I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 42 What do people live for?

Takeshi Nanabahara folded his hands and looked around on the first floor of Matsuuchi's house, even going into the kitchen. Qingmi Ruri couldn't sit still anymore and took a peek at Eri Nakano who was sitting still. She carefully got up and followed Takeshi Nanabahara. She followed him and looked around. He used the skill he had acquired before - heat reading to learn about the living environment. On the other hand, analyze something.

Of course, after walking around the first floor, she didn't analyze anything. She only felt that the Songuchi family was more beautifully decorated than hers. Songuchi Xue was worthy of being from a big family, and her aesthetic taste was at least better than that of her mother, the savage who ran away from Xiongshou Mountain. Two streets out.

She followed Takeshi Nanahara to the second floor and found that there were two beds in the Matsunai couple's bedroom, which was very similar to her home. Her parents also slept in separate beds, but this could not be used as evidence of the marital discord. This situation is very common in Japan, and it is said that this is conducive to adequate rest.

Of course, this only requires that the room is big enough. A poor couple can just squeeze together and not have separate beds.

Takeshi Nanahara made a half circle around the bed, then opened the door of the dressing room with interest and looked at it for a moment. He took off a men's suit and compared it with himself, put it aside, and stretched out his hand to twist another one. I looked around at the material of women's pajamas, then turned around and went to the dressing table to take a closer look. I also picked up a bottle of perfume and sprayed it into the air, smelling the smell.

"Be honest, just watch, don't make a mess, there is no politeness at all." Qingjian Liuli muttered, and has been following him to clean up, and now reaches out to grab the perfume bottle, forgetting for a moment about the "surface assistant plan" ", feeling very unhappy - his behavior was seriously inconsistent with the education she had received since she was a child, and she couldn't bear it.

Takeshi Nanahara shrugged, touched his chin and left. She packed up the messed things and hurriedly followed.

Next to the bedroom is the study room, with large windows, plenty of light, shiny wooden floors, a large mahogany desk, and a large bookshelf filled with books.

Takeshi Nanahara's eyes lit up as soon as he entered the door. He quickly walked to the bookshelf and browsed the spines of the books. He reached out and pulled out a book, and stood there to open it and read it carefully. Seeing that Liuli's heart tightened, Qing Qing immediately came over and stood on tiptoes to read with him. But as soon as he read a line of words, he turned the page. As soon as he read a line of words, he turned the page. He couldn't understand it at all and bent down again. I looked at the title of the book and found that it was called "Miscellaneous Notes on Mountain Goods".

What the hell is a mountain product?

She stood on tiptoe to read the content again and murmured the half-sentence she had seen at a glance, "There are mountains and gray dancing in the wilderness of Aomori, and chestnuts grow in clusters. They are gray and yellow in color, edible, delicious, and common people..."

She didn't understand and couldn't help but ask: "What does this mean?"

"It's talking about a kind of mushroom called gray dance. It should be the same species as modern Maitake mushroom and Maitake mushroom. It is produced in the mountains at the junction of Aomori Prefecture and Akita Prefecture. Well... it should refer to Shirakami Mountain, on Shirakami Mountain. You can find it when you find a chestnut tree. It tastes pretty good, but I haven't tasted it yet." Takeshi Nanahara looked attentively and smacked his lips as he spoke.

Qing Jian Liuli was even more surprised and asked in confusion: "What does this have to do with the case? Aren't we investigating the case? Why do you care about mushrooms?"

Takeshi Nanabahara turned a deaf ear and said casually: "You don't understand."

Qingjian Liuli endured it. After all, the "surface assistant plan" required behaving well, but she couldn't help it and said unhappy: "I don't understand why. He is obviously very weird."

Takeshi Nanabahara was still flipping through the book quickly and said calmly: "Then what do you think people live for?"

"People live to..." Qingjian Liuli was stunned. She had never thought about this question before. After being in a daze for a while, she hesitated and said, "Is it to become a person who is helpful to others?"

"Wrong, people live to not miss it and to keep experiencing it." Takeshi Nanahara started to talk nonsense casually, "For example, the moonlight is beautiful, but we never look at it carefully or appreciate it seriously, and life is full of problems. A little regretful. Another example is that a delicious food looks delicious, but we don’t taste it and experience the beauty. If we remember it when we die, life will not be perfect.

Our life is very short, so we should cherish it very much, so we should try our best to leave no regrets, don't miss any wonderful moments, and learn to enjoy life. Just like this gray mushroom, if I hadn't been reading this book now, how would I have known that there was such a wonderful thing in the world? I couldn't get it and taste it, but just missed it. How regretful it would be..."

Qingjian Liuli was stunned. She didn't know where she was for a moment. She felt that what Takeshi Qingyuan said seemed to make sense, but also seemed to make no sense. It is right to cherish life, but people only live in this world to eat some mushrooms. The moon?

She hesitated and asked: "What about the case? And why do we need to discuss the philosophy of life?"

"Case?" Takeshi Nanahara's expression was serious. After all, he couldn't experience anything without money. He immediately closed the book and handed it to her, saying seriously, "This book has a lot to do with the case. There is a very big suspicion. Pretend it. I Take him back and torture him carefully."

Not stopping after taking one, he reached out and took out "Freshness of the River" and "Taste of the Sea" from the bookshelf and stuffed them together into her hands. "These two books are also highly suspicious. They are most likely to be accomplices. Take them away together." !”

Qing saw Liuli holding the book and looking at him in disbelief. Her little heart was so angry that it hurt. She didn't expect that he could break the lower limit. He would use power for personal gain to investigate every case, and he wanted to prostitute the victim's book for free.

She couldn't control the hot breath blowing out of her nose, and said angrily: "We are here to investigate the case, you can't do this, this is wrong!"

Takeshi Nanabahara was still looking for books that he had not read, and stuffed them into her arms one by one, saying indifferently: "This is investigating the case."

"Not at all, you can't just take other people's things." Qingjian Liuli had her own insistence. She couldn't watch him running on the road of crime even if she wanted to. She stuffed the books on the bookshelf and said without fear, "You Even if you turn around and toss me, I’m not afraid. Since I am your assistant, I have the obligation to correct your mistakes. Now you go to investigate the case immediately, or I will tell Miss Nakano and ask her to deal with you!"

"This is really a case investigation."

"What does this have to do with the case?"

Takeshi Nanabahara's expression became serious and he said softly: "From the side, understanding Yuuto Matsushita, his hobby is probably reading. He reads a lot of books, from the anecdotes of celebrities in the Momoyama period to the biography of the astronomer Kepler. From travel journals to prohibited private seals found at second-hand stalls, from Renaissance oil painting albums to paintings and illustrations of indigenous islanders, there are all kinds of genres, so I want to read books I haven’t read and learn more about them. If you look at him, you might be able to find relevant clues."

You don’t have to quibble, you just want to buy other people’s books for free!

Takeshi Nanahara said a lot, and his eyes were very sincere. It was enough to send him to the public relations club to be a pretty boy to deceive Obasan, but Qingmi Ruri now knew his character so well that she couldn't believe a single punctuation mark. But she I don't want to have a loud argument with him. After all, we are in someone else's home, so it's not good.

She hesitated for a moment and gave in. She felt that if he could find the murderer of Yuuto Matsunai, Yuuto Matsouchi would not mind lending him the book for a few days. She said depressedly: "That's fine, but you You can’t keep the book, you have to return it to others after reading it.”

"When did I say I won't return it? I'm not a thief, so how could I take other people's things for nothing? Besides, I've already finished reading the book. What's the use of it? Remember to send it back to Mrs. Matsunai." Takema Nanahara He took out the book, stuffed it into her arms, and said with a smile, "Remember it. If you forget, it's your responsibility. You stole it!"

What a nuisance!

Qingjian Liuli was so angry that she wanted to throw the book at his head, but she didn't dare. After all, she was an assistant on the surface, and the overall situation was the most important thing, so she could only let him stuff it into his arms with a dark face, and finally held more than ten books in his arms. , pouted and followed him to the desk.

Takeshi Nanahara sat down behind the desk, first pulled out a copper globe decoration, and then began to check the desk and read through Matsunai Yuuto's manuscripts, but Matsunai Yuuto mainly wrote for magazines, and not many were kept at home. .

Takeshi Nanahara glanced ten lines at a time. After flipping through the book, he sat at the table and fell into deep thought. His fingers tapped on the table rhythmically. Qingjian Liuli held the book and waited for a moment. After his anger subsided, he curiously asked: "Did you find anything?"

Takeshi Nanahara came to his senses, shook his head and said, "It's a pity, it wasn't Matsuuchi Yuki who killed him."

Qingjian Liuli was shocked: "Is this confirmed?"

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her and said directly: "If a psychic of my level is allowed to walk around the house freely, I still can't tell what the relationship between this couple is, so I can just change my career. There are some minor problems with this couple's relationship. , the possibility of divorce in the future is not ruled out, but as of the incident, Matsunai Yuki still had great feelings for her husband and could not have deliberately killed him."

Qingjian Liuli was stunned for a moment. Now she believed in Takeshi Nanabahara's judgment. Even though his character was very flawed, she didn't question anything. She just murmured: "Who could the culprit be? The police have eliminated all other suspects. …”

"Keep looking. The police must have been negligent in their work. It's useless if they rule it out." Takeshi Nanabahara was also a little disappointed. If Matsunai Yuki was the murderer, the money would be easy to make this time. Unfortunately, she is not, so that's not it. There is no good way, I can only continue to spend time, but it's okay, at least I didn't run in vain and got a few good books.

He stood up and shook his head and said, "Let's go down. Let's talk to Mrs. Matsunai."


Takeshi Nanahara took Ruri Kiyomi downstairs. Yuki Matsushita and Eri Nakano were drinking tea quietly. Seeing that they were finally willing to come down, they immediately looked over and noticed Ruri Qingmi holding a large stack of books. They both looked puzzled.

Takeshi Nanabahara smiled at Matsuchi Yuki and said, "Sorry, I want to check these books in detail, please don't mind."

Seeing that Liuli was not as thick-skinned as him, Qing blushed at the sight, and whispered: "Don't worry, I will send him back immediately after the examination. It won't take long, he reads books very quickly."

"It doesn't matter. If it's too much trouble, you can stay." Song Neiyue didn't care about a dozen old books at all. If it could end this nightmare, she wouldn't care if all the books on the bookshelf were burned.

She looked at Takeshi Nanahara and asked politely: "Nanahara-san, what do you want to talk about this time? The police have called me many times, and all the police I know know."

Takeshi Nanahara sat down on the sofa opposite her and poured himself a cup of tea. He first took a look at the fine-textured Sahami-yaki powder and karasousen teacup, then lightly smelled the tea aroma, took another sip, and praised: "Good tea. , Tea is the flavor of tea soup, flowers are the soul of tea soup, madam, you have very good taste."

Song Neixue looked at the teapot and said hesitantly: "You are so grateful. This... this is just ordinary scented tea bought from the supermarket."

"But the quality is still very good, and you are good at picking tea." Takeshi Nanabahara put down the tea cup with a smile, and returned to the topic, saying seriously, "You and Matsune-san have been quarreling a lot recently, right? Did you just quarrel before Matsune-san was killed?" "

As soon as these words were said, Qingmi Ruri was immediately taken aback, while Nakano Eri raised her glasses, the lenses flashed white, and her eyes sharpened, staring at Matsuuchi Yuki firmly - Matsuuchi Yuki had previously submitted to the police In his testimony, there was no mention that the couple had just had a quarrel.

Song Neixue's face instantly turned a little whiter, and she opened her mouth to speak but didn't know what to say for a moment.

She did not tell the police that she had a cold war with her husband because it was unnecessary and it had nothing to do with her husband's murder. But now that someone knows about it for no reason, the suspicion is probably even greater...

She took a deep breath and said very seriously: "In the past year, there have indeed been some problems between Songuchi-kun and I, but please believe me, I will never hurt him."

Takeshi Nanahara nodded lightly and said: "I believe you. I'm just asking to confirm that you really won't hurt him. Now I can really confirm it."

Matsunei Yuki was about to explain again why she didn't mention the cold war with her husband before. It was completely a private matter between husband and wife, and no other person knew about it. When Leng Buding heard what he said, he choked back his words and said hesitantly: "You believe me?"

Takeshi Nanahara smiled and said: "Yes, quarrels between husband and wife are inevitable. No couple can say that they have never had a quarrel, but you love him, and I believe you will not hurt him, at least not deliberately murder him. Furthermore, you have always tried to be a good and considerate wife, and when you quarrel with Sonnes-san, he is almost always sulking for no apparent reason, yet you want to make things easier for him, so I can’t blame you at all.”

Matsuuchi Yuki looked at Takeshi Nanahara in a daze for a while, then asked: "You...how did you know?" She couldn't figure out why Takeshi Nanahara walked around her house, even the absolute privacy between their husband and wife. Got it, there shouldn't be a third person in this world who knows all this.

"For professional reasons, I work part-time as a psychic. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me at any time." Takeshi Nanahara smiled and did not explain much. Now was not the time. Instead, he said, "Mrs. Matsunai, your suspicion has been eliminated. The police will not I will harass you again, so please rest peacefully and have a good sleep, otherwise your body will collapse, but now please work harder and reenact the scene on the day of the crime."


"Yes, what you did then, do it again now."

Matsuuchi Yuki now had some inexplicable confidence in the high school student Takeshi Nanahara. After a slight hesitation, he changed his position and said: "At that time, I was sitting here watching TV and waiting for Matsuuchi-kun to get off work. He had a press conference that night. Usually Will be back around ten o'clock..."

"Wait a moment! The layout will be..." Qingjian Liuli flipped through the small book. She remembered seeing this word in the case briefing before, but she couldn't remember what it meant.

Matsuuchi Yuki glanced at her and explained softly: "It's a page division meeting before the magazine is released. Although Matsuuchi-kun is a reporter, he is solely responsible for the art column and needs to work with the editors to determine the amount of content for the current issue."

"Ah, yes, please continue." Qingmi Ruri found last night's excerpt. The page meeting was held regularly every month. The police judged that the murderer had known this for a long time and had suspected the editors, reporters and employees of the magazine. Unfortunately, they found After looking around, there was no motive for the crime.

"Not long after the evening theater started, I heard something moving in the yard." Yuki Matsunai got up and walked to the entrance to open the door. It was very close, only a few steps away, and continued while walking, "But the TV was a bit loud at the time. I heard a voice that sounded like Matsuuchi-kun's, but I wasn't sure, so I went to the door to have a look."

At this point, the color completely drained from her face. The impact of that scene was probably very strong, and she had a psychological shadow. "As soon as I opened the door, I saw Mr. Matsunai lying not far from the door, covered in blood."

"Then what?" Takeshi Nanahara asked.

"At that time... I was frightened and panicked. I didn't know what to do and called for help. Then I walked here and knelt down to help Matsunai-kun seal the wounds, but he had too many wounds on his body and neck. There was bleeding everywhere, and I didn't know where to hold down, so I finally covered the wound on his neck." Matsuneyuki tried hard to stay calm and slowly recounted the scene that night, which was basically consistent with the testimony she submitted before. , only the wording is slightly different.

Finally, she knelt down on the ground, pointed diagonally at the sky above the Basin River, and said blankly: "Matsuuchi-kun... was already dying at that time and couldn't speak. He kept looking at me. He tried hard to raise his hand and pointed there, but There was nothing there, it was so dark that I didn’t see anything. I couldn’t figure out what he wanted to say. Later, Officer Mukutani kindly told me that Matsuuchi-kun probably meant that the murderer jumped into the river and escaped, so I didn’t have to worry about it anymore. Just thinking, the police have given up on this clue, but I think... I don’t know, I think it shouldn’t be, but it’s just a feeling, I don’t know if it’s right or not.”

Takeshi Nanabahara looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that the sky was blue, and clouds like cotton candy were floating leisurely by, making it look peaceful and peaceful.

Apart from that, there is nothing.

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