Chapter 290

Imagine a person letting flying mosquito bites suck blood on his body, and then slam another needle.

The only consequence is to restrain the force, and as a result, the mosquitoes have fluttered away before the acupuncture is in place.

As the strength of the experiment is gradually mastered, the painful beginning is when the “needles” are used for implementation.

Eye strength, hand strength, and stability, if one of the three is not coordinated smoothly, the only consequence is that the blood is dripping with scarlet wounds.

In the small rivers in the country, children who can swim have always drowned much.

Lynch began to understand the other party’s intentions.

You need to have the ultimate concentration of yourself to be able to achieve this kind of acupuncture mosquito. It happens that the mosquito is pierced to death and the needle is against the skin, and the skin is not broken.

Concentration has always been a long-standing homework for the Master, and Lynch even regretted that she had drifted a bit recently, and did not have much perseverance for the recent concentration courses.

The academy’s concentration training method also starts from the most primitive pilot concentration training method. Randomly write a value of 1-25 on a 5×5 graph paper, which is also a Schulte grid in the traditional sense.

Then began to count the numbers on the cardboard from 1 to 25, record the time, and then constantly change the pieces of paper to exercise.

According to statistics, in the 7-12 age group, 26 seconds is considered excellent, 42 seconds is medium, and 50 seconds outside is considered lack of concentration. In the 13-17 age group, at least 16 seconds is good, and 36 seconds is already a failure. As for the adult group, 20 seconds is not medium, and it can be close to 8 seconds, and 12 seconds can be said to be excellent.

Among the apprentices who can join the Central Academy of Magic, basically every one of them has been the most concentrated and talented group since childhood. Few of them were inattentive. Therefore, in the classroom experiment at that time, a group of people casually It took 12 seconds.

Most of the latter are trying to break through the limit.

Ordinary apprentice masters are even like this, how terrifying is what Ma Yuan is asking for?

Lynch couldn’t help frowning, and hurriedly walked to the memory palace, read the materials of the original “concentration” course patiently, and read it patiently.

Concentration, as the name implies, the ability of a person to concentrate.

In fact, in most elementary schools, everyone’s IQ has not developed very much. At this time, the grades are good or bad, and the competition is more about their concentration and understanding. Some people are born to be able to endure loneliness, and naturally they can make it. Climbed out of the elementary and junior high school who didn’t have the talent for bayonet.

Spells are naturally easy to focus on.

Casting the spell “Dancing Light” requires concentration.

Maintaining the fan-shaped aura of the spell “Detect Magic” requires concentration.

After using the spell “psychic weapon” to drive this weapon composed of a pure force field, you also need to focus.

Using spell-like abilities, performing various complex operations, etc., requires concentration.

Once this “concentration” fails, it will cause the entire spell to fail.

Spellcasting is already regarded as the most demanding “behavior” for concentration.

Then, what other move of the Godkiller could be more complicated than casting a spell?

Lynch could not help silently skimming the many “disturbances” that affected the focus of casting spells.

Injury, continuous damage, non-injury spell interference, strong vibration (riding, earthquake), entanglement, harsh environment (storm, sand and dust)…

In fact, when a mage casts a spell, various complicated situations may be encountered, even beyond the range that he can predict. At this time, the higher the level of the spell, the more concentration required is astronomical, unless one A mage can obliterate all the five senses of own, such as pain and touch, otherwise it will be deeply affected.

For example, in Lynch’s initial mage battle, various low-level spells were specially arranged, which seemed to be unable to hinder the situation, but in fact they were seeking opportunities to interfere with the opponent’s concentration.

However, even if the Illusion Art teacher Heizi casts the nine-ring spell, he is still 100% successful, because the other party has not moved half a step from beginning to end, using the most critical –

Defensive cast!

Lynch couldn’t help but his eyes brightened.

He watched the “reverse play” of the Memory Palace, frame by frame, trying to figure out the breathing rhythm of the opponent and the rhythm of the whole body up and down.

It’s a pity that defensive spellcasting has to be taught after becoming a trainee mage, so the large class teaching that Lynch participated in at the time did not mention this part in depth.

He looked at the heart of his hand as if the “silver needle” emerged through the “creation” spell, and then at the light spot that looked like a flying mosquito, like a fast-moving firefly, and even a wandering mind could hardly catch the opponent’s trajectory.

Lynch couldn’t help sighing.

How to tie it?

High school physics clearly stated that momentum depends on speed and quality. Silver needles are as light as gauze and do not have a certain speed. Let alone a mosquito with such a small size, a cockroach may not be able to pierce the heart.

Must have sufficient speed.

Lin Qi’s vision gradually became firmer, even if he knew in his heart that he really put a mosquito under the microscope, tied the five-flowered mosquito and then fixed it with glue, and stabbed it hard by himself. It was the result of a ten-struck failure.


Lynch was learning the breathing rhythm of the Illusion Art teacher Heizi at the time, and put down the long needle just raised in his hand.

He knew that he must have gone the wrong way.

A mage should rely most on spells.

Master’s touch!

This prophecy is a circle of spells, as long as you hold high the items you want to use, and give orders to it with spells mixed with spells, you can easily command it.

In a short time of a few minutes, Lynch was able to master a specific item with this spell, so he could still use the “Sacred Avenger” even if he didn’t have a little bit of sword skills.

At this moment, the protagonist only needs to be replaced with a “needle”.

The second spell, defeat the enemy first!

A magical spell that maximizes tactical insight and Ascension, through it, Lynch can smoothly grasp the long needle in his hand like an arm.

Even if the opponent is a net of heaven and earth covered by an iron armored steel shield, Lynch has the confidence of being invincible in the East, and can easily defeat the enemy with a long needle.

So he chose the enemy as the “light mosquito”, and the stabbing mosquito was simplified into an “attack.”

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