Chapter 250

Compared with the all-enchanting succubus, the Fromon in front of him, as the orthodox Devil warrior, can be regarded as the backbone of the Devil army on the battlefield. There is no doubt that their combat ability is also tested for a long time.

The vitality is three times that of the succubus, and the melee output ability is basically guaranteed to hit Lynch. Even if he wears a circle of “shining armor”, it is the same reason, not to mention the immunity level with high strength and reflection will and the same. Inferior spell resistance, hard resistance to low-level wizard spells, has never been a big problem.

Especially when these Flomos had a set of claws and bite and rake combo moves, Lynch’s body got cold on the spot.

Distance is life.

If the three Devils cannot be killed remotely, then waiting for the opponent to formally activate the “Destroyed Object”, which is equivalent to the simultaneous explosion of four fireballs within 30 meters of the opponent’s surroundings every few seconds.

What’s more terrifying is that this kind of damage does not have any attributes yet, and there is no defense at all, so unless you find another way to incarnate as a spirit body, the middle ring mage will not be able to underestimate the power of this explosion.

The possibility of getting close is completely cut off!

Once this extremely precious two or three rounds of dance lead time is missed, the hope of breaking the game will officially declare the door closed like him.

Without allowing any thoughts, Lynch gritted his teeth abruptly and dashed over.

Their six-dimensional power and body are both high, even if their intelligence is better than ordinary people, so they can’t use traps and other means to wipe out non-intellectual skeletons and zombies to deal with these Flo monsters.

However, a tripod tripod will fall over if one foot is missing.

As long as one less of the three Fromages needed for the same “Destroyed Thing”, the ceremony will fail.

Not defeat three at the same time, but knock down one!

This question was quickly simplified in Lynch’s mind. In a blink of an eye, he approached the three Fromages. They have strong limbs and muscles. Although there is no exaggeration of the molten lava in the nostrils, they are bare. The dark green venom dripping from his fangs and the rotten stench radiating from his body still shocked him.

At this point, he also officially completed the second “Stop the enemy plane first”!

“Overcome the enemy plane first” to ensure a high probability of hitting, and superimposing the “Capricorn horn” impact is equivalent to an “expulsion technique” that is inevitable to hit!

However, the three are singing and dancing frantically, as if to please the Fromages who serve the gods, watching Lynch’s spellcasting is unmoved.

In other words, they have more confidence in their static defense capabilities.

Static defense power, in response to changes, represents the static defense value of the whole body.

For example, Lynch brushing “Glory Armor” is the aspect of Ascension.

Dynamic defense is based on dynamic braking, which depends on the individual’s ability to react and a series of triggers.

For example, Lynch’s borrowing of time is the representative of this aspect. Even with his ability to cast Ascension in the future, he can cast various triggering spells. Similar to Yu-Gi-Oh’s “trap card”, this aspect of defense will also get the ultimate Ascension, similar to When someone hits him, he automatically responds with a series of spells.

Static defense is common to everyone, while dynamic defense is very rare, so the mages can brush it up.

Therefore, after thinking about Fromag’s dynamic defense, Lynch made the determination to attack. Looking at the three Devils who are still not much different from his giant transformation, Lynch suppressed the fear in his heart and went forward. Stabbed.

One step, two steps, three…

In the distance that is getting closer and closer, Space can quietly listen to their heartbeats, but Lynch also sees a scene—

The Flo demons seemed to have their own exhaust vents, and a large number of dark green spores violently spewed out from all over their bodies!

Their color and foul smell are like the well-known infectious virus that can infect humans and become zombies in horror masterpieces such as Resident Evil.

Lynch was immediately lost when he saw this scene, because in his mind the Dragon Inheritance had synchronized the live broadcast of the details of the spores——

They can cause a small amount of damage to nearby creatures. They are roughly more serious than a long sword stabbed, but the problem is that these spores will pierce the victim’s skin, and then even begin to itch all over the body, as if losing blood every few seconds. Suffered sustained damage.

After a one-minute spore disaster, the victim’s body will be covered with vine-like plants.

He was not afraid of pain, but he was an alien, and Lynch still minded.

But facing the scene of the mother-in-law’s town, Lynch also made a ruthless decision, just like a firefighter launching a charge toward the fire scene, hard on his scalp!

The “spore” ability is a free ability that the Fromages can seamlessly use, just like the “feather fall technique” of the wizards, it can be stimulated by frowning.

And Lynch, who plunged in, leaned into the pocket of the next yuan bag with one hand.

One of the biggest advantages of this kind of magic item is that in that limited space, whatever you want, the corresponding thing will appear at the top!

A bottle of holy water!

The dark green spores came head-on, as if swept away by the shock wave after the nuclear explosion, and Lynch instantly felt the tingling and itching of the skin all over his body.

He could even see himself with ulcers and decayed skin all over his body. This is the horror of chemical warfare gas attacks.

And at this time, he also raised the holy water bottle in the glass bottle high up in anger, and the rapid sprint could not accommodate the uniform application of sunscreen, and the broken glass slag could not be taken care of either.

A bottle of clear holy water with a Sacred breath was sprinkled on him like this, washing away countless attached spores.

Derived from a comment-

The “Slow Poison” spell can prevent the growth of spores. “Blessing”, “Neutralize Poison” and “Remove Disease” can kill the spores, and the effect is like spilling a bottle of holy water on the victim.

All things in the herbal world are born with natural restraint, and perhaps some are piercing attachments, but Blue Star’s spell restraint has always been one link after another, and it is clearly organized.

It’s a pity that the “blessing technique” is a positive spell of the control system, he can’t cast it, so he can only retreat and use this bottle of “holy water” worth 25 secret magic gold coins.

If it doesn’t hurt, it must be fake.

And “Blessing Holy Water” is also a spell of the element of change of the goodness element. It uses the silver powder material at the cost of 25 gold coins to impart positive energy to a flat water and transform it into holy water.

After completing this crucial step, Lynch had bullied one of the Fromages’ body and slammed towards it. A carp slammed like a headball.

Just at this critical moment!

The Fromo he was targeting was shaking like this, as if Lin Qi’s vision was blurred, and he was suffering from the afterimage of seeing things.

Nafluomo is divided into eight, grabbing eight blind monkey hairs to bring out eight clones!

Lynch did not hesitate, and continued to slam into the middle one.

Smoke rose, and an afterimage disappeared.


Lynch is not stupid. At this moment, he also suddenly came over. This Fromo actually has the ability to cast the second-ring Illusion Art “mirror art” spell-like ability!

This spell can make several illusions appear around you, making it difficult for the enemy to tell which target to attack. Even these avatars will always be carried around, only to disappear until they hit.

Even they are still doing the same crazy singing and dancing movements, exactly the same, there is no way to distinguish!


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