Bai Lin went to bed early, making General Yan a little disappointed.

"Forget it, if that's the case, this general can't help it."

"Do whatever he wants!"


Because it is too late at night, plus the need to suppress the repair.

By noon, Bai Lin was already sleeping.

When I was in a daze, I felt that the door of the room was kicked open.

"Humph!" General Yan snorted coldly.

"Look, when is this, still sleeping here?"

"Really think that our Yan family is the place to raise the uncle?"

Seeing that Bai Lin was so unbearable, General Yan couldn't fight back. He still had a lot of expectations for Bai Lin. After being in contact these days, he was only disappointed.

However, Bai Lin just likes to sleep late.

The same is true before the crossing.

But since the establishment of the Eternal Sect, it is difficult to have a chance to sleep in. At this time, Bai Lin can be lazy again in Yan's house.

But unexpectedly, someone kicked the door open.

Bai Lin just wanted to get angry, after all, everyone is angry about getting up.

But after seeing General Yan, Bai Lin extinguished the anger in her heart.

Now is not the time to get angry.

"General Yan!"

Bai Lin stood up and said.

"Hmph, do you have any opinion on this general?"

Bai Lin was taken aback.

"How could it be, how could I have any opinion about you, General Yan, it's impossible."

"I only admire General Yan."

"It's as if the surging river is endless, like the Yellow River overflowing out of control!"

Bai Lin directly started the commercial mutual blowing mode.

"Stop, this general doesn't like being flattered."

"I heard that you slept very early yesterday, why can't you get up now?"

"Isn't this a silent protest?"

"If you don't want to memorize the family precepts, you can just say, I will let you go now. There is no need to recite the family precepts from now on, and it has nothing to do with our Yan family."

"how is it???"

General Yan looked serious.

"General Yan, I recite the family instructions for the whole night last night, I am sleepy now."

However, General Yan didn't believe Bai Lin's words at all.

"is it?"

"Then how are you memorizing now?"

"Memorize a paragraph, or a few words?"

General Yan knew that Bai Lin was just looking for an excuse, but such an excuse couldn't stand scrutiny at all.

"I have almost memorized it!"

Bai Lin stretched her waist and said.


"Almost back?"

"What are you kidding?"

General Yan didn't believe it at all, and Bai Lin could memorize it in just one night.

Miss Yan Zhi is naturally intelligent, and it took nearly half a month, even if Bai Lin didn't sleep all night, she couldn't remember it.

If you memorize a paragraph, it is still understandable.

But what Bai Lin said was that she had almost memorized it, which was obviously an impossible thing.

In fact, Bai Lin was going to delay it for a few more days.

But right now, I was a little angry about getting up, so I didn't pretend it at all.

"I have a showdown!"

"Are you sure you memorized it?" General Yan asked again. If Bai Lin said that she didn't memorize it now, she could forgive him.

If it's a dead duck with a hard mouth.

Then it can only be served by family law.

Because it is clearly stated in the family motto that you must not deceive others or deceive the world.

Bai Lin nodded, and if he said something, the splashed water can only show up now!

"General Yan, it's true that you have almost memorized it. Although you can't memorize it backwards, it shouldn't be a problem."

General Yan was taken aback, looking at Bai Lin's Bai Lin, he was not joking at all.


"In that case, you can recite a paragraph and I will listen to it!"

Since Bai Lin insisted that she had memorized it, she could only prove it.

Bai Lin can recite everything, everything is easy to say, but if you can't recite, you can imagine waiting for Bai Lin.

"Do you know what the price of lying to me is?" General Yan's expression was a little gloomy.

It's understandable without memorizing it, and it's understandable even after sleeping late. It's just a few words.

But ranting about it is not a problem.

Moreover, in Yan's house, General Yan administers all kinds of dissatisfaction!

"Really interesting!" General Yan at this time still didn't believe it.

"This general, it took a month, and now your kid tells me that I can recite it in one night. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to see 100,000 in one night, let alone recite it!"

"If you are a man, do you still have the ability to remember?"

"Since you die the duck Zuoying, get me caught again!"

General Yan knew how difficult it was to memorize a family motto of 100,000 words. That was how he came back then.

General Yan now feels that Bai Lin is testing her IQ.

However, Bai Lin couldn't explain it. After all, she has a system in her body, so she can't tell this matter too, right?

Even if he said it, General Yan might not believe it.

Perhaps this is even more incredible than the one-hundred-thousand-word family motto memorized in one night.

"If General Yan doesn't believe it, just take the test!"

"It's not bad to say a word, but the general meaning is definitely no problem."

Bai Lin's face was indifferent, the system has already entered the family instructions, maybe not a word is wrong.

It's just that Bai Lin doesn't look like copying and reading it out.

"This general, you have already stepped down, since you are stubborn, then I will test you!"

"Come on, get my whip!"

At this time, General Yan was ready to bring a whip over, which was used by the Yan family to implement family law.

Soon after the leather whip was brought, Bai Lin looked at Nuoda's leather whip, believing that the whip must be smashed when hitting an ordinary person.

"General, I'll give you one last chance. Are you sure to memorize it?"

Having reached such a point, Bai Lin couldn't go back.

It's already the rhythm of catching the ducks on the shelves.


"In that case, let's start!"

"This general does not make it difficult for you. Start with the first page of the text!"

At this time, General Yan was still looking for opportunities to excuse Bai Lin. If Bai Lin could memorize the first few pages, it would be considered a hard work.

When the time comes, your subordinates will be more merciful and give him a lesson!

However, Bai Lin began to recite at this time.

"The first..."

"The second..."

"The third..."

Although not very fluent, but the meaning is basically the same, just to open a lot of mouthfuls into the way ordinary people speak, although the literary talent is lost, it is easier to understand.

At this time General Yan was shocked.

Within a few minutes, Bai Lin had already memorized the family instructions from the first two pages. It seemed that she had really tried her best.

Although it is not a word difference, many of them are understood and recited by themselves, but the meaning is the same.

General Yan also understood that the effect of understanding recitation is certainly better than rote memorization.

After all, the purpose of memorizing is to make people understand.

Rather than recite for the sake of recitation.

"Sure enough, you didn't lie to me?" General Yan looked at Bai Lin, and the anger in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"Article 120, recite it!"

General Yan wanted to know what Bai Lin's limit was.

The next second, Bai Lin thought for a long time, but still got the correct answer.

After all, Bai Lin still needs to search.

"Right again?"

"Although it is a bit slow, but there is no problem with the back."

"This is already ten thousand words, can it be memorized ten thousand words in one night?"

"Amazing enough."

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