Hearing his question, Nagato took a deep breath and said, "He envy you for having so many children!"

Zaiyashiki showed a reserved smile again. His children are all caring and well-behaved. It's not him who blows it, but they are the best children!

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-08-0110:36:55~2020-08-0212:21:56~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Rainbow Seven;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of sunshine fragrance;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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