Wild Goose Sect itself is a difficult place. But outside the Wild Goose Sect, it was a smooth journey, so Turkic soldiers were attacked and suffered great losses. But even if there was a bow and arrow blocking, there was a smoke ball, after the Turkic horn blew, the Turkic soldiers fierce and unafraid of death rushed forward.

This is Turkic’s blood.

Turkic Erlang, fierce and unafraid of death.

Turkic Jirou, never retreat.

Jieli’s expression is gloomy, but there is expectation in his eyes. You know, he brought a total of 80,000 troops, even if the Wild Goose Sect is guarded by Li Daen, and even if the defense of the Wild Goose Sect is not weak, he sent a full 30,000 infantry to sprint.

With so many troops, it is necessary to break the defense of Wild Goose Sect in a spurt of energy.

To tell you the truth, Jie Li encountered a variety of obstacles, which is this time. Once Jie Li led troops south, as long as the cavalry passed, they would be invincible. Even if there are barriers to resist, in fact, after a fierce attack, the officers and soldiers stationed at all do not dare to resist, and they retreat in despair. Jie Li led his troops to continue the offensive and broke the pass easily.

this time, but not the same.

The war was at first, and the other party gave him a head start.

Especially Du Qi, the youngster thief, was actually blocked by bow and arrow and smoke ball. But for Jie Li, he didn’t think such resistance could stop his Turkic army.

It’s just struggling on whilst at death’s door.

“Kill, kill me!”

Jie Li ordered loudly, and even sounded the horn himself to encourage the soldiers to sprint.

With Jie Li’s loud drumming, the densely packed Turkic cavalry has arrived under the gate tower. The voice of pa ta pa ta kept ringing, one by one ladders, already on the gate tower.

Turkic cavalry began to climb the gate tower.

As long as you kill the gate tower, it is a close fight, so countless Turkic cavalry are excited.

Du Qi was still very calm when he saw this scene. He didn’t panic at all. He said instructed: “Lime, put it! Rolling stone, wood, boiling water, use it.”

Orders were given one after another.

I saw the soldiers on the gate tower, who had already begun to pour the boiling water. Just listen to the sound of crash-bang, and the boiling water with green smoke splashes from the gate tower.

This kind of boiling water with blisters, splashing on the body, must grin with pain and blisters. Once the body is drenched with a lot of boiling water, blisters will appear immediately, torn skin and gaping flesh.

The crash-bang’s boiling water spilled, and many Turkic soldiers who were climbing were caught in their pockets. The screams sounded immediately, and one soldier after another, as if under Dumpling, fell continuously, and wailed in his mouth.

The wailing one after another keeps ringing.

Compared with the pain of boiling water, the wood and rolling stones hit the body. Although there is no pain of boiling water, it is more direct and fierce.

Once you are hit, you are either dead or injured.

Originally, countless Turkic soldiers approached the gate tower, and the offensive was fierce, and they were about to kill the gate tower. However, under Du Qi’s series of defenses, the Turkic’s offensive was immediately frustrated.

The most important thing is that Turkic’s offensive method is relatively simple, without sophisticated siege weapons. This led Du Qi to complete the counterattack with the help of Wild Goose Sect, with no difficulty.

Turkic offensive, was beaten by hacking.

Especially on the gate tower of Wild Goose Sect, there are a group of soldiers who are responsible for putting lime. Now the northwest wind is blowing, and the wind direction is moved towards the outside. After the lime powder is sprayed on the gate tower, it begins to spread out, as if it is raining lime.

Many Turkic soldiers who raised their heads and looked up with their eyes wide open, with lime powder falling into their eyes, they suddenly became hot and they couldn’t open their eyes. When this lime powder meets water, it will emit heat, so that it will burn the eyes.

Even if a small amount of lime powder encounters the moisture inside the eyeball, the heat it emits is limited, the problem is that the eyeball is extremely fragile. Therefore, the extremely weak heat makes the eyeballs sore.

Many soldiers wailed loudly.

So much so that more and more people wailed and screamed constantly, echoing one after another under the gate tower.

The situation under the gate tower is quickly transmitted back to the rear.

After hearing the report from the soldiers, Jie Li’s expression was full of anger. He clenched his steel teeth and stared at the head of Wild Goose Sect, where the smoke was everywhere. He gritted his teeth and said: “Damn Du Qi, don’t kill him, I promise not to be a man. Kill, kill me!”

The voice came from between the teeth.

It is cold.

More revealing endless anger.

Jie Li once again ordered the soldiers under his command to sprint. It’s just that the Wild Goose Sect is a dangerous place. The city wall is high and thick. It is a real dangerous pass. In addition, Du Qi’s defense is impenetrable. Even though Jieli’s army is constantly attacking, in fact, Wild Goose Sect level did not cause much impact.

It stands to reason that Jie Li has never encountered such a situation. If he encountered such a situation in the past, once Wild Goose Sect was difficult to attack, he would immediately retreat without staying at all.

He can kill at any time.

The problem is this time, if he doesn’t win the Wild Goose Sect, where will his face be left?

Jie Li did not back down.

Even such an offense, for Turkic’s side, is a huge loss. But Jie Li still gritted his teeth to endure, and kept ordering strong attacks, why he was unwilling to retreat.

The passing of time little by little.

In a blink of an eye, noon passed.

In the afternoon, as soon as Shenshi passed, it was already a breeze. After all, it was September weather. Today the weather is cool and autumnal, but at night, it is a bit cold.

At this time, there were some Turkic cavalry, finally climbing the ladder and the gate tower to attack. Only the soldiers stationed on the Wild Goose Sect gate tower, guarded not one drop of water can leak out.

As soon as Turkic soldiers rushed up, they quickly killed them.

Defense, still as stable as Mount Tai.

Standing on the gate tower, Du Qi still has no panic or worry, and he looks very relaxed and comfortable. His eyes crossed the battlefield and fell in the direction where Jie Li was in the distance, with a smile on his mouth.

This battle is only the beginning.

This battle, he will make Jieli unforgettable.

In fact, Jieli today is indeed unforgettable. He Jieli participated in the war since he was a child, fought several decades of war, and was invincible. Especially in the past few years, the Central Plains have been in constant chaos, and their Turkic people have risen rapidly. They want to scrabble and beat rabbits. That is with no difficulty. The Central Plains can’t stop Turkic’s soldiers.

Now, he has been stopped outside of Wild Goose Sect, and the loss is still so huge.

Kang Sumi rode aside, he opened the mouth and said: “Khan, now this attack, I am afraid that we can’t hold the Wild Goose Sect off today. We dispatched more than 30,000 people. I am afraid that today, more than six to seven thousand people will be lost. The loss of the siege is too great.”

Jie Li suddenly frowned, his expression is cold, and even more unrelenting: “Regardless of the siege No matter how great the loss is, we must attack. Only by breaking the Wild Goose Sect can we recover everything we lost. In Turkic, only true warriors deserve the best award.”

Kang Sumi said: “Khan, I have a strategy, maybe it can stimulate the soldiers and make them all scream.”

Jie Li asked: “What is the solution?”

In Kang Sumi’s eyes, the fierce expression passed: “Khan, in fact, this method is very simple. For my Turkic jirou, what can stimulate the fierceness in their bones? Only women and money. So let them spare No effort, give enough women and money to tempt you. Please order from Khan to allow them to break the Wild Goose Sect and rob them for three days.”

Jieli raised his brows.

Once the looting is allowed for three days, then the entire Daizhou territory will definitely be killed. Original

Ben Jieli’s heart is unwilling to completely tear his face with Great Tang. After all, Great Tang today is not weak. The problem is that Jie Li’s heart is full of anger when he thinks of this battle, but was blocked.

Jie Li could no longer control his inner killing emotions, and ordered loudly: “Come on, give me the order to break the Wild Goose Sect pass, and allow three days to plunder.”

When the messenger heard this, he became excited and quickly sent the order.

“The soldiers listened to the order, and the Khan sent the order to break the Wild Goose Sect pass and allow three days of plunder.”

“Break the Wild Goose Sect pass and allow three days of plunder. “

The shouts kept ringing one after another.

Many Turkic soldiers shouted together. For a time, the words that allowed the plunder for three days echoed outside the Wild Goose Sect pass, and even more clearly passed into the ears of every Turkic soldier. .

The Turkic soldiers who had been attacking were somewhat downhearted and lost their fighting spirit to attack. However, as soon as he heard the order from the rear, he immediately refreshed himself and launched a fierce attack.

There is no other reason, for money and women.

Du Qi clearly heard the shouts from outside the pass. He shook his head and chuckled. Even if Jie Li encouraged the soldiers, the defeat of this battle was inevitable.

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