Only when he completes this task with his subordinates alone can he swallow the wealth of the Wuhuan-I-Clan Na Pangtai for himself e2, and he can distribute the spoils to the players after this Northern Expedition is really over!

If only based on Su Mu's current family background.I'm afraid: just handing out loot to the player:.: is enough to make him go back to before liberation!

Ten thousand black armored cavalry, leaving six thousand

Three thousand sunset bow riders, one thousand left

[-] white horses left [-]

Plus Luo Qianyu, Jia Xu, Dianwei Huangzhong, Zhao_::: This is the last strength around Su Mu.

And he has to face. It was Lou Ban, the Wuhuan Shanyu who had not yet grown up, and Wuyan and Nanlou, the two great Wuhuan generals. _And after Tucheng was exterminated, the remaining numbers were still calculated in millions of Bird Huan cavalry and Wugui people!

Is it difficult?

Hard to say.It's not difficult to say.

It is with this last strength to face the million Taijun.Su Mu is also confident to defeat him and kill L.

The biggest difficulty is to find Lou Class I and kill Lou Class!


The last hope for the rise of the Wuhuan family!



Su Mu left.

He took his generals and walked away without looking back, all the way to the north.

In an instant.

Only players are left on the battlefield that has not yet been cleared.

"The special historical plot mission is over"

"Is the war over?"

Cold eyes a little confused.

"Look at your property panel, don't you know?"

Mingdai Qinglong rolled his eyes and said, "There is still one last mission. We must prevent the remaining Wuhuan people from rushing into the Dahan territory to destroy the last purpose."

"Defensive interception is much more difficult than attacking a city..."


Leng Yue's eyes suddenly lit up.Staring under the countless corpses on the battlefield. = Pieces of golden color and brilliance of various colors, "These gold coins and equipment, all belong to the king and us

"Feng Wuhou:= just left like this 2⊥"

."Yeah on"

Under the reminder of Leng Yue, Qinglong, the life belt, reacted.

There is indeed a task for them to clear the battlefield on the task panel, but there is no reminder to hand them over to Feng Wumin after collecting these gold coins and equipment.”

Even if some gold coins and equipment are to be returned to the players who died in battle, = part of the gold coins and equipment must be distributed to the players who died in battle

But 2

It's just the rest of them, it's a windfall for them L


Letting his seat join the ranks of cleaning up the battlefield, Leng Yue and Mingdai Qinglong glanced at each other.Then frantically rushed towards the royal court, which was close at hand, and had become a dead city.

Royal Court

O royal court!

The greatest wealth of the Wuhuan family. It should be hidden in the royal court.”


These two players who have already started to fight at this speed don't know that even if they rush into the royal court, their gains will not be as great as cleaning up the battlefield.

When Su Mu started his final mission, the real wealth of the Wuhuan family: ..

It has been hidden by the system!

a few hours later.

Leng and Heming brought Qinglong back dejectedly.

They found - some gold and equipment but not as much as they thought

At least.

The idea of ​​getting rich overnight was shattered.


It is not without gain.

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