The relationship between Gongsun Zan and Zhao Yun became much closer and more sincere.

After flicking the document in his hand, Gongsun Zan chuckled lightly, "However, the king of Yunzhou is here. Before exterminating Gongsun Du, please ask my worthy brother to be wronged, and continue to serve as the commander of the white horse who is my brother."

Zhao Yun readily accepted,

Before coming to Youzhou, Guo Jia had already told them clearly.

The expedition this time was entirely of Gongsun Zan's personal will! There was no order from Su Mu, and no generals under Su Mu's command participated.Zhao Yun, who came to help, would also hide his strength and appearance, but acted as the commander among the White Horses.

Only at a critical time will he help! Gongsun Zan attacked Gongsun Du.

This was originally an easy war.

Gongsun Duyuan was in Liaodong, and he recuperated for a long time. His troops were strong and strong, and his strength was naturally not weak.But with Su Mu's secret support and the strength to reward Gongsun Zan

It's not just that he can step into the innate realm, but under Gongsun Zan's grinding, there are as many as four peerless generals! These four peerless generals are all elevated by the peerless inheritance bestowed by Su Mu!


The number of top-level generals, first-rate generals, and third-rate generals is not comparable to Gongsun Du's grinding.Coupled with the secret help of Zhao Yun, a supreme military general who has reached the holy rank

Among the feudal lords' guesses, it may be that the evenly matched war was actually the crushing of Gongsun Zan's side against Gongsun Du's side! Then.Zhao Yun returns to the team.

Gongsun Zan also ordered his four peerless generals to lead [-] soldiers and horses to attack the city closest to Youzhou.

And he himself, with white horses and [-] elite soldiers, directly crossed the cities, went deep alone, went straight to the Liaodong administration, and left for Xiangping City.

082 Gongsun Zan was abducted? [The third is to ask for a full order! 】

082 Gongsun Zan meets someone

Xiangping City. √

When Gongsun Zan issued a battle order, and then rectified the army... When the troops attacked in five directions, Gongsun Zan and his ten generals had already begun to get nervous.

No one thought of it.

They didn't wait for the rebuke and crusade from the king of Yunzhou, but it was Gongsun Zan, the shepherd of Youzhou, who rebuked and attacked L.

In sending countless meticulous work to inquire.After confirming that the King of Yunzhou did not leave the customs, Gongsun Du was no longer nervous.


Gongsun Du was even more calm when news came from Xizuo that the only enemy troops who had come to attack were Gongsun Zan and his ten generals.

Gongsun Zan is indeed extraordinary.

The White Horse Yicong under his command is also a powerful soldier in the world.

Before the king of Yunzhou Tu Jue Wuhuan and completely cut off this tumor, the entire Youzhou relied on Gongsun Zan and other Baima Yicong under his command to resist the invasion of the Wugui clan.Megatron Youzhou.

But his Gongsun Du is not bad!

(In history, Gongsun Du hit Wuhuan in the west - conquered Goguryeo in the east, took the Liaodong Peninsula in the south, crossed the sea and took the Donglai counties in the northern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula, opened up the territory and expanded the land, and there is a national boundary in this game world. There is no Eastern Expedition to Goguryeo, but it is indeed a hegemony!)

Take care of yourself.

If the opponent is only Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Du is not only not afraid, but has great confidence to win the battle!


Gongsun Du discussed with all the generals and advisors under his command = After Fan Hou 1, he sent several generals under his command.Each brought elite soldiers to support the various cities on the east and west sides of Liao.

And when the news that Gongsun Zan went deep into the army alone came, Gongsun Du was even more overjoyed.

First, they sent two generals with Tu Wan elite soldiers to greet Gongsun Zan and the others.


Gongsun Du took Liu Yi and Yangyi with him.And more than a dozen other generals under his command.He mobilized many troops from Xiangping City and nearby cities to form a million elite soldiers. They rushed in the direction of Gongsun Zan's attack!

It is too taboo to go deep into the army alone

Gongsun Zan was so aggressive, either because he had absolute confidence in his own strength.Either it was frivolous and arrogant, and did not put Gongsun Du and the entire Liaodong in the eye.

For Gongsun Du.This is a good thing.

As long as he defeats or even kills Gongsun Zan in a battle, he will not only be able to dissolve the tension caused by Gongsun Zan's attack, but will be able to expand his sphere of influence to the boundary of Youzhou in one fell swoop.


An army of millions marches.

When Gongsun Zan brought three tens of thousands of elite soldiers to attack Xiangping City, Gongsun Du also brought a million elite soldiers to meet the enemy's attack.

Time goes by.

When the fifth day of Gongsun Zan's eastern expedition came, the four peerless generals under his command had already brought [-] elite soldiers to the four cities closest to Youzhou. They were besieged and not attacked.

The guards in these four cities went out to challenge twice, and after they were all defeated, they also shrunk into the city and did not dare to come out lightly.

When the tenth day of Gongsun Zan's eastern expedition came, the four peerless generals began to attack the city one after another, and they showed their absolute strength from the very beginning, causing the defenders in the city to suffer heavy casualties and struggling to support them. Had to urgently transfer troops from other cities. Resist the enemy's attack.2

When the fifteenth day of Gongsun Zan's eastern expedition came, Gongsun Zan had already taken his [-] Jingping into the territory of Liaodong, and defeated several enemies who came to block them, and was about to join the vanguard troops sent by Gongsun Du. touch.

When the twentieth day of Gongsun Zan's cavalry expedition came, the vanguard was defeated.

Under the advice of the advisors... Gongsun Du took the defeated vanguard troops as a guide, and introduced Gongsun Zan and his [-] elite soldiers into the pockets they had ambushed in advance. Surround Gongsun Zan's three: + ten thousand elite soldiers in his P⊥


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