Talking about Laufey, Loki's expression turned a little sad. -

At this moment, Rey also came out of the store.

"Sorry. Keeping you all waiting. The materials in the basement are a bit messy_I'm working on it."

After Rey apologized to Su Mu and Loki, he immediately went on to say: "Right." You are here for the staff! Wait a moment.I'll get it right now!"

After that, Rey plunged in again.

"Well, it seems that the character of the dwarf has not changed much."

Mimir said helplessly: "I thought they were facing the day. They could be a little more serious."

"The future? Do you mean devil energy?"

Loki asked curiously.

"You're right, boy. The realm of the dwarves has been overrun by demons like Asgard."

Mimir described the current situation of the Nine Realms to Loki, which made Loki realize that he had not been displaced before, all because of his mother's protection.

After a while, Ray finally came out with the staff.

"Here's my crystal staff made of metal!"

Rey said proudly, "The power of this thing is much stronger than the oak staff."

088 Strengthen the Staff! [The first one is to ask for a full order! 】

Strengthen the staff LL


Loki took the thing in Rey's hand suspiciously, and swung it a few times in the air.

It was the first time she saw a staff made of this material and felt very novel.

After all, in Laufey's story, there was such a thing as a magic wand.Basically, they are all original products, and there are very few instruments made of this metal.

"Hey, the workmanship of this staff is not bad."

Mimir said at this time: "How about the magic engraving inside, it still needs to be revised."

After hearing Mimir's voice, Rey was first taken aback, and then said a little unconvinced: "Hey, how can you say that?"

"Looks like you're not convinced?"

Mimir did not explain anything to Rey, but said directly to Loki: "Child, just release a spell."

"Ah? What should I do?"

Loki hasn't reacted to what's going on, so he can only ask at a loss. -

"Any spell is fine, just test the power of this staff."

Mimir guided Loki one step at a time, just as he guided the Austrian engineer to learn the rune of grace.

After hearing Mimir's words, Loki looked at Su Mu again.

Bei Sumu also nodded in encouragement, and Loki was relieved.

She took a deep breath and released a Frostbolt in the distance.

This simple spell will create one not too small ice arrows and launch them towards the enemy.The county heard a sound of breaking the sky.The Frostbolt hit the stone in the distance, breaking the stone into pieces.

_"Look! This power is unusual"LL"

Rey proudly raised his head and asked towards Mimir's ball of light.

Mimir ignored Rey's pride and said to Loki: "Now, let me be attached to this wand."

"How to do it, do you want to do this?"

Loki stretched out the wand in his hand suspiciously and touched Mimir's ball of light.

Mimir's ball of light was directly attached to Loki's wand.

Then, the wand actually released a dazzling brilliance.

After all these rays of light dissipated, the length and appearance of the metal wand_. in Loki's hand changed.

"My God! What kind of spirit are you!"

Rey looked at the scene in front of him and asked in disbelief:_"How did you do it? Go on"

"Mimir is not an elf!"

After Mimir emphasized his name.Then he said to Loki: _"Release the previous spell again!"

After Loki heard Mimir's words, he moved towards another stone in the distance and released the same Frost Arrow as before.

But the Frost Arrow this time is more than double the power of the Frost Arrow just now.

That brand new stone was directly frozen by Loki's Frostbolt, and then turned into a pile of ice chips!

What's going on here?"

Even Loki himself was taken aback: "I can't cast such a powerful frost spell!"

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