This box is the smallest, but its value is not as small as the previous two boxes.It is especially successful"

Two immortal weapon advancement stones.Enough to upgrade two garden utensils into fairy utensils!

Sixteen kinds of spiritual materials with different attributes

in case,

If these two items are not enough to reflect the value of this box - a

The third item!

Sumeru Ring 1

A quasi-artifact-level jewelry ring!

It contains a storage space of 100*100_0*1000 meters. Such a high-quality quasi-artifact ring L is worth a fortune by the incomparably huge storage space it contains!

It can be said.

If Dong Zhuo got this quasi-artifact ring, he could also use this quasi-artifact ring:: Su Mu intercepted the harvest of the westward team, and it was only food, grass and gold and silver jewelry⊥

These real treasures in the royal treasury have long since lost his work!

Fourth item!

Gold for death!

That's right!

It has appeared in the game world after the second system update.But no one has really seen it, it can replace the aboriginal NPC or the player's death-= times of resurrection_Prop L


A full three gold medals for death appeared in front of Su Mu."

at the current game stage.When the player dies, only the level, experience, attributes, equipment and gold coins are lost, and there is also a 22-hour resurrection cooling time.

Although the death penalty is already heavy.But it is far from comparable to the aborigines.

after all.

Aboriginals are dead!

Even today's Su Mu. , After getting that =- times of opportunity, he has become a prospective player.Before he actually appeared in the real world, he died :x:: also really died.

Never again = chance of thick.

Three gold medals for death. . Enough to give him three chances to do it all over again.

Three gold medals for death.It is also enough to give the three generals or advisors under his command a chance to come back again.

Such a gold medal for death

How is it measured in money?

Not to mention money!

Even if it's an artifact in exchange:...Su Mu is reluctant to change L

At last.

Fifth item. = A key.

It is also possible that the properties of unknown properties will not be displayed until the next system update.

This key, as well as those scrolls, are all unknown scrolls - their value is probably not as much as special items like the Akan Sumeru Ring and the Gold Medal for Death!

This is the end.

Su Mu's harvest in Luoyang City this time finally ended.

And the agitation in his heart is beyond words to describe!

And Guang swept over Su Mu from the three too big boxes and grabbed the Xumi ring directly, dripped blood to recognize the master, and integrated it into his body.


For the first time, I put these three large boxes into the storage space of the Xumi Ring!

It was only at this time that Su Mu was relieved for a long time.

Xi Zhicai did the right thing.

The value of this batch of items is too great.It's too much, even if you build a secret vault, store it in the secret vault, and let the black armored iron cavalry guard and protect it, it can't be reassuring.

Only Su Mu carries it with him. It is the most reassuring.

With Su Mu's strength, no one in the world can kill him. And the attributes of the quasi-artifact-level Sumeru Ring are even more guaranteed.No one can steal items from Su Mu while he is alive!

in this way.

Just got nothing wrong!

Sumeru Ring, a quasi-artifact-level jewelry.It contains a storage space of 1000 100 _0*1000 meters, which is integrated into itself, and cannot be worn, dropped, or stolen.


Pockets are safe.

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