Time passed, and in February of the second year of Yong’an, the weather gradually warmed.

The cold winter is gradually dissipating.

Although the weather is cold everywhere, it has gradually recovered until now. The ice and snow have melted, the ice surface has thawed, and the whole land has shown the vitality of All Living Things to Recover.

Now Jingyang County and Songyang County have already recovered.

All the thieves and bandits in the territory are raiding.

All the culprits were culled, except for the counties in the territory that should count the land, count the population, and count the population, everything is done in an orderly manner.

Now, Wang Li has a foothold in Jingyang County, and Meng Jiuyou is in charge of Songyang County.

The things in Luo Binwang’s hands are completely handed over.

Cao Yangxing is in charge of Pandu County, and Meng Jiuyou is in charge of Songyang County.

Everything is formal.

Du Qi is only responsible for one thing now, and that is the training of the army and the strengthening of the army. Because there are two counties to support, and the Geography location of the two counties is quite vast, there can be countless hundreds of surnamed Yun collections.

Under such circumstances, conscription is easy.

Today, Du Qi’s force has expanded to 40,000.

Forty thousand elites are already relatively powerful.

In addition, the army’s weapons are constantly accumulating, and there are more weapons. Cannons, grenades, landmines, and other mortars are constantly being added.

This is conducive to the strength of the army.

On this day, when Du Qi was watching the drill soldiers in the army, it was Luo Binwang who came.

Luo Binwang is now in charge of many things.

Luo Binwang is in charge of the main government affairs and intelligence around Du Qi.

As for Yansan, he is still stationed in Jingyang County. He led his troops in Jingyang County, and because of Wang Li’s cooperation, all the thieves and bandits in Jingyang County were slaughtered cleanly.

Yan San does things very ruthless.

He didn’t keep a single one of the thieves and bandits, and killed them all.

So Yan San is now in Jingyang County, and that is the title of a killer. Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, Yan San was the most respected by the people. Because of Yan San’s presence, many thieves were eliminated.

Now Liu Che has returned to Du Qi.

He was in charge of exterminating thieves in Songyang County before. After completing the mission, he returned to Du Qi.

Responsible for the army.

Liu Che is now the head of the army.

While Du Qi and Liu Che were discussing the matter, Luo Binwang entered and wanted to salute Du Qi: “Noble Son!”

Du Qi said: “What’s the matter?”

Luo Binwang said: “Just got the news that our Wakada County, which borders Jingyang County and Songyang County, is already self-reliant, officially self-reliant, and no longer obeys the commander of Great Rome. Besides, In the entire Mingzhou area, most counties have already rebelled and left Great Rome one after another.”

Mingzhou is a state where Jingyang County and Songyang County are located.

This area is completely messed up.

Du Qi said with a smile: “Mingzhou is in chaos. This is a good thing. In short, it will help us to move forward. However, our current Jingyang County and Songyang County are not safe yet. It takes time to settle. For the time being, we will not expand abroad. Although Great Rome is messed up, but it hasn’t really hurt itself. Great Rome still has strength. So now, first stabilize the situation and develop yourself steadily.”

Luo Binwang said: “Noble Son is wise!”

paused, Luo Binwang said: “Noble Son, there is one thing now.”

Du Qi said “What’s the matter?”

Luo Binwang said: “Now everyone hopes that Noble Son can go further, claiming the king, clarifying his identity, and playing the banner. After all, nowadays, all places are kings, although we say Don’t expand, but it’s okay to be the king of self-reliance.”

Du Qi said: “What do you think of this matter?”

Luo Binwang said: “Noble Son , The humble position also agrees. We can develop steadily, but internally, the military will still have to be stable. Noble Son is king, so for everyone, it is openly playing the banner and playing the banner.”

“From then on, everyone has a hope.”

“Of course, even if Noble Son does not announce to the public, in fact, it has no effect. After all, the main core personnel know Noble Son’s The situation. But, the people below don’t know.”

“There is still something wrong with our recruitment.”

Luo Binwang said: “So the humble job thinks, It is supposed to be the king, to play the flag, and it is justified. Moreover, after Noble Son now plays the flag, it also set up a big flag for my Xia Country.”

Du Qi smiled and said: “You youngster, Always thinking about me as king. You are the most active person.”

Luo Binwang laughed and said: “Noble Son, this is what everyone expects.”

Du Qi said: “Okay, if you call it king, you will be king. If you go ahead with your arrangements, I will belong to Xia Country in Jingyang County and Songyang County, and I will be named Xia Country, and I will be called King Xia.”

“Great King is wise!”

Luo Binwang became excited immediately.

This is an opportunity!

He is now Du Qi, the number one hero of the palace.

Du Qi waved his hand and said: “Okay, let’s make arrangements. In addition, after I am called the king, the six departments of the palace will also be formed, but don’t worry about these for the time being, play the banner, and then slowly build the palace. The team.”


Luo Binwang turned around and left.

After all, Du Qi wants to be king, which involves many arrangements. In addition, Du Qi’s nearby officials will be reappointed in the future. But these things are follow-ups.

Luo Binwang went to arrange, and Liu Che in the army also passed the news.

The whole army boiled at once.

Du Qi is the king, so the army is justified and confident.

In just half a month, the people in Jingyang County and Songyang County were cheering. Because Du Qi is in power, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the people can live a good life without suffering Invaded by thieves.

Now that Du Qi is king, that is a great thing.

Everyone clap their hands and cheer.

They are all extremely happy.

The cohesion of the entire Jingyang County and Songyang County has also increased.

After entering March, farming has been spread out on a large scale, and it is being cultivated rapidly.

The influence of Du Qi’s title as queen has gradually subsided. In fact, Du Qi called himself the King of Xia, that is, the people in the area cheered. The surrounding areas, such as the areas in Mingzhou, actually have no impact and are all busy.

Du Qi Today, the palace is in Pandu County.

He handles government affairs in Pandu County.

On this day, when Du Qi was reading in the palace, there was a waiter who hurriedly entered and came to the study room. He reported: “The king, a man came from outside the palace. He claimed to be from far away. From the Great Xia Country of the West Land, I specially came to see the King.”


Du Qi raised his brows, a little surprised.

Xia Country is here.

What’s the matter?

Did something happen?

Or the internal development of Xia Country is very good, so now, there is more than enough to target Great Rome.

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