They can't be as unscathed as Xuanli's iron cavalry.

But the number of cavalry tens of times that of Xuanli allows them to face more enemies and withstand more attacks, while also gaining more victories.

Almost every - - second.A large number of players and NPCs of troops have been beheaded:,

Thousands per - - seconds.There are a large number of national war records that have emerged from the attribute panels of Luo Qianqian or the Great Emperor Fu Niu.

on the rankings.

The Yanhuang District has dropped to 21st, a record that has not been moved for a long time..

Also from this -= moment.Crazy on K⊥

A full half an hour.

I don't know how many players in the hostile region have been killed, and I don't know how many NPCs in the hostile region have been killed, Su Mu finally moved.

He stepped out 1

= Dao Martial Arts once again hit the enemy line!

The entire array of black armored cavalry also moved forward in unison = step L

Su Mu is in no hurry.

Still in no hurry to attack the small stone tablets of the city

He is forcing each other in this attitude

There are not many players in the main city of the system.But compared to the entire region. After all, it is much less.

Help around the point.

With the attitude of the government trapping the main city.Forcing players in this region to fight them to the death in the city.Forcing those players who are still in his own territory to come to support the main city is Su Mu's goal now.

The attack of bandits and robbers continues

Dian Wei and Xi Zhi, who occupy a city wall, are invincible:

Su Mu, who broke into the city, is also slowly advancing L,

Players in this region are crazy.

They seem to have seen the fall of the main city, the quasi-destroy of the stele in the center of the city, and the scene where they were collectively kicked out of the national war.

crazy attack

Sending help messages like crazy

This System E City, which they originally relied on, has completely turned into a huge battlefield meat grinder.

Almost every tick.There are a large number of players and NPCs killed in battle: almost every moment, more enemies are pouring in from all directions and throwing themselves into new battles!

And this madness. After the arrival of reinforcements from the enemy, it reached the point!

this moment

Su Mu no longer begrudges his general skills

One after another, red-golden bends burst out from the blood-patterned halberd, tearing and chopping pieces of the enemy into pieces, turning them into ashes. Defensive formation.Instead, it is advancing towards the interior of the city with the strongest offensive stance.

Knife block.Knife broken L

people block.People die!

Although slow.But the advance speed of the Xuanli Cavalry never stopped!

Forty minutes.

When the players in most of the territories around the main city of the system were frantically entering the main city of the system, Luo Qianqian sent a message in the chat channel.

"Do it."

Just two words.

Outside the territorial defense circle.

The somewhat impatient Peerless Cavalry and Cloud Piercing Mantis were excited.

They are at the first time they receive the information.I went out with the [-] army under my command.

And mark..

It is precisely when many bandits and robbers who have experienced the siege of the city, when the system's main city is in an emergency, most of the players and NPC NPCs are sent to support the main city, making their territory extremely empty. !

The record is what I want.

Lord's Heart.Also what I want.

Both: .

Both are available!

The five elite units of the soil are pitifully small compared to the entire game area.

But in this case, the elite troops can play a decisive role.

When most of the players brought their own NPCs to support the main city of the _ system.The [-] elite troops led by the Peerless Iron Cavalry and the Cloud Piercing Mantis are almost invincible!

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